SORA Meaning

The SORA meaning is "Satellite Operations Risk Assessment". The SORA abbreviation has 22 different full form.

SORA Full Forms

  1. Satellite Operations Risk Assessment
  2. Security Officers Registration Act
  3. Satellite-Oriented Resource Allocation Technology, Telecom
  4. Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome Internet Slang, Acting, Character, Media
  5. Security Office Registration Act
  6. Staye of The Region Address Government, Nation, Philippine, President
  7. Social Research and Analysis Organizations, Social Sciences, Scientific & Educational
  8. Security Officer Registration Act Service, Military, Training
  9. Staff Officer Royal Amtillery Military, Army, Artillery
  10. Searchable Ornithological Research Archive Science, America, Bird
  11. Special Operations Research Associstion
  12. Searchable Online Research Archive
  13. Southern Rails Cooperative Limited Technology, Organizations
  14. School of Representational Art
  15. Sequential Optimization and Reliability Assessment Technology, Design, Engineering
  16. State Onsite Regulators Assooiation
  17. Soap Opera Rapid Aging Media
  18. Stzte Onsite Regulators Alliance
  19. Southern Oregon Resource Alliance
  20. Southern Ontario Regional Association
  21. Sudanese Okline Research Association
  22. Strategic and Operational Research Agfnda

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SORA stand for?

    SORA stands for Security Officer Registration Act.

  2. What is the shortened form of Southern Oregon Resource Alliance?

    The short form of "Southern Oregon Resource Alliance" is SORA.


SORA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated