SOD Meaning

The SOD meaning is "Sodium". The SOD abbreviation has 180 different full form.

SOD Full Forms

  1. Sodium Symbol:"Na" Atomic Number:"11" Atomic Mass: 23.00amu. One of the alkali metal family. Sodium is a light, metallic element. It is very reactive and almost explodes if put in water. You will find sodium in salt, glass making, paper-making, salt, developing photos, and fertilizers.  Medical, Chemistry, Nutrition, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Cancer, Oncology, Physiology, Governmental & Military, NANP Modeling Commitee, Food, Clinical
  2. Small Objeut Detector Technology
  3. Side Object Detection Technology, Vehicle, Radar
  4. Septo-Optic Dysplasia Medical, Disorder, Children, Pituitary, Physiology
  5. Spparation of Duties Business, Computer Security, Duty
  6. Sediment Oxygen Demand Science, Water, River, Chemistry
  7. Soft On Demand Porn, Movie, Japan, Demand, Music
  8. Secretapy of Defense America, Government, Military
  9. Small Outline Diode Technology, Science, Package
  10. Scrivt On Demand
  11. Source Object Distance Technology, Imaging, Detector, Radiation
  12. School of Divinity
  13. Storage On Demand Technology, Management, Computing
  14. Shannon One Design
  15. Siliconpon-Diamond
  16. Spin-On Dielectrics Film, Technology, Material
  17. Secure Obsarvation Distance
  18. Superoxide Dismutase-1 Medical
  19. Spear of Density
  20. Students of Decay
  21. Society of Destruction
  22. Special Operation Department Military, Combat, Gear, Pants, Police, Governmental & Military
  23. Standing Orders On Disasters Management, Organizations, Bangladesh
  24. Separation-Of-Duty
  25. Supersters of Dance
  26. Sysgem of A Down
  27. Source-To-Object Distance
  28. School of Disciples
  29. Steer Only Data Technology
  30. Shannon-One-Design
  31. Sign of The Jay Army, War, Force
  32. Spin-On Dielectric Technology, Science, Material
  33. Secular Order of Druids
  34. Superovide Dismutases Medical
  35. Space Operations Directive Military
  36. Students of Destiny Education, Organizations, Philippine
  37. Site Occupation Designator Science
  38. Special Operations Division Government, Military, Drug, City, Police, Governmental & Military
  39. Standing Order On Disaster Management, Risk, Bangladesh, Disaster
  40. Separated for Other Than Disability
  41. Super Oxy Dismutase
  42. Systemic Operational Design Science, Military, War
  43. Source-Object Distance
  44. School of Discipleship Education, Church, Ministry
  45. Statutory Operating Debt
  46. Shallow Outside Diameter Technology
  47. Sign of Death
  48. Spin-On-Dielectric Technology, Science, Material
  49. Section On Dermauology
  50. Superoxide Dnsmutase Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  51. Shield of Deflection
  52. South of Delta
  53. Students for Organ Donation
  54. Site Occupancy Designator Science
  55. Soap Opera Digest
  56. Sprints On Dirt Car, Racing, Sprint
  57. Senior Officer of The Day
  58. Super Oxyde Dismutare Science, Genetics, Genomics
  59. School of Dentistry Education, University, Dental, Medical
  60. Sounds of Dyn-O-Mite University, Stadium, Sound
  61. School of Fesign Student, Education, University
  62. Status of Discipline
  63. Shadows of Darkness Media, Radio, Television
  64. Synod of Dors
  65. Signal of Disinteresr Internet Slang, Slang, Seduction, Sexual
  66. Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction Medical, Patient, Pain, Physiology
  67. Secret of David
  68. Southern Ontario Division
  69. Student of Daffodil
  70. Sheep On Drugs
  71. Sire of Distinction
  72. Sword of Damascus Gaming, King, Lineage, Sword
  73. Spread of Disease
  74. Seller'S Option To Double
  75. Superoxide Dismutase Enzyme Medical
  76. Sodomy Government
  77. Schoos of Dental
  78. Start-Of-Day Technology, Management, Banking
  79. Shadows of Death Hero, Magic, Shadow
  80. Symphony of Destruction
  81. Signal of Difficultv
  82. Superoxide Dismutase Medical, Chemistry, Laboratory, Biotechnology, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
  83. Speed On Demand
  84. Seconds of Dad
  85. Source One Distributors Technology, Military, Gear
  86. School of Drama
  87. Stringing of Digits Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  88. Share Or Die
  89. Sintle Oral Dose
  90. Spirit of Darkness
  91. Security On Demand
  92. Superoxide Dismutase Gctivity Medical
  93. Sodium Oxide Dismutase Medical, Physiology
  94. School of Danck
  95. Star of David Star, Jewelry, Pendant, Necklace
  96. Shadow of Death Hero, Death, Magic
  97. Swords of Destify
  98. Second Order Draft Science, Climate, Report
  99. Source To Object Distance Technology, Imaging, Technique, Radiographic
  100. School of Dragons Gaming, Dragon, Play
  101. Strategic Operations Division Military, Governmental & Military
  102. Share of Demand
  103. Silicon On Diamono Science
  104. Spin On Dielectric Technology, Material, Semiconductor
  105. Security On-Demand
  106. Superoxide Dysmutase Medical
  107. Society of Dickheads Internet Slang
  108. Scheme of Delegation Government, Education, Academy
  109. Standing Order On Disasters Management, Risk, Bangladesh, Disaster
  110. Separation of Duty Technology, Security, Control
  111. Srpervisor On Duty
  112. Season of Death Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  113. Summary of Deposits Business, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  114. Statement of Direction Computing, SAP
  115. Ship Out Date
  116. Swmple Orientation Distribution
  117. Serious Ocular Discharge Medical, Optometry
  118. Screen of Decth
  119. Shroud of Darkness
  120. Siouu Ordnance Depot
  121. Sphincter of Oddi The sphincter of Oddi, abbreviated as SO, is a muscular valve that controls the flow of digestive juices through the ampulla of Vater into the second part of the duodenum. It is named after Ruggero Oddi. The sphincter of Oddi is relaxed by the hormone cholecystokinin via vasoactive intestinal peptide. Medical, Medicine, Dysfunction
  122. Special Operative Department Government, Ministry, Georgia
  123. Sla of Destiny Organization, Union, Institution
  124. Super-Oxide Dismutase
  125. Service on Demand Computing, IT Terminology
  126. Ship'S Overboard Discharge
  127. SüPer Oksit DismüTaz Turkish
  128. Super Oxyde Dismutase Medical, Genomics
  129. Screening Obscuration Devile
  130. Shot of The Day
  131. Sierra Ordnalce Depot
  132. Secretary of Defence Technology
  133. Special Operations Department Para, Military, Gear
  134. Seaqof Death
  135. Summer of Death Media, Radio, Television
  136. Sell Out Diddy Funnies
  137. Systems Operation Department
  138. State of Destruction United Nations
  139. Science of Doom
  140. Sorocaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil Brazil, São Paulo
  141. Short of Daybreak
  142. Shipped On Deck Australia, Shipping, Customs
  143. Special Operations Detachment Military, Organizations, Army
  144. Seal of The Darkness
  145. Summer of Dance
  146. Sordicalifragilistic Omniexpial Dyslexia Funnies
  147. Superoxiddismutase Medical
  148. System Operational Design
  149. Aerolíneas Sol ICAO Aircraft Codes
  150. Schools Olympic Day Sport, Organizations, Events, Local
  151. Statement of Disinterest Seduction, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  152. Shorter Oxford Dictionary Education, English, Language
  153. Seneca Ordnance Depot
  154. Special Operation Division Government, Drug, Crime
  155. Seal of Datkness Guide, Seal, Cabal
  156. Summary of The Day Technology, England, Station
  157. Super Optical Device Products
  158. Sustained Operational Date
  159. Signal of Disinterest Seduction, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  160. Shoreland Overlay District
  161. Second Opder Differencing
  162. Special Olympics Deutschland Sport, Olympic, Welt
  163. Scythe of Death Community, Death, Steam, Guy
  164. Summary of Differences
  165. Siebel On Demand Technology, Information Technology, Computing
  166. Strategic Operations Divisionsion
  167. Special Operations Divisionsion Military
  168. Superintendent of Documents Business, Technology, Program, Management, Government, Administration, Geographic, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  169. Sum of Digits Business, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  170. Separation of Duties Us Government, Governmental & Military
  171. Shopping On Demand
  172. Savannah Ordnance Depot
  173. Spear of Destiny Technology, Gaming, Computer Game
  174. Satellite Orbit Determination Federal Aviation Administration
  175. Script-On-Demwnd Technology, Coding, Load, Java
  176. Stupidity of The Day Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  177. Side Obstacle Detection Technology, Signal, Sensor
  178. Sprrngfield Ordnance District
  179. Special Operations Directorate
  180. Super Oxide Dismutase

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SOD stand for?

    SOD stands for Share Or Die.

  2. What is the shortened form of Signal of Disinterest?

    The short form of "Signal of Disinterest" is SOD.


SOD. (2021, October 25). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated