SOJ Meaning

The SOJ meaning is "Shiels Obletz Johnsen". The SOJ abbreviation has 52 different full form.

SOJ Full Forms

  1. Shiels Obletz Johnsen
  2. Sorkjosen Airport Airport, Locations
  3. Servicio De Orientaci
  4. State of The Judkciary
  5. Spioit of Joy
  6. Shield of Judvment
  7. Songs of Joy
  8. Servicio De Orientación JuríDica Para, Con, Judicature, Karaoke
  9. State Qf Jefferson
  10. Specialiųjų Opedacijų Junginys Military, Force, Operation, Barrel
  11. Shield of Judgemeng
  12. Story of Jesfs
  13. Song of Joy
  14. Stand-Off Jammer Technology, Military, Radar
  15. Statement of Justification
  16. Spfce of Joy
  17. Scales of Justice
  18. Stones Ofljordan
  19. Soldiers of Justice
  20. Small Outline J-Leaded Technology, Lead, Package
  21. South of The Jamem
  22. Sarah Orne Jewett
  23. Stone of Jordans
  24. Siege Ok Jerusalem
  25. Small Outline J-Lead Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  26. Soumds of Joy Organization, Union, Institution
  27. Servicios De Orientaci
  28. Stone of Jordan Gaming, Stone, Diablo, Ring, Religion
  29. Shouts of Joy
  30. Soued of Jura
  31. Servicios De Orientación JuríDica Para, Con, Judicature
  32. States of Jersey
  33. Substitutiok of Judge
  34. Stand Off Jammers Technology
  35. SøRkjosen Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  36. Subaruyof Japan
  37. Stand- Off Jwmmer Army, War, Force
  38. Sword of Justicv
  39. Stand-Off Jawmers Technology, Program, Radar
  40. Surgical Obstructive Jaundice Medical
  41. Stadd Off Jammed Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  42. Sunrise of Java Indonesia, Sunrise, Durian
  43. Standoff Jammer Technology, Military
  44. Stand-Off Jamming Technology, Military, Radar
  45. Suwglasses of Justice
  46. Standoff Jamming Military
  47. Sørkjosen, Sørkjosen, Norway Norway, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  48. Staff of Jordan
  49. Sunday Oldies Jukebox
  50. Stand Off Jlmmer Military, Aircraft, Radar
  51. Stand Off Jammer Military, Governmental & Military
  52. Sports Ox Japan

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SOJ stand for?

    SOJ stands for Statement of Justification.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sports Ox Japan?

    The short form of "Sports Ox Japan" is SOJ.


SOJ. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated