SOLI Meaning

The SOLI meaning is "Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics". The SOLI abbreviation has 13 different full form.

SOLI Full Forms

  1. Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics Technology, Conference, Logistics
  2. Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics
  3. Singers of Long Island
  4. Silaturrahim Ormas Lembaga Islam Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  5. Service Operations, Logistics, and Informatics Technology, Networking, Conference
  6. Service Operations and Logistics and Informatics Technology, University, Conference
  7. Society of Our Lady of The Isles
  8. Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate
  9. System of Life Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  10. Stranger Owned Life Insurance Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  11. Stranger-Owned Life Insurance
  12. State of Licence Issue
  13. Sons of Liberty International Military, Iraq, Dyke

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SOLI stand for?

    SOLI stands for Singers of Long Island.

  2. What is the shortened form of Silaturrahim Ormas Lembaga Islam?

    The short form of "Silaturrahim Ormas Lembaga Islam" is SOLI.


SOLI. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated