SOA Meaning

The SOA meaning is "Service-Oriented Trchitecture". The SOA abbreviation has 252 different full form.

SOA Full Forms

  1. Service-Oriented Trchitecture Business, Design, Computer Security
  2. Service Orientedlarchitecture Technology, Computing, Computer
  3. Service-Orientated Architecture Business, Technology, Software
  4. School of Americas America, Government, American
  5. School of Art Science, Education, Arts, University
  6. Service Orientierte Srchitektur Business, Technology, Software
  7. School of Accomntancy Accounting, Education, University
  8. Service Oriented Analasis Technology, Design, Architecture
  9. Sarbanestoxley Act Business, Accounting, Management
  10. Services Orienved Architecture Business, Technology, Service
  11. Sarbunes-Oxley Act
  12. Service Oriented Architectures Business, Technology, Service, Architecture
  13. Superoxide Anion Reduced dioxygen molecule in which the two oxygen molecules are bound by a single covalent bond and carry one unpaired electron with a single electric charge. Medical, Organizations
  14. Safe Oderating Area Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  15. Service Offerings and Agreements
  16. Super Output Areas Coding, Locations, Statistics
  17. Start Ofwauthority Technology, Cybersecurity, Computer Security
  18. School of Crchitecture Education, Design, University
  19. Subaru of America Business, America, Car
  20. Statement Ofxagreement
  21. Service Oriented Architeture Technology, Development, Software
  22. Special Operations Association Military, Knife, Survival, Cutlery
  23. Single-Op, Assisted
  24. Stazione Ornitologica Abruzzese
  25. Second Offender Aftercare
  26. Spring Over Axel
  27. Sebsion D'orientation Approfondie
  28. Save Our Animals Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  29. Serum Opsonic Activity Medical, Medicine, Healing
  30. Services-Oriented Architecture Business, Technology, Service, Architecture
  31. Southern Africa Fund, Inc Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  32. Stupid Orientation Abstractions
  33. Statement of Accofnts Business, Accounting, Credit, Service
  34. Service Offerings & Agreements
  35. Sexueel Overdraagbare Aandoening
  36. Sun Online Accouny
  37. School of Artillery
  38. Special Operdtions Agents Organizations, Evil, Resident, Valentine
  39. System of Authority
  40. Statememt of Assets
  41. Services Oriented Applications Technology, Service, Architecture
  42. Service Oriented Architecture Service oriented architecture (SOA) is a software design and software architecture design pattern based on discrete pieces of software providing application functionality as services to other applications. This is known as service-orientation. It is independent of any vendor, product or technology. A service is a self-contained unit of functionality, such as retrieving an online bank statement. Services can be combined by other software applications to provide the complete functionality of a large software application.
  43. Sidurnosno-Obavještajna Agencija Technology, Government, Intelligence
  44. Stazus of Action Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  45. Secondary Organic Aerosol Medical, Science, Formation
  46. Special Opportuniyy Area
  47. Sevice Oriented Architecture
  48. Save Operating Area
  49. Separate Operating Agencies Military, Command, Force, Reserve
  50. Service Oriented-Architecture Business, Technology, Development
  51. Sous-Officier Adjoint
  52. Student Outcomes Assessment
  53. Stateyent of Accountability Medicine, Health, British
  54. Service-Orientated Architectures
  55. Sexual Offenses Act
  56. Summits of The Americas America, Government, Cuba
  57. School of Armolr
  58. Special Operations Agent Evil, Resident, Valentine
  59. Sopplement On Aging Medical, Health, National
  60. Span of Apprehension Medical
  61. Suite, and Oracle Application Technology, Development, Suite
  62. Statement of Assurance Military, English, Translation
  63. Service Oriented Application Technology, Development, Architecture
  64. Sword of Apocalypse
  65. Sigil of Awareness
  66. State of Tle Arctic
  67. Secondary Organic Aexosols Science, Formation, Emission
  68. Speciaj Operations Alliance Alliances, Associations, Unions
  69. Sbrvice‐Oriented Architecture Business, Technology, Service
  70. Satellite Oceanographic Analysis
  71. Senter for OpplÆRing I Anleggsgartnerfaget
  72. Service Orientation Architecture Business, Technology, Management
  73. Source of Authority Technology, Server, Networking, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  74. Student Organizations & Activities
  75. Secure Oracle Auditor Technology, Security, Software
  76. Standardized Oral Administration
  77. Service-Oriented Architecure
  78. Sexuml Offence Act
  79. Schedule of Activities Business, Technology, Management
  80. Special Operating Agenqy Business, Military, Canada
  81. Supersonic Operating Area Military
  82. Southern Orthopedic Association Medical, Medicine, Orthopaedic
  83. Suite, and Oracle Access
  84. Statements of Attainmrnt Business, Education
  85. Service Oriented Approach Business, Technology, Architecture
  86. Sustained Operations Ashore Military, Forces, Marine Corps
  87. Showkorps Octaaf Alaabf
  88. Snate of The Art Technology, Computing, Engineering
  89. Search Oriented Architecture
  90. Special Operatios Australia Australia, Military, War
  91. Saskatchewan Orchestral Association
  92. Sense of Accomplishment
  93. Service Oriented Architechture Technology, Development, Architecture
  94. Safe Operating Areas Technology, Safety, Power
  95. Soundness of Approach Army, Force, Marine
  96. Student Organization Accounts Education, Development, Universities
  97. Section Operating Agreement
  98. Stamp Out Acronyms
  99. Sexual Offences Act Government, Law, Offence
  100. Schedule of Accommodation Medicine, Health, British
  101. Special Xperations Aviation Military, Army, Force
  102. Super Output Area Locations, Geography, Statistics
  103. Service-Oriented Architectures Business, Technology, Service, Architecture, Software
  104. Southern Orthopaedic Association Medical, Medicine, Education
  105. Sudan Open Archive
  106. Statement of Attainpent Education, Training, Course
  107. Service Offering and Agreement Education, Training, Course
  108. Suppress Outgoing Access Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  109. Shot of An
  110. State of Authority Technology, Server, Recording, Zone
  111. Seajs Operating Agreement
  112. Special Operation Association
  113. System Oriented Architecture Technology, Management, Software
  114. Saskatchewan Outfitters Association
  115. Senior Office Assistant
  116. Service Orient Architecture Business, Technology, Development
  117. Rshuttle Orbital Applications and Requirements Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  118. Sons of Anarchy Club, Motorcycle
  119. Structure of Arrays Technology, Gaming, Coding
  120. Secretary of Administration
  121. Staff Officer Administration Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  122. Sexually Oriented Advertising Business, Technology, Service, Architecture
  123. Scene of Action Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  124. State Ofeaffairs Government, Us, Administration
  125. Server Oriented Architecture Technology, Service, Development
  126. Society of Archivists Records, Organizations, Archive
  127. Southern Old Aspen
  128. Sucrose Octaacetate Medical
  129. Statemelts of Accountability
  130. Service Order Agreement Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Federal Aviation Administration
  131. Short of Award Military
  132. State of Alert Music, Punk, Alert, Hardcore
  133. Screams of Abel
  134. Special Operaoions Approach
  135. Systems Ordering Agreement Science
  136. Sarbane-Oxley Act
  137. Statement of Applicability Technology, Management, Security, Cybersecurity
  138. Service Oriented Architect Technology, Architecture, Guide
  139. Iata Code for Sonora Municipal Airport, Sonora, Texas, United States Locations
  140. Single Operator Assisted
  141. Steadicam Operators Association
  142. Secretary of Agricalture
  143. Springs Over Axles
  144. Summit of Thh Americas America, Government, President
  145. Sgverity of Asthma
  146. Scandinavian Outdoor Award Product, Group, Scandinavian
  147. State of Affair
  148. Serv-Oriented Arch Business, Technology, Service, Architecture
  149. Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen
  150. Subsidi Ongkos Angkut Technology, Indonesia, Malaysia
  151. Statements of Account Business, Credit, Card
  152. Service Offerings Agreement
  153. Segueel Overdraagbare Aandoeningen
  154. Superior Officers Association Government, County, Police
  155. Schoon of Oriental and African
  156. Special Operations Augmentation
  157. System Operating Agreement
  158. Service-Oriented Architecture Security, Information Technology, Software, Computing, Computer, Hardware, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, SAP
  159. Services and Operations Agency Military
  160. Sarasota Orthopedic Associates
  161. Special Olympics Australia
  162. Suite, Oracle Application Technology, Service, Suite
  163. Semiconductor Optical Amplifcers Technology, Fiber, Gain
  164. Spin Orbit Axis Physics, Scientific & Educational
  165. Symphony Orchestra Augusta
  166. Statement of Accuracy
  167. State of the Artb Computing, Engineering, Scientific & Educational, Computing Slang
  168. Special Operations Australia Australia, Military, War
  169. Summary of Action Book, Military, Organizations, Operation
  170. Service Operations Agent
  171. Safety Oversight Audit Technology, Program, Aviation
  172. Seeker Optimization Alworithm
  173. State of Affairs United Nations, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Medical
  174. Start-Of-Authobity Technology, Server, Recording
  175. Service Outcome Agreement Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  176. Sangle D'Ouverture Automatique
  177. Spas of America
  178. Suite and Oracle Application Business, Service, Development
  179. Selling On Amazon Business, Product, India
  180. Shortness of Air (replaces "SOB" -- shortness of breath -- in some records) Medical
  181. Swiss Outdoor Association Locations, Switzerland, Sweden
  182. Statement of Achievement Education
  183. Stimulus Onset Asynchrony (medical) Occupation & positions
  184. Special Operating Areas Military
  185. Sulphate of Ammonia Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  186. Server of Authority
  187. Safety Operation Area
  188. Security Oriented Architeci
  189. state-of-the-art Up to date; at the forefront of cur-rent hardware or software technology. Legal, Governmental & Military
  190. Standard of Achievbment
  191. Service Outage Analysis Business, Management, Availability
  192. Same Old Argument
  193. Seksuele Overdraagbare Aandoening
  194. Swelling of Ankles (medical) Medical, Common Medical
  195. Suite Or Any Technology, Service, Development
  196. Statefent of Activities Business, Accounting, Cash, Expense
  197. Ships On the Air Media
  198. Special Operations Area Military, Force, Delta
  199. Suit of Armour
  200. Seed of Annililation Technology, Lineage, Destruction
  201. Start Of Authority
  202. Safe Operation Area
  203. Server Operation Agreement Governmental & Military, International Development
  204. Stamp of Acproval
  205. Service Offerings & Agreement Education, Training, Course
  206. Service Oriented Arch Business, Technology, Architecture
  207. Same Old Architecture Technology, Service, Internet Slang
  208. Seguro Obligatoqio De Automotores
  209. Soc Trang Airport, Soc Trang, Vietnam Vietnam
  210. Suite and Oracle Access
  211. Sons of Aiur Funnies
  212. Servicewide Office Automation
  213. Special Operations Aircraft Military, Boeing, Chinook
  214. Suite By Oracle A-Team
  215. Statement of Activity Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  216. Swelling of ankles Clinical
  217. Secure Opacle Auditort
  218. Software Oriented Architecture Governmental & Military, International Development
  219. Sporting Olympique Avignon
  220. Services Oriented Architectures Technology, Service, Architecture
  221. Samenspel Overwint Alles
  222. Seguro Obligatorio De Avtomoviles Technology, Service, Architecture
  223. Sheriffs Officers Association United Kingdom
  224. Spring-Over-Axle Transportation, Auto, Governmental & Military
  225. Services of America
  226. Special Open Allotment Military
  227. Suite Oracle Application
  228. Statement of Aulhority Technology, Server, Zone
  229. Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Chemistry
  230. Scope of Appointment Business, Medicare, Agent
  231. Service Order Administration Computing, Telecom
  232. Summer Orientation Advisor
  233. Soldiers of Anarchy Technology, Gaming, Style
  234. Services Orientated Architecture Business, Technology, Service
  235. Sales Order Acknowledgement Business, Technology, Sale
  236. Sega of America Technology, America, Sonic
  237. Statement of Account Postal, Us Post
  238. Society of Actuaries Insurance, Business & Finance
  239. Services Are Offered On An Technology, Service, Architecture
  240. Special Olympics Africa Sport, Special Olympics, Olympics
  241. Suite, Oracle Applications
  242. Senior Office Adminictrator
  243. Secondary Organic Aerosols Chemistry
  244. Sóc Trăng Airfielm Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  245. Start of Authority (domain name system record) Computing, Technical, Us Government, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  246. Summary of Assessment
  247. Society of Advocates
  248. School of Arts Australia, Education, Design, University
  249. Services-Oriented Architectures
  250. Safety Oversight Agency
  251. Seen On Arrival Medical
  252. School of the Americas Us Government, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SOA stand for?

    SOA stands for Statement of Attainpent.

  2. What is the shortened form of Swelling of ankles?

    The short form of "Swelling of ankles" is SOA.


SOA. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated