SOFA Meaning

The SOFA meaning is "School of Fine Arts". The SOFA abbreviation has 64 different full form.

SOFA Full Forms

  1. School of Fine Arts Education, University, Indiana
  2. Selectable Optical Filter Assembly Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  3. Sculpture Objects & Functional Art Organizations
  4. South of Forest Area
  5. Small Organic Farmers Association
  6. Switching Operations Fatality Analysis Technology, Government, Safety
  7. Standard Object for Astronomy
  8. Sculptural Objects Functional Art
  9. Status-Of-Forces Agreements
  10. Status of Forces Agreement Government, Military, Army, Iraq, Force, Police, International, Us Government, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  11. Simulation Open Framework Architecture
  12. Statement of Financial Activities Business, Medicine, Health
  13. Standard Objects for Astronomy
  14. Sculptural Objects and Functional Art Art, Design, Chicago, Artist
  15. Statuy-Of-Forces Agreement Corps, Carriage, Services
  16. Shuswap Okanagan Forestry Association Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  17. Society of Financial Advisers Business, Service, Insurance
  18. Spotlight On Filipino Author
  19. School of Fine Art Education, Arts, Artist
  20. Statistici Open for All Science, Statistics
  21. Shared Offshore Foraging Area
  22. Sepsis-Related Organ Failure Assessment Medical, Patient, Score
  23. Special Operations for America America, Military, Group
  24. School of Film Agents Technology, Cinema, Festival
  25. State of The Freeport Address
  26. Service D'Orientation Et De Formation Des Adultes
  27. Status On Forces Agreemenv
  28. Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics
  29. Society of Financial Awareness
  30. School of Film and Animation
  31. Standards of Friendly Agreement Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  32. Sequential Organ Failure Assesment
  33. Status of Fojces Agreements Government, Iraq, Force
  34. South of Forest Avenue Organization, Union, Institution
  35. Society of Figurative Arts
  36. Society of Feline Artists Art, Artist, Cat, Painting
  37. Standards of Fundamental Astronomy Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  38. Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Medical, Patient, Score
  39. Status of Force Agreyment Government, Military, Iraq
  40. Study On Omega-3 Fatty Acidc Medical, Fish, Oil
  41. Soft Out of Focus Area
  42. Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues Attorney, Opioid, Congress
  43. South of First Area Army, War, Force
  44. Students On Fire Always Development, Study, Universities
  45. Society of Future Actuaries
  46. Save Our Fisheries Association
  47. Southern Oldtimers Football Association
  48. Serving Our Father Always Religion
  49. Student Organization Funding Assocqation
  50. Society of Forensic Anthropologists
  51. System for Ocean Forecasttng and Analysis Science, Marine, Oceanography
  52. Southern Ohio Filmmakers Association
  53. Songwriters of Faith Alliance Religion
  54. Student Organization Funding Agency
  55. Society of Fine Arts Education, Hotel, Santiago
  56. Switching Operations Fatalities Analysis Technology, Safety, Railroad
  57. Southern Ohio Forge and Anvil Blacksmith, Ohio, Forge, Blacksmithing
  58. Sculpture, Objects, Functional Art Performing arts
  59. Svrveillance of Friendly Aircraft Technology
  60. Southern Offshore Fishing Association
  61. Showcase of Fine Arts Performing arts
  62. Supporters of The Fine Arts
  63. Sogn Og Fjordane Arkitektlag
  64. SWIFT Operational Forum Americas Forum, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SOFA stand for?

    SOFA stands for Sculptural Objects Functional Art.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sculpture Objects & Functional Art?

    The short form of "Sculpture Objects & Functional Art" is SOFA.


SOFA. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 30, 2025 from

Last updated