SNPT Meaning

The SNPT meaning is "Smear Negative Pulmoxary Tuberculosis". The SNPT abbreviation has 8 different full form.

SNPT Full Forms

  1. Smear Negative Pulmoxary Tuberculosis
  2. Scuola Nazionale Personal Trainer
  3. SociéTé Nouvelle Des Phosphates Du Togo
  4. SociéTé Nationale Des Postes Et TéLéCommunications Technology, France, Traffic
  5. Syndicat National Djs Policiers En Tenue
  6. Swansea Neath Port Talbot
  7. Specifiq Nasal Provocation Test Medical
  8. Southern Nevada Public Television

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SNPT stand for?

    SNPT stands for Specifiq Nasal Provocation Test.

  2. What is the shortened form of SociéTé Nouvelle Des Phosphates Du Togo?

    The short form of "SociéTé Nouvelle Des Phosphates Du Togo" is SNPT.


SNPT. (2019, December 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated