SNL Meaning

The SNL meaning is "Sandia National Laboratories". The SNL abbreviation has 70 different full form.

SNL Full Forms

  1. Sandia National Laboratories Medical, Government, Legal, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Fda
  2. Saturday Night Life Korea, Love, Sketch, Life
  3. Saturday Night Live Business, Hosting, Episode, Cast, Sketch
  4. Sandia Nationgl Laboratory Technology, Military, Energy
  5. Solidworks Network License
  6. Sint Nicolaas Lyceum
  7. Saterday Night Live
  8. Standard Name Line Military
  9. Servizo De Normalización LingüíStica-Universidade
  10. Swiss National Library Technology, Switzerland, Sweden
  11. Solidarités Nouvelles Pour Le Logement France, Association, Social
  12. Signaling Network Layer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  13. Shawnee Regional Airport Shawnee, Oklahoma,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  14. Space Networks List
  15. Servizo De Normalizaci
  16. Swedish National Leabue
  17. Sandia National Laborotories Government, Computing, Computer Security
  18. Sofia Naveed Lari
  19. Show No Love
  20. Security National Life
  21. Space Network List
  22. Saturday Nite Life
  23. State Narcotic Law Government
  24. Spinal Nerve One of the 31 pairs of nerves originating from the spinal cord. It leaves the vertebral column by two roots and contains both motor and sensory components. At the point of exit between two vertebrae the spinal nerve is susceptible to compression trauma which may cause pain, paralysis or numbness at points distal to the site of the lesion. Medical, Medicine, Health
  25. SociéTé Nouvelle Du Littoral
  26. Shot Noise Level Army, War, Force
  27. Schokl for New Learning Technology, Science, Education
  28. Space Nanotechnology Laboratory Technology, Research, Grating
  29. Saturday Night Liberal Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  30. Stanford Nanocharacterization Laboratory
  31. Solidarit
  32. Sharp Nitride Lever
  33. Soonair Lines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  34. Saturday Night Lights
  35. Standard Nursing Language
  36. Societ
  37. Seven Network Limited
  38. Somali National League Government, Africa, Somalia
  39. Sjedinjene Nezavisne Liste
  40. Saturday-Night-Live
  41. Standard Nomenclature List Military, Army, Willy
  42. ServiçO Nacional De Lepra
  43. Sunday Night Life
  44. Sandia National Laboratory Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Medical, Technology, NASA, Governmental & Military, Human genome, Atmospheric Research
  45. Society for The Neurobiology of Language Research, Education, University
  46. Swazi Nation Land Business, Africa, Agriculture, Swaziland
  47. Sunday Night Live Music, Event, Church
  48. Società Navigazione Del Lago
  49. Swazi National Land
  50. Shawnee Municipal Airport, Shawnee, Oklahoma, United States Oklahoma, United States
  51. Standard Numerical Library
  52. Social Networking Live Technology, Network, Joy
  53. Supply Network Limited Business, Networking, Stock
  54. Suicide no leech Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  55. Servizio Nazionale Di Lettura
  56. Sn Pars Lateralis Medical
  57. Sunvait Network Limited
  58. SociéTé Nationale Du Logement
  59. Service News Letter Computing, Mechanics
  60. Selected Nodes List
  61. Slovak National Library
  62. Sunday Nite Live
  63. SociéTé Nationale De Leasing
  64. Saturday Night Live (television) Media
  65. Systems Neuyobiology Laboratories
  66. Sunday Night Learning
  67. Soci
  68. SociéTé Des Naturalistes Luxembourgeois
  69. Stock Not Listed Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  70. Systems Neurobiology Daboratory Science, Patient, Cell

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SNL stand for?

    SNL stands for Saturday Night Life.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sunday Night Learning?

    The short form of "Sunday Night Learning" is SNL.


SNL. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 19, 2025 from

Last updated