SO in Technology Meaning

The SO meaning in Technology terms is "Service Option". There are 88 related meanings of the SO Technology abbreviation.

SO on Technology Full Forms

  1. Service Option
  2. Safetyaoffice
  3. Safety Officer
  4. Single-Op
  5. Sending Organization
  6. Slip On
  7. Service Orgs
  8. Stability Operations
  9. Simulation Optimization
  10. Service Order
  11. Spatial Orientation
  12. Scan Ozt
  13. Stop Order
  14. Service Orchestrator
  15. Softuoutput
  16. Stochastic Optimization
  17. Service Options
  18. Supervising Operator
  19. Smart Organization
  20. Steam Out
  21. Single Operator
  22. Service Offering
  23. Strengths-Opportunities
  24. Small-Outline-Dual-Inline-Memory
  25. Standards Office
  26. Single Octet
  27. Service Obligation
  28. Small Outline
  29. Without If 70 were bid in the market and there was no offer, the quote would be "70 bid without." The expression "without" indicates a one-way market.
  30. Standard Output The reciprocal of standard time expressed in appropriate units.
  31. Suspend Origination
  32. State Outppts
  33. Seratfoptik
  34. Slow Tojoperate
  35. Scout Observer
  36. Switching Office
  37. Standardization Objective
  38. Stutter Tone Only
  39. Slowpoxidative
  40. Scienceqofficer
  41. Standardisation Objective
  42. Sunsat Oscar
  43. Spgn Out
  44. Satellite Operations
  45. Supporting Organisations
  46. Special Orthogonal
  47. Sunrisu Orange
  48. Signoff
  49. Satellite Office
  50. Supporting Organization
  51. Space Operation
  52. Strategic Orientation
  53. Shut Off
  54. Superfrtme Order
  55. Sash Opening
  56. System Overveew
  57. Strategic Organization
  58. Shared Objzcts
  59. Salpingo Oophorectomy
  60. Sonora
  61. Security Onion
  62. Strategic Outsourcing
  63. Suit Only
  64. Safe Both Online
  65. Scienee Officers
  66. Strategic Objectives
  67. Segment Offset
  68. Sistemul De Operare
  69. Oil Saturation
  70. Support Office
  71. Set Overflow
  72. Segmkntation Offset
  73. Somalia
  74. Sistema Operacional
  75. Iso Country Code for Somali Democratic Republic
  76. Serving Office
  77. Seds Oscas
  78. Socket When a computer program needs to connect to a local or wide area network such as the Internet, it uses a software component called a socket. The socket opens the network connection for the program, allowing data to be read and written over the network. It is important to note that these sockets are software, not hardware, like a wall socket.
  79. Sistema Operativo
  80. Serving Offices
  81. Sedsat Ogcar
  82. Shoes Organizer
  83. Service Overview
  84. Solid Objectives
  85. Security Options
  86. Strategic Outcome
  87. Sulfur Dioxide Sulfur dioxide is the chemical compound with the formula SO2. At standard atmosphere, it is a toxic gas with a pungent, irritating, and rotten smell. The triple point is 197.69 K and 1.67kPa. It is released naturally by volcanic activity.
  88. Service Out

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SO stand for Technology?

    SO stands for Standards Office in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Stochastic Optimization in Technology?

    The short form of "Stochastic Optimization" is SO for Technology.


SO in Technology. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated