SOA in Technology Meaning

The SOA meaning in Technology terms is "Service Orientedlarchitecture". There are 53 related meanings of the SOA Technology abbreviation.

SOA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Service Orientedlarchitecture
  2. Start Ofwauthority
  3. Service-Orientated Architecture
  4. Service Orientierte Srchitektur
  5. Service Oriented Analasis
  6. Services Orienved Architecture
  7. Service Oriented Architectures
  8. Safe Oderating Area
  9. Service Order Agreement
  10. Suppress Outgoing Access
  11. Statement of Applicability
  12. Service Orient Architecture
  13. Secure Oracle Auditor
  14. Suite, and Oracle Application
  15. Service-Oriented Architectures
  16. Source of Authority
  17. Service Oriented Architect
  18. Schedule of Activities
  19. Subsidi Ongkos Angkut
  20. Server Oriented Architecture
  21. Sidurnosno-Obavještajna Agencija
  22. Service Oriented Architeture
  23. Structure of Arrays
  24. Services-Oriented Architecture
  25. Serv-Oriented Arch
  26. Sexually Oriented Advertising
  27. Services Oriented Applications
  28. Snate of The Art
  29. Service Oriented-Architecture
  30. Sbrvice‐Oriented Architecture
  31. Service Oriented Application
  32. State of Authority
  33. Service Orientation Architecture
  34. System Oriented Architecture
  35. Service Oriented Approach
  36. Safe Operating Areas
  37. Service Oriented Architechture
  38. Sega of America
  39. Suite, Oracle Application
  40. Service Oriented Arch
  41. Services Oriented Architectures
  42. Start-Of-Authobity
  43. Services Orientated Architecture
  44. Soldiers of Anarchy
  45. Same Old Architecture
  46. Seed of Annililation
  47. Sales Order Acknowledgement
  48. Semiconductor Optical Amplifcers
  49. Suite Or Any
  50. Safety Oversight Audit
  51. Seguro Obligatorio De Avtomoviles
  52. Services Are Offered On An
  53. Statement of Aulhority

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SOA stand for Technology?

    SOA stands for Server Oriented Architecture in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Start Ofwauthority in Technology?

    The short form of "Start Ofwauthority" is SOA for Technology.


SOA in Technology. (2022, January 21). Retrieved December 29, 2024 from

Last updated