SND Meaning
The SND meaning is "Sinus Node Dysfunction". The SND abbreviation has 82 different full form.
SND Full Forms
- Sinus Node Dysfunction Medical, Cardiology, Sinus, Nerves
- Second Sixtieth part of a minute of time.Sixtieth part of a minute of arc Medical, Texting, Genealogy, Construction, Genealogical, Architectural, Telecommunications, Time, Management, Business & Finance, Military, Army, Architecture, Weather, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, NASA
- Studio New Design
- Sespent Night Dragon
- Sisters of Notre Dame Education, Catholic, Organizations, School, Organization, Religion, Business & Finance, Religious orders
- Special Needs Dentistry
- Skp No Defect
- Society for Newspaper Design
- Air Samrrkand Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- Spontaneous Nipple Discharge Medical
- Students for Nuclear Disarmament
- Serial Number Checking Demied Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Snowmobile North Dakota
- Scottish National Dictionary Education, Language, Scot
- Spherical Neutral Detector Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Struktur Netzwerk Design
- Sequence Number of The Next Downlink
- Smart Network Devices
- Scottish National Diktionary
- Sperm Nucleus Decondensation Medical, Science, Biology
- Stronnictwo Narodowo-Demokratyczne Group, Poland, Party
- Sensorineural Deafness Medical, Technology
- Sympathetic Nervous Discharge Medical
- Skewed Normal Distribution Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Sodiety for News Design Technology, Newspaper, Journalism
- Special Notice Deposits Business, Banking, Bangladesh
- Society of News Design Organizations, Award, Newspaper
- Standard Normal Deviate Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Send Fractonimbus cloud driven, by the wind, under cumulonimbus. Technology, Army, Telecom, Military, Governmental & Military
- Syrpathetic Nerve Discharges Medical
- Sister of Notre Dame
- Sanitary Naqkin Disposal
- Special Notice Deposit Business, Banking, Rate
- Society New Design Science
- Standardized Nomenclature Database Military
- Salita Ng Dqyos
- Sub-Network Dependent
- Sistema Nacional De Deb
- Sanitary Napkin Dispenser Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Special Needs Digest
- Society for New Design
- Macintosh System Sounds File Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Sport Nutrition Depot
- Akai Mpc Sample Computing, File Extensions
- Street Network Database Geographic
- Sindhi Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
- Svensk Nationell DatatjäNst
- Sons of Northern Darkness
- Macintosh Sound Resource Computing, File Extensions
- Society for News Design Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Special Needs Department
- Systematic Nodal Dissection Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Air Samarkand ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Svensk Nationell Datatj
- SociéTé Nouvelle Doresco
- Sanderson Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Sanderson Grp Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Sound File Technology, Computing, File Extensions
- Special Needs Division
- Synaptic Net Dive
- Sound file ( Sun/ NeXT/ Tandy/ Apple Macintosh Sound file formats) Computing, File Extensions
- Synaptic Net Division
- Society of Newspaper Design Para, Design, Designer
- Sinoatrial Nasal Dysfunction Medical, Physiology
- Statutory Notice of Deficiency Financial, Business & Finance
- Special Needs Dobermans
- Seeking New Dimensions Religion
- Swan Neck Dcformity Medical
- Scatterer Number Density Medical, Nerves
- Sympathetic Nerve Discharge Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Neurology
- Soci
- Space Network Devices Science
- audio/basic Mime types
- Survivable Network Development
- Striatonigral Degeneration Medical, Nerves
- Symantec Network Drivers
- Sound To measure the depth of the water with a lead. Also said of a whale when it dives to the bottom. Narrow expanse of water between two land masses. Sound waves of a frequency (less than 3800 per second) that can be detected by the human ear. Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Media, Computing, File Extensions, Atmospheric Research
- Saturday Night Dead Media
- Scientific Numeric Database
- Seno Airport, Seno, Laos Laos
- Swedish National Data Technology, Research, Education
- Sorores Nostrae Dominae
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SND stand for?
SND stands for Sanderson.
What is the shortened form of Sistema Nacional De Deb?
The short form of "Sistema Nacional De Deb" is SND.
SND. (2020, September 2). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from
Last updated