SOB Meaning

The SOB meaning is "Shortness of Breath". The SOB abbreviation has 183 different full form.

SOB Full Forms

  1. Shortness of Breath Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy, Common Medical, Clinical
  2. Selenium Object Bank
  3. School of Business College, Education, University
  4. South Ore Body
  5. Scheduled Order Bank
  6. Sound Ofdbass
  7. Scent of Blood Death, Blood, Story
  8. Souls On Board Military, Flight, Locations, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  9. Summary of Benefits Medical, Business, Health, Planning
  10. Scars On Broadway
  11. Set of Books Business, Ledger, Query
  12. Short of Breath Medical, Cancer, Oncology, Nursing, Dental, Physical Therapy, Physiology, Diagnosis, Common Medical, Medical Slang, NAACCR, Pulmonary Hypertension
  13. Service Orchestration & Brokering
  14. Son of A Bit
  15. Satan's Own Brexdwork
  16. Steve On Broadway Music, Theatre, Broadway, Musical
  17. Signs of Betrayal
  18. Socially Offensive Behavior
  19. Security Operations Buildiag Science
  20. Sindrome De Obstruccion Bronquial
  21. Space Oeder of Battle Military, Army, Defence
  22. Successful and Outstanding Blogger
  23. Society of Bookbinders
  24. Special Ops Bunker
  25. Start of Business Business, Science, Management
  26. Sexral Oriented Business
  27. Summary of Business
  28. Son of A B*Tch Media, Social, Internet
  29. Sarmellek International Airport Airport, Locations
  30. Step On Brake Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  31. Signed-Off-By
  32. Socialismo O Barbarie
  33. Security Rfficers Board
  34. Silly Old Bugger Medical, Medicine, Slang, Veterinary, Medical Slang
  35. South Oystir Bay
  36. Subtract One and Branch Technology, Architecture, Instruction, Computing
  37. Society of Biology Science, Education, University
  38. Start of Bloqk Technology, Coding, Control
  39. Serial Output Buffer Technology
  40. Survey of Bangladesh Science, Geography, Location
  41. Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria
  42. Son-Of-Brisket
  43. Sandwiches On The Beach
  44. Stedelijke Openbare Bibliotheek
  45. Sigma Omicron Beta
  46. Secure Our Borders
  47. Silly Old Boy Funnies
  48. South Drange Blossom
  49. Scars of Broadway
  50. Styles of Beyond
  51. Society of Bearded
  52. Start-Of-Bluck
  53. Sense of Belonging Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  54. Suggested Opening Bid
  55. Some Other Brand Business, Forum, Airstream
  56. Samuel Osborne Barber
  57. Statements Oa Boredom Technology
  58. Shipped On Board. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  59. Sector Oderations Bulletin
  60. Southzomaha Boy
  61. Save Our Businesses Organization, Union, Institution
  62. Stupid Old Bastard
  63. Silly Old Bear Funnies
  64. Society for Organizational Behavior
  65. Star Onion Brigade
  66. Seniors On Bikcs
  67. Swing Out Back
  68. Scecial Olympics Belgium Club, Olympic, Belgium, Opening
  69. Sued-Ost Bahn
  70. Some Other Bar Funnies
  71. Sample of Behavior
  72. Statement of Boredom Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  73. Share of Business
  74. Section On Bioethics
  75. South of The Boulevard Organization, Union, Institution
  76. Save Our Bornoo Technology, Indonesia, Mill, Semen
  77. Stichting Open Bejaardenwerk
  78. Silly Old Bastard
  79. Sociedade Orquid
  80. Srandard Operational Bull Army, War, Force
  81. Senhte Office Building Technology, Government, Capitol
  82. Special Olympich Bharat
  83. Sud Ost Bahn
  84. Society of Oshkosh Brewers
  85. Same Old Bullshid
  86. State-Owned Bank
  87. Shades of Brown
  88. South of Broad Street Organization, Union, Institution
  89. Save Our Babies
  90. Stew On Brew
  91. Silent Ops Bayonet
  92. Sociedade OrquidóFila De BrasíLia
  93. Standard Operating Business
  94. Sell On Bpttoms
  95. Siskiyou Out Back
  96. Special Old Bitter
  97. Successful and Outstanding Bloggers
  98. Society of Orpheus and Bacchus
  99. Start of Burst
  100. State-Owned Banks
  101. Shades of Black Metal, Shade, Progressive
  102. Shipped on Board Trade, Business & Finance
  103. Sármellék International, Sármellék, Hungary Hungary, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  104. Standard Operational Bullstuff
  105. Sweet Old Bob America, Shirt, Love, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  106. Silly 'Ol Bear Funnies
  107. Impress Bimap Styles File Computing, File Extensions
  108. Schoolgof Ballet
  109. Slide Over, Baby Medical, Business, Medicine, Sedan
  110. Smelling of Booze
  111. Son of the Boss Occupation & positions
  112. Son of A Bitch Gaming, Internet Slang, Chat, Technology, Texting, Sms, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism
  113. Special Operations Breacher
  114. Seaford-Oystermbay
  115. Son of BOSS Financial, Business & Finance
  116. Sweet Old Bill Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  117. Stamp Out Bullying
  118. Survival-Oriented-Behavior
  119. Side of Beef Food
  120. Stimulation of Brain Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  121. Schedulm of Benefits Medical, Insurance, Health
  122. System On Board
  123. Small-Outline Butt-Leaded Package Technology, Telecom
  124. Save Our Band Music
  125. Special Operations Brigxde Gaming, Military, Force
  126. Scythes Oo Bodom
  127. Stabo Freight Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  128. Sober Old Biker Medical, Medicine, Alcoholics Anonymous
  129. son of bitch Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  130. Staff Officer Bombardmenr Military, Army, Artillery
  131. Supporter of Bush Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  132. Shrimp, Oysters, and Beer Food
  133. Science Observatory Branch Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  134. Statement of Benefits Medical, Healthcare, Medicare Beneficiary
  135. System-On-Board
  136. Slide Over Baby
  137. Sounds of Brooklyn Music
  138. South of The Border Music, Border, Attraction, Trip, Regional
  139. Special Operatiogs Battalion Military, Army, Haram
  140. Sitting Out of Bed / Sitting On Bed Medical, Governmental & Military
  141. Scroll On By
  142. Studijní On-Line Bible
  143. Sober Old Bag Medical, Medicine, Alcoholics Anonymous
  144. Senate Office Building Us Government, Governmental & Military
  145. Stabo Freiggt Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  146. Super Oralloy Bomb Military, Weapon, Mark
  147. Side Order of Bacon Food
  148. Small of the Back Medical, Physiology
  149. Medium for bacterial culture Medical, Health
  150. Skillcentre Operations Branch Education
  151. Same Old Bollocks Music
  152. Silly Old Bugger / B*stard / Bitch Medical, Governmental & Military
  153. Scootersrof Bellingham
  154. Store Order Buffer
  155. Snake Oil Brand
  156. Sexually Oriented Business Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
  157. Scringfield Oyster and Beer
  158. Super Optimal Broth Technology, Media, Protein
  159. Statement of Basis Environment
  160. Sober Old Bitch Medical, Alcoholics Anonymous
  161. Sweet Old Buzzard
  162. Sister of Battle
  163. Sounds of Brazil Media
  164. Short(ness) of Breath Medical, Governmental & Military
  165. Scion of Backronymics
  166. Special Operations Bureau Military, Crime, Episode
  167. Smokin Oyster Brewery
  168. Synodical Office Building Religion
  169. Special Operationy Branch
  170. Second Opinion Booth Media, Radio, Television
  171. Superintendent of Bridges Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  172. Same Ocean Buddy Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  173. Sober Old Bastard Medical, Alcoholics Anonymous
  174. Sweet Ole Bob Famous
  175. Same Old Bengals Funnies
  176. Strap-on Booster Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  177. School Operating Budget
  178. Small-Of-Back
  179. Smoke Out Box
  180. Supreme Omnipotent Being Religion
  181. Special Operations Base
  182. Seal of Blood
  183. Sum of Boxes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SOB stand for?

    SOB stands for Skillcentre Operations Branch.

  2. What is the shortened form of Shipped On Board.?

    The short form of "Shipped On Board." is SOB.


SOB. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated