SOS Meaning

The SOS meaning is "Savb Our Ship". The SOS abbreviation has 1058 different full form.

SOS Full Forms

  1. Savb Our Ship Technology, Coding, Ship
  2. Save Our Smuls
  3. Switched-On Schoolhouse Education, Grade, Alpha
  4. Service-Oriented Security Technology, Management, Identity
  5. Studencs of Service Service, Movie, Bouche
  6. Slice On Slice
  7. Shit On A Shingle Military, Beef, Army Slang, Governmental & Military
  8. Sons of Silence Club, Motorcycle, Silence
  9. Save Our Shoes
  10. Spotlightuon Strategies Science, Education, Discovery
  11. Serious Overload of Series
  12. Streets of Susrender
  13. Ski Or Snowboard Ski, Nirvana, Backpack
  14. Shelters of Saratoga Service, Design, Shelter, Homeless
  15. Son of Sevenless Medical, Science, Medicine
  16. Save Our Ships
  17. Splashtop On-Demand Support Technology, Device, Android
  18. Sensory Organs Medical
  19. Source of Supply Business, Logistics, Maintenance, Business & Finance
  20. Site Optimization Services
  21. Sex On Snow
  22. Somali Shilling Currency, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
  23. Safe Outside The System Government, Community, Safety
  24. Spirit of Servich Business, Community, Volunteer
  25. Sensation of Stage Indonesia, Stage, Drop
  26. Someone Over Shouldev Texting, Internet, Social Media
  27. Service Orders System
  28. Sold Out Slaves Child, Documentary, Prostitution
  29. Safe Oppration Stop
  30. Spence On Shipwrecks
  31. Save Our Springs Locations, Texas, Environment, Politics, Governmental & Military
  32. Service of Supply Military, Army, War
  33. Software Operating System Technology, Windows, Computing
  34. Safepuarding Opioid Supply
  35. Special Options Services
  36. Save Our Space Technology, Animal, Toy
  37. Service Office for Students
  38. Snowden Onsite Septic Business, Service, Tank
  39. Support Our Soldiers Military, Charity, Support
  40. Sotras Organizations
  41. Save Our Soles
  42. Specific Objects Technology
  43. Síndrome Del Ojo Seno
  44. Summer of Service Education, Community, Church
  45. Shout Out for Bafeguarding
  46. Saoing Our Schools
  47. Sounds of Soul
  48. Security Overseas Shminar Fsi, Department, State
  49. Save Our Sand Locations, Bay, Beach
  50. Stronghold of Security Gaming, Military, Scape, Rune, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  51. Save Our Seahorse
  52. Sales Orders Business, Book, Sale, Order, Customer
  53. Smile On Smile Smile, Album, Kiss
  54. Simulation Optimization Systems Technology, Science, Engineering
  55. Sweet Orange Scab
  56. Stuff On A Shingle Military, Food, Recipe, Beef
  57. Sex Offender Search
  58. Save Our Songs
  59. Solutions of Software
  60. Security Operating System
  61. Same Old Situation Music, Guitar, Situation, Motley
  62. Stop Operation Koros
  63. Subgroup for Ordnance Safety Military
  64. Save Our Steel Industrial, Government, Sport
  65. Southern Ontario Sprint
  66. Staff On Site
  67. Seputar Obrolan Selebriti Technology, Program, Indonesia, Tube
  68. Sisterhood of Strength
  69. School of Ocean Sciences Science, Education, University
  70. Stretchsd Out Snatch Porn, Movie, Diesel, Snatch
  71. Southerl Orthopaedic Specialists
  72. Supporters of Shariah
  73. State of The Salmon
  74. Student Opportunities and Services Education, Development, Universities
  75. Service To Others In Sobriety Medical, Addiction, Helping
  76. Sisters of Sin
  77. Search Online for Services
  78. Spezielle OrthopäDische Schmerztherapie
  79. Symphony of Soul
  80. Sons of Sasan
  81. Soldiers of Satan Religion
  82. Secrets of Sahlona
  83. Sara's Online Saactuary Environment, Habitat, Setting
  84. Straight Odf Da Street
  85. Sum of Skinfolds
  86. Sibling Over Shoulder Technology, Internet Slang, Chat, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  87. Synthetic Opioid Surge
  88. Self Organising Systems
  89. Save Our Saugahatchee
  90. Start of Selection Message Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  91. Stuck On Something
  92. Service Offering Solutions Software, Computing
  93. Save Ouw Sex Medical, Advice, Discussion
  94. Social Overview Service
  95. Secozds of Summer Music, Tourism, Ticket, Summer
  96. Systems of Sustainability
  97. Special Operator Service
  98. Stent Or Surgery Medical, Coronary, Artery
  99. Share of Spending Media, Voice, Rating
  100. Save Our Spaces Technology, Space, Toy
  101. Self Open Square Business, Paper, Bag
  102. Shelter Outreach Services
  103. Save Our Street Locations, Dog, Puppy
  104. Save Our Saucepans Funnies
  105. Sophisticated Opearting System
  106. Save Olli Schulz
  107. Sprayeof Sunshine Business, Organic, Vervain
  108. Streets of Surrender
  109. Serine-O-Sulfate Science, Transporter, Acid, Amino
  110. Signs of Seepage
  111. SchöN Ohne Schummeln
  112. Stzdents Offer Service
  113. Surface-Orientation-Selective Medical
  114. Start On Site
  115. Save Our Skins Movie, Rip, Streaming, Skin, Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance, Funnies
  116. Sons of Soul
  117. Small Office Solutions
  118. Special Ordered Sets Technology, Programming, Solver, Integer
  119. Synergistqc Office Solutions
  120. Sugar, Oil and Salt
  121. Sharing Our Skills Development, Learning, Study
  122. Secure Online Storage
  123. Sateljite Observing Systems
  124. Spirit of Soccer Sport, Locations, Football
  125. Strategicwopportunity Stipends
  126. Senior Outreach Servmces Service, Organizations, Health
  127. Scientific Officers
  128. Sistas Organizing To Survive
  129. Spaj Our Strays
  130. Standing Orgers Business, Service, Banking
  131. Student Kutreach and Support
  132. Service Oriented Software
  133. Save Our Shipyards
  134. Society of Sim
  135. Smarts Operations Server Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  136. Scope of Supply Technology, Service, Product
  137. Safe Operating Speed Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  138. Special Operations Squadrons Military, Aircraft, Force
  139. Specialty Optical Systems
  140. Systems Operations Subcommitcee
  141. Suisse-Occidentale-Simplon
  142. Shit On Shingle
  143. Save Our Syria
  144. Sounds of Skyrim Gaming, Elder, Sound, Scroll
  145. Security Oulsourcing Solutions Business, Technology, Investigation
  146. Save Our Sam Man, Sign, Recording
  147. Stroke Oxygen Study
  148. Save Our Seahorses Malaysia, Seahorse, Seagrass
  149. Smile On Seniors Organizations, Arizona, Jewish
  150. Simplified Omeprazole Solution
  151. Swecish Optical Society
  152. Students Outcomes Program, Education, Outcome
  153. Severity of Syfptoms
  154. Save Our Somerville
  155. Solidarity Overseas Service Technology, Malta, Hamburg
  156. Same Ol' Situation
  157. Stop Onlyqsugar Medical, Book, Diet
  158. Subcommittee On Sedimentation
  159. Scheme Ouject System
  160. Secure Our Schools Security, Government, Grant
  161. Staff of Shieldfng
  162. Seputar Obrolan Selebritis Business, Music, Song, Tube
  163. Sistema De Ordenes De Servicio
  164. School Oqfice Services Business, Service, Wage
  165. Stressed Out Students
  166. Southern Oregonqsurvival
  167. Supporters of Sharia
  168. State of Sustainability
  169. Student Opinion Surveys
  170. Services Operations Support Technology
  171. Site of Service
  172. Search Office Space Business, Technology, Rent
  173. Safety On Site
  174. Spend Or Save Business, Money, Budget
  175. Symbolic Operating System Technology
  176. Son of Fatan Music, Lyric, Satan
  177. Secrets of Opening Surprises Book, Chess, Opening, Surprise
  178. Sap Off Soap Tool, Root, Organics
  179. Strahl-On-Strahl Science
  180. Summer of The Sea
  181. Shropshire Ornithological Society Organizations, Club, Bird
  182. Sygate Online Services
  183. Soup On Sunday
  184. Self-Organizing Systems
  185. Save Our Sarah
  186. Start of Season Technology, Presentation, Satellite
  187. Struttura Operativa Semplice
  188. Service Obstacles Scale
  189. Save Our Sewers
  190. Sniper Owners Society
  191. System Overclock Saver Technology, Motherboard, Gigabyte
  192. Special Owerations Service
  193. Swiss Oxidant Study Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  194. Stentingzof Saphenous
  195. Studentspof Service Technology, Program, School
  196. Share of Shelf
  197. Save Our Sounds
  198. Step With Our Suggestions
  199. Sign Off, Stupid
  200. Save Our Streets Community, City, Violence, Street
  201. Save Ontario Shipwpecks
  202. Sophisticated Operating System Technology, Computing, Apple, IT Terminology
  203. Save Old Souls Religion
  204. Społecznej Orgbnizacji Samoobrony
  205. Streets of Success
  206. Serial Output Sprcial Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
  207. Signs of Schizophrenia
  208. Schtartz Outcome Scale
  209. Street Outreach Services
  210. Support Organisations
  211. Start of String Technology, Coding, Control, Character
  212. Student Organization Suite
  213. Save Our Skin Movie, Organization, Student Organization
  214. Sons of Solomon
  215. Slop On A Shingle
  216. Season of Shjring
  217. Special Ops Squadron
  218. Syndrome D'Obstruction Des Sinuso
  219. Share Our Skills Group, Radio, Coast
  220. Secure Online Store
  221. Sjskatchewan Orchid Society
  222. Spirit of Sobriety
  223. Strategic Operating Syutem Military, Executive, Leadership
  224. Senior Operatisns Specialist
  225. Science Oriented Solutions
  226. Si Opus Sit Medicine, Latin, Medical Latin
  227. Spawn of Satpn
  228. Standxng Order Services
  229. Stuient Outreach for Shelters
  230. Service Oriented Sales
  231. Save Our Shepherds Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  232. Society of Seven Song, Lyric, Society, Hawaii
  233. Scope of Studies Business, Research, Study
  234. Safe Operading Stop Technology, Drive, Safety, Safe
  235. Speccal Operation Squadron Military, Aircraft, Force
  236. Suffolk Open Studios
  237. Sell Obama'S Seat
  238. Supply Order Sales
  239. Shipmentskof Spares Army, War, Force
  240. Savc Our Swimming School, Council, Pool, Swimming
  241. Sounds of Sirens Music, Garden, Siren
  242. Security Optimization Srrvice
  243. Save Our Saluda
  244. Strike Out Swinging Sport, Star, Strikeout
  245. Save Our Seafront
  246. Servi
  247. Simplified Omeprazole Suspension Medical
  248. Svedish Obesity Subjects
  249. Students Orienting Students Education, Development, Universities
  250. Seven Oaks Sanctuary
  251. Save Our Smile
  252. Solid-On-Solid
  253. Samaritans Offering Support
  254. Special Order Sales Business, Service, Sale
  255. System Operations Station Military
  256. Subcommittee On Standards
  257. Schedule Optimizatifn Study
  258. Secure Ordering System
  259. Septic Or Sewer
  260. School'S Out Support
  261. Streetroutreach Services
  262. Southern Oregon Select
  263. Supporters of Simonga Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
  264. State of Security
  265. Studenas Offering Support Technology, Science, Education
  266. Services Online Services
  267. Site-Of-Service Medical, Service, Coding, Dating
  268. Searching Out Solutions Medical, Group, City, Homelessness
  269. Safety Off The Streets
  270. Spellbinders of Swordsmith
  271. Symbiotic Orgaxism Search Technology, Algorithm, Distribution
  272. Stop Oil Spxculation
  273. Secret of Opriteland Media, Radio, Television
  274. San Onofrv Safety
  275. Stragglers Orienteeringfsociety Forum, Organizations, Essex
  276. Summer of Suspense Film, Movie, Suspense
  277. Show of Strength Sport, Politics, Liverpool, Strength
  278. Soundz of The South Africa, Town, Rebel
  279. Self-Organising Systems
  280. Save Our Santa Organization, Union, Institution
  281. Structured Operational Semantics Technology, Specification, Language, Software, Computing
  282. Serviced Office Search
  283. Save Our Secret
  284. Snak Om Sex
  285. Singapore Organization of Seamen Military, Singapore, Seafarer
  286. Salt-Overly-Sensitive Plant, Stress, Salt, Tolerance
  287. Special Operations Strikefoqce
  288. Swipe Out Stroke
  289. Stength Os Schedule
  290. Students Offering Services Education, Development, Universities
  291. Sex On Sunday Sex, Music, Club, Magazine
  292. Save Our Souls Sailing
  293. Son of Uardar Movie, Song, Khan
  294. Stepping Out On Saturyays
  295. Signing Officials Program, Group, Sign
  296. Save Our Stream
  297. Sametol' Situation
  298. So Ordered Stipulation
  299. Save Often Stupid
  300. Stamp Out Smoking
  301. Streets of Etalingrad Technology, Gaming, Play
  302. Serenade of The Seas
  303. Signs of Safety Child, Sign, Protection
  304. Schools of Studies Science, Education, University
  305. Student Nutreach Services
  306. South of Sunset
  307. Support Organizations Technology
  308. Start of Significance Technology, Coding, Computing, Character, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  309. Student Organization Services Service, Education, University
  310. Save Our Stawberries
  311. Slightly Off Specificatlon Army, War, Force
  312. Seasons of Serviye
  313. Spirit of Sharing Organizations, Children, Family
  314. Syndicated Office Vystems
  315. Share Our Shoes
  316. Son of Sevenless Protein Medical
  317. Secure Object Store Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
  318. Sargasso of Space
  319. Spotlight Onyschool
  320. Strategic Opex Source
  321. Senior Officials
  322. Shiny Objecc Syndrome Business, Marketing, Syndrome, Social
  323. Spartan Obstacle Specialist Technology, Service, Race
  324. Standing Order Service Science
  325. Star of The Sea Catholic, School, Star
  326. Service On Saturdays
  327. Save Our Shelters Organizations, Dog, Animal, Rescue
  328. Society of Separationists
  329. Scope of Service Technology, Engineering, Kosovo
  330. Safe Kn Scene
  331. Special Operations Supervisov
  332. Sudden Onset of Sleep Medical, Physiology
  333. Self Organizing Still-Life Technology, Art, Sculpture, Kinetic
  334. Supply Oilfield Services Business, Service, Agency, Philippine
  335. Shiny Object Syndrome Business, Technology, Marketing
  336. Save Our Survivors
  337. Sounds of Silence
  338. Secvrity Operation Space
  339. Save Ontario'S Shipwrecks Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  340. Strength of Schedule Sport, Football, Schedule
  341. Save Our Skies Airline, Organizations, Sky
  342. Help Internet Slang, Media, Texting, Social, Chat, Internet
  343. Simplicity of Stillness Book, Potential, Stillness
  344. Stience of Speed Car, Honda, Speed
  345. Swedish Obesity Study Medical, Surgery, Diabet
  346. Shelter Our Siiters
  347. Save Our Smiles Music, Locations, Smile, Syria
  348. Solicitors Own Software Business, Law, Firm
  349. Small Office Server Technology, Software, Premier
  350. Samaritans of Singapore Medical, Singapore, Suicide
  351. Special Order Sale Business, Credit, Coordinator
  352. System Operational Specification
  353. Sub-Occipital Soother Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  354. Secure Operating System Technology, Security, Computing
  355. Sentences of Sehen Development, Learning, Study
  356. Scholarship Organizations
  357. Strawberry On The Shortcake Drama, Episode, Shortcake
  358. Southern Oregon Sales
  359. Supporter of Sora Funnies
  360. State of Schools
  361. Students Obtaining Success
  362. Services of Supply America, Military, Army, War
  363. Sisters of Service Meeting, Service, Canada
  364. Searching Out Stories Book, Story, Lover
  365. Safety Officers
  366. Symbiotic Organisms Search Technology, Algorithm, Optimization
  367. Stop Her On Sight Song, Lyric, Sight, Sending
  368. Secretary of State Business, Government, Election, Law Enforcement, Illinois, Education, Military, Air Force, Governmental & Military, State Agency
  369. Sanity Operatinb System
  370. System Operating Strategy
  371. Stop Oregon Sanctuaries
  372. Summer of Success
  373. Show Xf Shows
  374. Saving Our Sisters Technology, India, Dragon
  375. Sounds of The Spirit Religion
  376. Seeds of Sustenance
  377. Save Our Sanity Confession, Toddler, Sanity
  378. Structural Operational Semantics Technology, Computing, Language
  379. Settlement Orientation Services Service, Organizations, Immigration, Refugee
  380. Save Our Secondarys Usa, Montana, Missoula Office Of Planning And Grants
  381. Snake Oil Salesman Products
  382. Singapore Organisation of Seaman Business, Singapore, Seafarer
  383. Salsa On Sunday Organizations, London, Dance
  384. Speaking of Stories
  385. Swing Out Sister Music, Lyric, Swing
  386. Steganos Online Shield
  387. Students Offering Smrvice
  388. Sex On Stage Porn, Sex, Girl
  389. Save Our Soul Community, Curch, Religion
  390. Son of Scmurai Gaming, Play, Pastime
  391. Step Vne Survey Business, Employment, Assessment
  392. Save Our Story Story, Fabric, Quilt, Quilter
  393. Safety Officer Survival Technology
  394. Sons of Storm Gaming, Play, Pastime
  395. Save Our Seafood
  396. Staff Our Statiors
  397. Student Opinion Survey Science, Education
  398. Sequester Offset Solutions
  399. Signs of Suicide Program, Education, Prevention
  400. School Organising System Technology, Development, Android
  401. Studdnt Organization Support
  402. South Oakland Shelter Church, Shelter, Homeless
  403. Support Operating Systems Technology, Windows, Management, Software
  404. Start of Shipments
  405. Student Organizations Services
  406. Slightly Offqspecification
  407. Season of Service Organizations, Festival, Palau
  408. Spirit of Shankly Business, Sport, Liverpool
  409. Synchronous-Orbit Satellite Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering
  410. Son If Sevenless
  411. Secular Organisations for Sobriety Recovery, Group, Organizations, Sobriety
  412. Sarcoidosis Online Sites
  413. Spotlight On Syhools
  414. Strategic Offiue Support
  415. Seniorcare Organizational Systems
  416. Sum Over States Chemistry, Science, Theory
