SOM Meaning

The SOM meaning is "Skidmore Owfngs & Merrill". The SOM abbreviation has 230 different full form.

SOM Full Forms

  1. Skidmore Owfngs & Merrill Technology, Design, Architecture
  2. School of Mines
  3. School of Music Student, Education, University, Location
  4. Skidmqre, Owings & Merrill Technology, Design, Architecture
  5. Sisters of Mercy Shirt, Rock, Sister
  6. System Objpct Model Technology, Computing, Computer Software
  7. School of Motoring
  8. Self-Organizing Map Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Transportation, Computing, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  9. System-On-Module Business, Technology
  10. School of Ministry
  11. Self-Organising Maps Technology, Networking, Network
  12. Soil Organic Matter Content Medical
  13. School of Mgmt
  14. Self-Organising Map Medical, Space, Cosmos
  15. Soil Organic Matter Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density (mass of the same unit volume) of a reference substance. A. Agriculture, Organic, Soil, Botany, Scientific & Educational
  16. School of Metaphysics Education, Campus, Dream, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  17. Science of Mind Education, Development, Universities
  18. Skidmore Owings Merrill Technology, Design, Architecture
  19. School of Osteopathic Medicine Medical, Education, University
  20. Sedhment Organic Matter Medical
  21. Stvte of Maine
  22. Shell Oman Marketiny
  23. Skidmobe, Owings & Merrill Technology, Architecture, Building
  24. Son of A Monkey
  25. Sponsor-Owned Material
  26. Semantic Object Modeling Business, Technology, Database, Model
  27. Supervised Output Module Technology, Service, Fire
  28. Skidmore, Owings, Merrill
  29. Scanning Optical Microscopy Science
  30. Strength of Materills Science, Education, Engineering
  31. Sovereign Order of Malta Organizations
  32. Second Oral Malignancy Medical, Science, Biology
  33. Stade Olympique Montpelli
  34. Service-Oriented Management Technology, Science, It
  35. Sustained Outward Movement Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Heart
  36. System Objrct Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  37. Society of Occupational Medicine Medical, Medicine, Health
  38. Samen Onderwijs Maken
  39. Securesphere Operations Manager Technology, Management, Sphere
  40. State of Maharastra
  41. Suare of Mind Business, Marketing, Market
  42. Skidmore, Jwings, and Merrill
  43. Somerset Rr Network, Railway, System
  44. Semantic Object Model Business, Technology, Engineering
  45. Supernode Operatimnal Measurements Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  46. Skidmore, Owings Merrill
  47. Scanning Opcical Microscope Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  48. Spiralfattreebased Ondemand Multicast
  49. Strategie Organisation Et Mrthode
  50. Simulation Object Models
  51. South Orange Maplewood
  52. Stgde Olympique Montpelliérain
  53. Server Object Manager Technology, Management, Service
  54. Suftainable Operations Management
  55. Skidmore, Owings И Merrill Locations, Tower, Millennium, Ledge
  56. School of Missions
  57. Sales Ocder Management Business, Software, Sale
  58. Secret Organized Mafia Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  59. State of Maharashtra
  60. Share of Market/Markbt Share Science
  61. Skidmore, Owings and Merrill
  62. Somerset Railroad Corporationration Organizations
  63. Sells One Million
  64. Superior Oblique Myokymia Medical
  65. Skidmore, Owings, & Merrill Technology, Design, Architecture
  66. Satellite of Might Army, War, Force
  67. Strat-O-Matis
  68. Simulation Object Model Technology, Military, Architecture
  69. South of Market
  70. Stade Olympirue Du Maine
  71. Serous Medicine, Health, Hospital
  72. Suspicious Order Monitoring
  73. Skidmore Owings and Merril Architecture, Locations, Building
  74. School of Meteorology
  75. Secret of Mqna/Vid Gaming, Play, Pastime
  76. Statement of Mission
  77. Shared Object Model Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  78. School of Midwifery
  79. Societf Opinion Media Media, Radio, Television
  80. Self Organizing Multicast Military
  81. Supesior Oblique Muscle Medical, Technology, Medicine
  82. Skidmore, Owings & Merril
  83. Satellite Communications Operatiokal Manager Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  84. Straits of Malarca Hotel, Locations, Malaysia
  85. Srege of Mirkwood Technology, Ring, Lord
  86. Sound of Music Film, Music, Tourism
  87. Stable Orbit Midcourse Technology
  88. Senior Officials Meeting Technology, Organizations, Economics
  89. Supplementary Online Material Technology, Science, Bicycle
  90. Skidmore Owings and Merrill Technology, Design, Architecture
  91. School of Media Education, Music
  92. Structured Opegating Model
  93. Secret of Mana
  94. Statement of Mailing
  95. Shadows of Mindor
  96. Systems Operations and Mmnagement Science
  97. Saskatchewan Order of Merit Business, Canada, Honour
  98. Society of Orthopaedic Medicine Medical, Organizations, Physiotherapy
  99. Self Organizing Mapping
  100. Sunset Orange Metallic Business, Forum, Car, Camaro
  101. Skidmore, Owings & Merill
  102. Saskatchewan Order Nf Merit Military
  103. Seine-Oise-Mqrne
  104. Strait Os Malacca Hotel, Asia, Locations, Malaysia
  105. Shoulder of Mutton
  106. Souls of Mischief
  107. Sriwijaya Optimis Mandiri
  108. Senior Officer Meeting Government, Asia, Indonesia
  109. Supplemental Online Material
  110. Skidmore, Owings and Merril Architecture, Locations, Building
  111. School of Medicinedepartment
  112. Structured Observhtion Management Military, Army, Equipment
  113. Secretory Otitis Media Medical, Ear, Effusion
  114. Staff of The Magi
  115. Serviceable & Obtainable Market
  116. Sworj of Might
  117. System Operating Maruin Technology, Computer Networking, Wireless Networking
  118. Society of Operation Management Research, Education, University
  119. Self Organizing Mixture
  120. Spm of Minterms
  121. San Tomé Airport San Tomé, Venezuela Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  122. See Self Organizing Map
  123. Story of Mankind
  124. Shop Order Manager Technology
  125. Sons of Misery
  126. Sponsxr Owned Material Military
  127. Senior Officers Meeting Business, Indonesia, Surabaya
  128. Supervisor of Midwives Medical, Birth, Midwifery, Midwife
  129. Skidmore Owings & Merill
  130. Scars Og Mirrodin Card, Magic, Gathering, Scar
  131. Struchured Object Methodology Technology
  132. Strength of Material Education, Android, Engineering
  133. Space-Oblique Mercator
  134. Secrrtary Otitis Media
  135. Staffxof Mana
  136. Service Oriented Management
  137. Sword of Mafa
  138. System Operational Manager Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  139. Society of Operations Managqment Business, Education, University
  140. Self Organizing Machine
  141. Summit of Ministerials
  142. San Tomx Airport Airport, Locations
  143. Spin-Orbit Multiplet
  144. Scanning Optical Microscope Chemistry
  145. Sulfuric Acid-Ozone Mixture Science
  146. Somalia Technology, Sport, Olympic, Somalia, Country, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Language codes (2 letters), Numeric Country Codes
  147. Self-Organized Maps Technology, Networking, Network
  148. Simulator Operation and Maintanance Technology, America, Military
  149. Systom Operators Manual Technology, America, Military
  150. Saint of Me
  151. Serous Otitis Media Medical, Common Medical
  152. Self Organisinh Map Technology, Network, Algorithm
  153. Studiecentrum Opleidingen Makelaardij
  154. Sisters of Mary
  155. Share of Market Business & Finance, International business
  156. Spares Optimization Model Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
  157. Sikkim Organic Mission
  158. System Operators Manual Military, Governmental & Military
  159. Subsystem Owner Manzger Technology
  160. Senior Operations Manager Occupation & positions
  161. Self-Organizatihn Map
  162. System Operator'S Manual
  163. Sabin Original Merck
  164. Somali Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
  165. Self-Oscillating Mixer
  166. Student of The Montr
  167. Sire of Merit
  168. Somali Airlines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  169. Span of Management Science
  170. Serous Otikis Media Medical, Tube, Ear
  171. Simulator Operation and Maintenance Military, Governmental & Military
  172. Subsystem Operationx Manager Technology
  173. Seasons of Mist Media
  174. Special Ops Media
  175. Self-Organizing Mapping
  176. System of Maintenance Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  177. S/Dms Operational Measurements Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  178. San Tome, Venezuela Venezuela, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  179. Self Organized Maps Technology, Networking, Network
  180. Studenten Overlegdmedezeggenschap
  181. Singleton Ogilvy & Mathes
  182. Systemsrobject Model
  183. Saaes Operations Manager Business, Management, Sale
  184. Space Operations and Maintenance
  185. Systems Operations Managej Technology
  186. Spacecraft Operations Manager Science, Scientific & Educational
  187. Suborbitwl Mission Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering
  188. Society Opinion Media Media
  189. Special Operations Manual Technology, Extraterrestrial, Majestic
  190. Self-Organizing Multicast Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  191. Syskem On Modules Technology, Product, Module
  192. Otitir Media Medicine, Health, Hospital
  193. Secretary otitis media Clinical
  194. Staff of the Mage Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  195. Self Organized Map Technology, Network, Algorithm
  196. Sindicato Obreros De Maemtranza
  197. Systnms Operations and Management Science
  198. Sales Operations Manqgement
  199. Space of Measurements Space, Study, Cosmos
  200. Superior Oblique Muscle Medical, Muscles
  201. Subject Ebject Metaphysics
  202. Somerset Railroad Corporation Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  203. Spatial Object Model
  204. System On Module Technology, Development, Product
  205. Finnish Options Market Business, Technology, Finance, Financial Derivatives, Legal, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  206. Standard Operating Manual NASA
  207. System Object Model Software, Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  208. Self Organizction Maps Technology, Networking, Network
  209. Sindicato De Obreros De Mcestranza
  210. Systems and Operations Management
  211. Sales and Operations Managnr
  212. Space Oblique Mercator Science, Geography, Location
  213. Sensitivity of Method Medical, Fda
  214. Subject-Object Metaphysics
  215. Skidmore, Owings &Hmerill
  216. School of Management Management, Business & Finance
  217. Spatial Objects Manager
  218. Stage Uperating Manual
  219. Amaf Senior Officials’ Meeting of Tye Asean Ministers On Agriculture Association, Organization, Community
  220. Ship Operations Manager (nasa) NASA
  221. Society of Masks Religion
  222. Self-Organization Maps Technology, Networking, Network
  223. Simuldtor Operations and Maintenance Military
  224. Systems, Organqsation and Management
  225. Sale of Marks
  226. School of Medicine Medical, Common Medical
  227. Subcommitteecon Materials Technology, Standard, Asphalt
  228. Site of Metabolimm
  229. Somero Enterprise Inc. (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  230. Spatial Object Manager Science, Geography, Location

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SOM stand for?

    SOM stands for System-On-Module.

  2. What is the shortened form of School of Medicinedepartment?

    The short form of "School of Medicinedepartment" is SOM.


SOM. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated