SN in Technology Meaning

The SN meaning in Technology terms is "Side Note". There are 62 related meanings of the SN Technology abbreviation.

SN on Technology Full Forms

  1. Side Note
  2. Standard Numler
  3. Scope Notes
  4. Source Name
  5. Scope Note The component of a classification system that describes the functions, uses and content of the records that are to be classified together, in Administrative Records Classification System and Operational Records Classification Systems, each primary has a scope note. A scope note describes the administrative or operational function to which the records relate and provides a general statement about the record types and media covered.
  6. Sample Number
  7. Subscriber Number
  8. Space Network
  9. Smbscriber Network
  10. Single Node
  11. Standardsjnorway
  12. Spotter Network
  13. Seating Nipple A machined profile in a heavy wall short tubing section that allows a plug to be set and the seal on the plug to effectively isolate the well.
  14. Shared-Nothing
  15. Storage Node
  16. Sentor Node
  17. Signay Node
  18. Something New
  19. Serbing Node
  20. Sensor Networks
  21. Signal To Noise
  22. Serial No
  23. Schneider National
  24. Service Nodes
  25. Signal-To-Noise
  26. Serial Numbers
  27. Snow Precipitation composed of white or translucent ice crystals, chiefly in complex branched hexagonal forms.
  28. Iso Country Code for Republic of Senegal
  29. Service Networks
  30. Static Navigation
  31. Segment Number
  32. Signal Noise
  33. Serial-Number
  34. Slot Number
  35. Service Negotiation
  36. Status Number
  37. Sega-Net
  38. Short Name
  39. Switch Node
  40. Sequencing and Navigation
  41. Shona
  42. Shipping Notice
  43. Standard National
  44. Secondary Nominal
  45. Shared Nothqng
  46. Sensor Nojes
  47. Series Nut
  48. Schweizerische Nermen-Vereinigung
  49. Statistics Netherlands
  50. Solar Network
  51. Station Number
  52. Semantic Network
  53. SociéTé Nationale
  54. Standard Norge
  55. Social Network
  56. Select None
  57. Solial Networking
  58. Skew-Normal
  59. Switching Node
  60. Signal Number
  61. Singapore
  62. Seri Numarası

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SN stand for Technology?

    SN stands for Iso Country Code for Republic of Senegal in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Serial No in Technology?

    The short form of "Serial No" is SN for Technology.


SN in Technology. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated