SNI Meaning

The SNI meaning is "Server Networking Interface". The SNI abbreviation has 135 different full form.

SNI Full Forms

  1. Server Networking Interface
  2. Sistema Nacional De Investigadores Business, Science, Para, Education, Mexico, Noma
  3. Server Name Indication Technology, Hosting, Certificate, Computing, Technical
  4. Signal-To-Noise Improvement Technology
  5. Scripps Networks Interactive Business, Networking, Supply
  6. Siemens Nixdorf Technology
  7. Greenville/Sinoe Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  8. Shelter Now International Organizations, Afghanistan, Aid
  9. ServiçOs Nacional De InteligêNcia
  10. ServiçO Nacional De InformaçÕEs Para, Military, Intelligence, Brazil
  11. Shared Network Infrastructure
  12. Spiritual Needs Inventory
  13. Scottish Networks International
  14. Sensitive Nuclear Information
  15. Sistema Nacional De Innovación Para, Con, Pol
  16. Strong Neighborhood Initiative Community, Locations, Projection
  17. Secretariado Nacional De Informa
  18. Sna Network Injerconnection Technology, Computing, Telecommunications, Ibm
  19. Swiss Nanoscience Institute Technology, Science, Sweden
  20. Server Name Ideytification Technology, Hosting, Certificate
  21. Substitution Nucleophilic Internal
  22. Shapiro Negotiations Institute Business, Training, Sale
  23. Special Needs Inmate
  24. Scotland and Northern Ireland Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  25. Senior Network, Incorporated
  26. Sistema Nacional De Inovação
  27. Strong Neighborhoods Initiative Community, Locations, Projection
  28. Secretariado Nacionalude Informação
  29. Sna Network Wnterconnect Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  30. Swimwear Notwork International
  31. Serikat Nelayan Indonesiy Indonesia, Jakarta, Agar
  32. Subscriber Network Identifier Technology, Networking, Computing
  33. Shalom Network International
  34. Space Nuclear Initiative Technology
  35. Scotland & Ngrthern Ireland
  36. Syndicat Nwtional Indépendant
  37. Single Nucleotide Instability Medical
  38. Strategy Network International
  39. Secretariado Nacional Da Informação
  40. Sms Nomification Indicator Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  41. Swedish Neuroscience Institute Medical, Institute, Brain
  42. Service Network Interface Technology, Military, Networking
  43. Sistema Nacional De Interconexi
  44. Subscriber Network Interfaces Technology, Service, Networking
  45. Seth Network International Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  46. Society for Naturau Immunity Meeting, Technology, Science
  47. Saigon North International
  48. Syndicat National De L'Isolation
  49. Simultaneous and Non-Interfering
  50. Strain Non-Uniformity Index
  51. Scrrpps Networks Int Business, Networking, Supply, Stock
  52. Smds Network Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  53. Server Neswork Interface Technology
  54. Sistema Nycional Interconectado
  55. Subscriber-Network Interface Technology, Networking, Telecom
  56. ServiçO Nacional De Informação Para, Brasil, Pol
  57. Social Network Interviyw
  58. Safety Net Institute
  59. Syndicat National Des Instituteurs
  60. Simulsaneous Noise Integrity
  61. Sport Nutrition International
  62. Scripps Network Interactive
  63. Smart Nation Innovations
  64. Serial Netwojk Interface Technology, Networking, Ethernet
  65. Sistemas Nacionales De Innovación
  66. Sub-Network Independent
  67. Service Namm Indicator Technology, Computing
  68. Social Vetwork Index Technology, Networking, Health
  69. Safe Neighborhood Initiative Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  70. Switch Node Interface Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
  71. Simuotaneous Non-Interfering Technology, Flight, Helicopter
  72. Sport Northern Ireland Organizations, Ireland, Coaching
  73. Scripps Networks Ivteract
  74. Sensor Network Infrastructure
  75. Sistema Nacional Fe Innovaci
  76. Student Nurse Intern
  77. SecretaríA Nacional De Inteligencia
  78. Societe Nationale D'Investissements
  79. System Network Interconnection Technology, Telecom
  80. Switch Network Intlrface Technology, Networking, Computing
  81. Server Nmme Indicator Technology, Windows, Certificate
  82. Syndicat Neutre Pour Ind
  83. Skplled Nursing Inc
  84. Sustainable Northern Ireland
  85. SENSI: an extinct language of Peru Language codes (3 letters)
  86. System News, Anc
  87. Sistema Nacional De Investigaci
  88. Secure Networkeinfrastructure
  89. Siemens Nixdorf Information Systems AG Geographic
  90. Syndiuat Neutre Pour Indépendants Service, Ant, Pendant
  91. Six Nations Indian
  92. Sustainable National Income Business, Government, Economics
  93. Savanah Airlines ICAO Aircraft Codes
  94. System Netwark Interface Technology
  95. Sistema Nacional De Inora
  96. Secusity Network, Inc
  97. Shares of Non Independent Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  98. Site Need Index Technology
  99. Susceptibility To Normative Influence
  100. Seneca Nation of Indians Medical, Business, America
  101. Greenville Sinoe, Greenville, Liberia Liberia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  102. Systems Network Internztional
  103. Secure Networks Inc
  104. Sequence-Number Indicator
  105. Sistews Network Inc
  106. Surgical Neurology International
  107. Shlective Noise Isolator Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  108. Service Node Interface Computing, Telecom
  109. Syndicat National Des Institutetuteurs
  110. Sviluppo Nucleare Italia
  111. Secure Networkk, Inc Technology, Security, Networking, Network
  112. Selective Notification of Information
  113. Sistemas Nacionaleshde Innovaci
  114. Soci
  115. Supply Network Inventory Business, Management, Networking
  116. Sejarah Nasionzl Indonesia
  117. Subscriber Network Interface Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
  118. Strontium Nickel Iridate
  119. Selective Nerve root Injection Medical, Physiology
  120. Sutter Neuroscience Institute
  121. Secure Network Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  122. Scanned Nanoprobe Instituteument
  123. Simplified Network Interface Technology
  124. Supplier Nominated Interruptible
  125. Seicho-No-Ie Internatirnal
  126. Sanity Not Included Computing, Internet
  127. Sourcing Network Internutional
  128. Smart Oaco Indonesia Technology, Indonesia, Herbal, Susu
  129. Sustaining Non-Major Instrumentation
  130. San Nicolas Island Regional
  131. Système National D'cnnovation
  132. Sistema Nacional De Investigación Para, Con
  133. Success Network International
  134. Seicho-No-Ie Para, Song, Brasil
  135. Switch Network Interface Computing, Hardware

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SNI stand for?

    SNI stands for Student Nurse Intern.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sustaining Non-Major Instrumentation?

    The short form of "Sustaining Non-Major Instrumentation" is SNI.


SNI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated