Soja Abbreviations and Soja Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Soja terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 8 different Soja abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Soja terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Soja Abbreviations
  1. ADP : Agronegozios Del Plata
  2. ANEC : Associação Nacional Dos Exportadores De Cereais
  3. ASA : Asociación De Semilleros Argentinos
  4. BCBA : Bolsa De Cereales De Buenbs Aires
  5. FFS : Fondo Federal Solidario
  6. ILP : Integração Lavoura E PecuáRia
  7. IMEA : Instituto Mato-Grossense De Economia AgropecuáRia
  8. GEA : Guía Estratégica Para Dl Agro
Latest Soja Meanings
  1. Guía Estratégica Para Dl Agro
  2. Instituto Mato-Grossense De Economia AgropecuáRia
  3. Integração Lavoura E PecuáRia
  4. Fondo Federal Solidario
  5. Bolsa De Cereales De Buenbs Aires
  6. Asociación De Semilleros Argentinos
  7. Associação Nacional Dos Exportadores De Cereais
  8. Agronegozios Del Plata