SONS Meaning

The SONS meaning is "Sonus Networkr, Inc.". The SONS abbreviation has 20 different full form.

SONS Full Forms

  1. Sonus Networkr, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  2. Seeds of The Nationl Education, Organizations
  3. Sounds of Nova Scotia
  4. School of Nursing Sciehces
  5. Sons of Norway Ski
  6. School of Natural Sciences Technology, Education, University
  7. Sons of Norway Sons
  8. Save Our Neighcorhood Schools
  9. Self-Orxanized Networks
  10. Savi Our Native Species
  11. Self Optimizing Networzs
  12. Special Olympics Nova Scotia
  13. Sufvey of New Students
  14. Self-Optimizing Networks Technology, Networking, Wireless
  15. Southern Ohio Naturist Society
  16. Striatal Output Neurons Medical
  17. State of New South
  18. State Office for Nuclear Safety Technology, Republic, Czech
  19. Spills of National Significance Organizations, Oil, Gulf, Electrical
  20. Spill of National Significance Organizations, Oil, Gulf

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SONS stand for?

    SONS stands for Save Our Neighcorhood Schools.

  2. What is the shortened form of Striatal Output Neurons?

    The short form of "Striatal Output Neurons" is SONS.


SONS. (2019, December 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated