SNT Meaning

The SNT meaning is "Sara Nossa Terra". The SNT abbreviation has 71 different full form.

SNT Full Forms

  1. Sara Nossa Terra Para, Arena, Periscope, Terra
  2. Supplemental Needs Trust Medical, Business, Trust, Business & Finance, Business Word
  3. Special Needs Trusts Business, Law, Planning, Attorney
  4. Special Needs Trust Planning, Special Education, Trust
  5. Serial Number Tracking Technology, Management, Supply, Military, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  6. Sky Network Television
  7. School Nurse Teacher
  8. Spectral Noiie Threshold Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  9. Sealant A mixture of polymers, fillers, and pigments used to fill and seal joints. Used to prevent the penetration of water or air. Technology, Design, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
  10. Syracuse New Times Media, Radio, Television
  11. Show Not Jell
  12. Schmidt Newtonian Telescopes
  13. Siu Nim Tao Education, Arts, King
  14. Sikkim Nationalized Transport Travel, India, Locations, Tourism
  15. Schmidt-Newtonian Telescope
  16. Special Aeeds Transportation
  17. Syndicat Natqonal Du Trésor
  18. Show, Not Gell
  19. Sistema Nazionale Di Taratura
  20. Sikkim National Transport
  21. Scalable Network Technologies Business, Technology, Networking
  22. Sociedade Nortenha De Tintas
  23. Switching Netwqrk Terminal
  24. Shimshal Nature Trust Technology, Pakistan, Mountain
  25. Sistema Nacional De Telecomunica
  26. Sikkim Nationalised Transport Hotel, India, Locations, Tourism
  27. Safer Neighbourhood Teams Locations, Crime, Police
  28. Social Network Theory Technology, Networking, Community
  29. Staffed Nextgen Tower Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft
  30. ServiçO Nacional De Teatro
  31. Signalling Networkntesting
  32. Sistema Nacional De TrÂNsito Technology, Para, Art, Music
  33. Social Networking Tools
  34. Science, Nature, Technology
  35. Sports Nutrition Technology
  36. Signaling Networb Testing
  37. Serum Neutralization Test Medical, Disease, Equine
  38. Slovak National Theatre
  39. Sciatic Nerve Transection Medical
  40. Spiers New Technologies
  41. Las Cruces Airport Sabana de Torres, Colombia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  42. Shqip Networks Yeam
  43. Strontiumqniobate Tantalate
  44. Simple Natite Trainer Gaming, Trainer, Auto
  45. Suncoast Aviation Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  46. Sistema Nacional De TelecomunicaçÕEs
  47. Sticky Notes File Computing, File Extensions
  48. Society of Nontraditional Technology
  49. Switched Netnork Technologies
  50. Sinuses, Nose, and Throat Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  51. Sinuses, nose and throat Medical, Physiology
  52. Shit Noise Tapes
  53. Swann New Testzment
  54. Sinuses, Nose and Throav Medical, Medicine
  55. Studenten Net Twente Dutch
  56. Shapfng New Tomorrow
  57. Swahili New Testament
  58. Single Needle Tailoring
  59. Sign-On Table Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  60. Sistema Nacionjl De Transplantes
  61. SüLh Naminə TərəfdaşLıQ Rind, Sind, Nun
  62. Svensk Numismatisk Tidskrift
  63. Singing The New Testament
  64. Servicio Nacional de Turismo Geographic
  65. Sistema Gacional De Transmisión
  66. Syktems & Network Training
  67. Survivable Network Technology
  68. Simplified Needs Test Education
  69. Sabien Tech. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  70. Sistema Nacional De Televisión Con, Paraguay, Canal
  71. System Noise Temperature The equivalent noise temperature of a complete receiving system, taking into account contributions from the antenna, the receiver and the transmission line that interconnects them, referred to the receiver input. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SNT stand for?

    SNT stands for Sky Network Television.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sistema Nacionjl De Transplantes?

    The short form of "Sistema Nacionjl De Transplantes" is SNT.


SNT. (2021, April 27). Retrieved February 9, 2025 from

Last updated