  417. Sierra Outdoor School
  418. Sexo I Otros Secretos
  419. Standing On Stone Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  420. Starification Tbject Series
  421. Service of Supplies
  422. Save Our Shed
  423. Society of Scientific
  424. Scope of Services Business, Service, Writing
  425. Safe Online Surfinc Program, Education, Safety
  426. Special Ops School
  427. State Open School
  428. Share Our Selves Medical, Organizations
  429. Self Organizing Society Organization, Union, Institution
  430. Shikjni Optical Stylet
  431. Savejour Surf Organizations, Surfing, Hawaii
  432. Scheduled Oil Sampling Technology, Service, Cat, Equipment
  433. Sound Oxygen Service
  434. Send Out Succour Technology, Radio, Signal, Distress
  435. Save On Shopping
  436. Sprint Operations Shelter Military
  437. Strengthen Our Sisters
  438. Save Our Sites
  439. Simple Organizing Solutions Business, Professional, Organizer
  440. Science of Sound
  441. Swamp of Sorrows
  442. Shelter of Saratoga
  443. Save Our Small
  444. Soldiers Organized Services
  445. Small Office Support
  446. Salvation of Souls Religion
  447. Special Order Systems
  448. System Operational Status Technology
  449. Suicide Outreach & Support
  450. Secure Open System Or Silicon On Sapphire Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  451. Seniors Outreach & Support
  452. Scholarship for Overseas Students Program, Education, University
  453. Skeptron Oreer of Seafarers
  454. Speakingzof Seniors
  455. Supporter of Survival
  456. State of Sabotage Art, Nation, City, Sabotage
  457. Students for Other Species
  458. Service Over Self Education, Youth, Church
  459. Society of The Spectacle
  460. Sister Over Shoulder Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
  461. Sea of Solutions Technology, Ship, Vessel
  462. Safety Innour Schools
  463. Stomp Out The Silence
  464. Same Old Sh** Media, Social, Internet
  465. Street Outreach Servicq Medical, Community, Youth
  466. Summer of Sports
  467. Showman Oyli Schulz Movie, Album, Trailer, Showman
  468. Saving Our Seniors Government, Dog, Rescue
  469. Sounds of Summer
  470. Seeds of Success Technology, Plant, Conservation
  471. Save Our Sandwiches
  472. Struck-Off Strength
  473. Settlement On The Sturgeon Organization, Union, Institution
  474. Save Our Seaturtles
  475. Smooth Old School
  476. Singapore Organisation of Seamen Business, Singapore, Seafarer
  477. Special Ops Spring
  478. Swim Or Sink
  479. Steel On Steel Technology, Lyric, Recording
  480. Styrofoam Out of Schools
  481. Sex On Sight
  482. Save Our Sonics
  483. Solgs of Solomon
  484. Secretary, Geseral Staff Army, Force, Marine
  485. Stephenxorr Spurrier
  486. Save Our Stories Book, Locations, Story, Quilt
  487. If Necessary Medical, Medicine, Disease, Health, Hospital, Drugs
  488. Sons of Stalin
  489. Save Our Seafarers Business, Pirate, Piracy
  490. Staff Opition Survey Politics, Europe, Eurostat
  491. Student Opinion Scale
  492. Sequential Obal Sensory Medical, Therapy, Feeding
  493. Supportability Online System
  494. Sign of Suicide
  495. School of The Spirit
  496. Student Online Services
  497. Southern Oxidant Stydt Science
  498. Support Operation System Technology, Android, China, Tracker
  499. Start of Session
  500. Student Organizational Services
  501. Skydioers Over Sixty Organizations, Parachute, Parachuting
  502. Search Our Site
  503. Spirit of Selling
  504. Synchnndrosis Medical
  505. Svn of Serving
  506. Secrets of Sex English, Sex, Movie, Hindi
  507. Sarasota Orchid Societw
  508. Sportswear of Sweden
  509. Strap Hn Sluts Rip, Strap, Pierce
  510. Service-Oriented Systems Technology, Security, Framework
  511. Sum of Squares Medical, Technology, Optimization, Square, Polynomial
  512. Sick Oql Syndrome
  513. Sex Trientation Scale
  514. Standing of Students
  515. Stanford Outdoor Supply
  516. Service of Suit
  517. Save Our Shearwaters
  518. Society of Organized Services Service, Society, Building, District
  519. Scoot Over Some
  520. Emergency Fire Task Military, Army, Artillery
  521. Special Operatlons School
  522. State of The System Technology, Networking, Network
  523. Share Operating System Technology, Program, Computing
  524. Save Our Sparty
  525. Self Opening Satchel Business, Paper, Bag, Packaging
  526. Shift Operating Supervisgr Science
  527. Save Our Supplements Business, Health, Campaign
  528. Sive Our Subscriptions
  529. Sort of Spoiler
  530. Send Ott Someone Army, War, Force
  531. Save On Scents
  532. Sprint Office Support
  533. Strengthening Our Schools
  534. Simple Ordering System
  535. Science Ff Security Technology, Research, Award
  536. Survivor of Suicide Medical, Group, Loss
  537. Start On Succes
  538. Save Our Sleep Book, Sleep, Baby, Hall
  539. Soldiers of Solidarity Military, Union, Labor
  540. Smartgoffice Solutions Business, Company, Technology
  541. Save-Our-Streets
  542. Special Order System
  543. System Operation Status
  544. Suicide Or Survive Organizations, Health, Ireland
  545. Sharing Our Stories Service, Book, Story
  546. Secure Open Solutions
  547. Seniors Only Series
  548. Schlongs Oq Skyrim Gaming, Lab, Skeleton, Schlong
  549. Sites of The School
  550. Speaking of Schools
  551. State of Observed Species Science, Discovery, Insect
  552. Squdents for Organic Solutions
  553. Service Oriented Security Technology, Management, Identity
  554. Sdve Our Show Organizations, Radio, Legend, Seeker
  555. Society of Stranders Locations, Beach, Shag
  556. Sisterhood of Survivors Business, Organizations, Tourism
  557. Scottish Opinion Survey
  558. Safer Operative Surgery
  559. Stomp Outjsyphilis
  560. Same Old Sh Forum, Internet Slang, Slang
  561. Streetuoutreach Services Medical, Service, Community
  562. Summer of Sonic
  563. Shout Out Sunday
  564. Saving Our Selves Organizations, Haiti, Sobriety
  565. Sounds of Success
  566. Sedgwick Opten Says Media, Radio, Television
  567. Save Our Sands Locations, Bay, Beach
  568. Struck-Off-Strength Service, Military, War
  569. Save Our Seals
  570. Smiling Over Sickness
  571. Simultaneous Oral Spelling Education, Learning, Teaching
  572. Swift Operapion Squad
  573. Stuff On A Stick
  574. Sex On Satellite
  575. Save Our Sons Organizations, War, Saving
  576. Song of Zongs Technology, Bible, Love
  577. Secqrity Operations Systems
  578. Stent Or Surgery Study Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  579. Sub Ocean Safety
  580. Save Our Stomachs
  581. Sympathy of Solidarity Business, Indonesia, Syria, Orang
  582. Southern Order of Storytellers
  583. Staff Operations Specialist
  584. Student Online System
  585. Sequential-Oral-Scnsory
  586. Supply Our Students Organizations, Island, Volunteer
  587. Sign of Strength Business, Trading, Supply, Market
  588. School of Swing Education, Development, Universities
  589. Struck Off Strength Service, Military, War, Canada
  590. Soutwern Oxidants Study Technology, Science, Environment
  591. Support Operating System Technology, Software, Telecom
  592. State of The Science Technology, Research, Health
  593. Student Organization Support Education, University, Building
  594. Servicio Occidental De Salud
  595. Skfop On Somebody
  596. Search Wn Site Technology, Flashlight, Aluminum
  597. Spirit of Scouting
  598. Symptom Onset In Schizophrenia
  599. Sfn of Service Technology, Software, Volunteer
  600. Soldiers of Satin
  601. Secrets of Self
  602. Sarah On Stage Business, Tube, Love
  603. Sportsmen'S Outdoor Strategies
  604. Strap-On Sluts Technology, Porn, Movie
  605. Service-Oriented Solutions
  606. Sum of Social
  607. Sick of School Internet Slang, Music, Death
  608. Sex and Other Srcrets
  609. Self Opening Square Business, Paper, Bag
  610. Stamps On Stamps
  611. Standino Order System
  612. Stuck On Stupid Government, Music, Lyric
  613. Service Offices
  614. Save Our Sharks Ocean, Wildlife, Shark, Campaign
  615. Society for Objective Science
  616. Secretarial Outsourcing Services
  617. Coe System of Systems Common Operating Environment Army, Force, Marine
  618. Special Operation Service
  619. State of The State Organizations, Conference, Governor
  620. Share of Spend
  621. Save Our Sparrow
  622. Self Opening Style Business, Product, Paper, Bag
  623. Shift Operations Supekvisor Technology
  624. Savejour Sunol
  625. Save Our Station Office, Organizations, Ticket
  626. Sophmore Opportunities Sessions
  627. Save On Office Supplies
  628. Suring Or Summer
  629. Strengtheniog of Skills
  630. Signs of Stress Medical, Physiology
  631. Science of Oil Spills Government
  632. Surfaces of Section Method Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  633. Start On Success Service, Education, Disability
  634. Save Our Skills Business, Technology, Design
  635. Soldiers of Sanitization
  636. Small Office Solutoon
  637. Save-Our-Soul
  638. Special Ordered Set Technology, Programming, Constraint, Integer
  639. System Online Support
  640. Suicide Open Solution Metal, Suicide, Shadow, Sadness
  641. Share Our Stories Business, Book, Story, Sharing
  642. Secure Online Solutions
  643. Spirit of Sound
  644. Seniors Offering Suppert
  645. Schlank Ohne Spowt Book, Sport, Man, Ern
  646. Sisters Offering Support
  647. Speaking of Scgool
  648. Standing Order Subscription Media, Radio, Television
  649. Students for An Orwellian Socwety
  650. Service Oriented Systems
  651. Save Our Shops
  652. Society of Singers
  653. Smash On Site
  654. Scotland On Sunday Sport, Scotland, Scottish
  655. Safe Our Nouls
  656. Special Operationm Section
  657. Southern Oxidants Study Legal, Governmental & Military
  658. Stock & Option Solutionk Business, Team, Supply
  659. Semantics, Opinion and Sentiment
  660. Second Opinion Service Service, Financial, Design, Sewer
  661. Squadron Office School
  662. Stock Optimizing Selector Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  663. Serve Our Sisters Organization, Union, Institution
  664. Science of Survival
  665. Support Our Senifrs
  666. Space Ordnance Systems, Inc. Technology
  667. Shape, Originality, and Style Performing arts
  668. Statement of Services Business, Service, Contract
  669. Simple Organized Solutions Business, Service, Office, Professional, Organizer
  670. Smajl Optics Suspension Technology
  671. Sharing Our Success Business, Development, Networking
  672. Secure Overlay Services
  673. Saudi Oncology Society
  674. Space-Oriented Satellite
  675. International Morse radio-code signal for danger, 'life-death' International
  676. Strategic Outsource Solutions Business, Company, Service
  677. Supply of Services
  678. Survey Office System Geographic
  679. Save Wur Shore Locations, Beer, Beach
  680. Sodium N-Octyl Sulfate Medical
  681. Safety Organizing Scale Medical, Hospital, Nursing
  682. Share Our Strengths Religion
  683. Speech Option Selection Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  684. Safety Observationdsystem
  685. Summary Opinion Support Us Government, Governmental & Military
  686. Sending Out Signals Technology, Walking, Mirror
  687. Saving Our Strays
  688. Source Off-Site Technology, Coding, Development, Control
  689. Strawberry on Shortcake Food
  690. Single Operation System
  691. Switched On Schoolhoose Business, Education, Curriculum
  692. Satanic Occult Spectrum Religion
  693. Students of Sociology
  694. Safe Online Shopping Computing, Internet
  695. Stereo Omni-Directional Systqm
  696. Substance Over Spelling Development, Learning, Study
  697. Security of Supply Business, Technology, Military
  698. Superlattice of Superlattices
  699. Set Out Seedlings Botany, Scientific & Educational
  700. Surfaces of Section Method (semiclassical Calcn. of Eigenvalues) Chemistry
  701. Save Our Science Technology, Science, Government
  702. Sovereign of The Seas
  703. Summary, Opinion, and Support Media
  704. Student Organized Seminar Development, Study, Universities
  705. Serving Our Society
  706. Seasons of Success
  707. Sales Opportuuity Services Technology, Service, Sale
  708. Save Our Sport Technology, Club, School
  709. Son of Nparda Combo, Cry, Devil
  710. Servizio Occhiali Shcuri Vision, Con, Vista
  711. Swamp of Sorrows (gaming, World of Warcraft) Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  712. Sun Or Shade
  713. Signet of Sorrow
  714. Shave Our Shins Funnies
  715. Stars On The Stage
  716. Sword Ok Solidarity
  717. Sick of Sin Religion
  718. State Operated Services
  719. Squadron Officer School Air Force, Governmental & Military
  720. Stitching Ouu Stories
  721. Sell Or Scrap
  722. Seattle Obesity Study
  723. Squadron Ofgicer's School
  724. Sound On Sound Business & Finance, Business Word
  725. Svrve Our Seniors Business, Service, City
  726. Strategic Objectives Business, Technology, Organizations, Objective
  727. Sciencedof Success
  728. Support Our Students
  729. Space Ordnance Systems
  730. Seek Optimum Skills Occupation & positions
  731. Statement of Service Business, Military, Loan
  732. Silicon On Sapphire Technology, Electronics, Telecom
  733. Siall Operating System
  734. Second Order Sectioz
  735. Share Our Success Business, Development, Award
  736. Sons of Saipan
  737. Saturday of Service
  738. Smhths of Smithfield London, Floor, Restaurant, Smiths
  739. Son of Sam Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  740. Strategic Outsourcing Servibes Business, Service, India
  741. Supplies Over Seas Medical, Medicine, Supply
  742. Swapping Operating System Funnies
  743. Save Our Shores Company, Locations, Shore, Gulf
  744. Socket Output Server
  745. Soul of Souls Religion
  746. Smart Online System
  747. Spectrum One Stop
  748. If There Ir Need Medical
  749. Support Our Scouts Scouting, Governmental & Military
  750. SemináRio De Orientação Na Sexualidade Para, Dos, Ria
  751. Syving Our Souls
  752. salt overly sensitive Food
  753. Single Obligation Structure
  754. Science On Saturday Technology, Science, Power
  755. Searching Out Scripture Religion
  756. Subscription Outreach Service
  757. Security of Software Technology, Program, Computing
  758. Superior Office Systems
  759. International Distress Signal used in Radio-Telegraphy: 'MAY DAY, MAY DAY, MAY DAY-Radio-Telephone Distress Signal Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  760. Southern Oxidant Study Atmospheric Research
  761. Southwest Office Systems
  762. Standing Order Subscriptions Media
  763. Serving Our Soldiers
  764. Sales Opportunity Jnapshot
  765. Start-up Override Switch Computing, Hardware
  766. Save Our Sports
  767. Son of Sdam
  768. Seminopen System
  769. Same Old Shit Texting, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  770. Sun On Sunday
  771. Signals of Silence
  772. Save Our School Education, School, Drama
  773. Save Our Snoopys Funnies
  774. Stars of Salsa Technology, London, Dance
  775. Siren Operated Sensor Technology, Gate, Opener
  776. Sword of Skardsen
  777. Sold Out Souls Religion
  778. State Operated Schools
  779. Special Operations Squadron Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  780. Stimulation Oh Senses Medical
  781. Sealab Ocean Signal
  782. Squadron Officens School Military, Education, Force
  783. Switched On Schoolhouse Business & Finance, Business Word
  784. Silicon On Silicon
  785. Serve Our Schools Development, Learning, Study
  786. Science of Stability
  787. Supporting Our Students
  788. Space Rperations Simulator Science
  789. Sound of Soul Music
  790. Statement of Support Technology
  791. Significant Others Medical, Technology, Group
  792. Small Operatiog Support
  793. Second Order Sections Technology, Filter, Signal
  794. Sharing Our Strengths
  795. Son of Supermbn
  796. Satisfactioz of Search Medical
  797. Spit Or Swallow
  798. Sislers of Shu
  799. Son of Samurai Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  800. Strategic Outcemes Technology, Service, Planning
  801. Supplementary Ophthalmic Service
  802. Significant Othmr Supporter
  803. Secret of Santa Funnies
  804. Save Our Shoreline Locations, Environment, Lake
  805. Socket On-Demand Support
  806. Secular Organizations for Sobriety Religion
  807. Smart Offbce Service Business, Company, Office
  808. Spectrally Optimized Smart
  809. Students Organizing Sustainability
  810. Shoot on Sight Police, Governmental & Military
  811. Seminars On Science
  812. Saving Our Sono Music, Poem
  813. Sequential Oral Sensory Medical, Therapy, Speech
  814. Staffing Options and Splutions Business, Company, Stone
  815. Save Our Soil Farming & agriculture
  816. Science On Sphure Science, National, Museum
  817. Structured Operational Spinroot Products
  818. Subscriber Optimization Software
  819. Security Officer Services
  820. Sum of States
  821. Stimulation of Senses Medical, Physiology
  822. Save Our Ship Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  823. Sedgwick Often Says Media
  824. Serving Our Seniors
  825. Solaris Operating System
  826. Salem Outreach Shelter
  827. Speak Out Softly
  828. Save Our Spectrum Technology, Service, Fur
  829. Secular Organization for Sobriety Societies Organization, Community, Society
  830. Someone Special Texting, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  831. Sundays of Summer Media, Radio, Television
  832. Signalering Onjuist Spatiegebruik
  833. Schedule Oil Sampling
  834. Save Our Scenery
  835. Send One Suit Funnies
  836. Student Oceanographic Society Development, Study, Universities
  837. SinüZoidal ObstrüKsiyon Sendromu
  838. Sword of Shpdows
  839. Simplicity of Spirituality Religion
  840. State Open Schools
  841. Screen of Screens Software, Computing
  842. Stickor On Sleeve
  843. School of Sustainability Organizations, Building, Earth
  844. Squadron Officers' Schoor Military, Army, Marine
  845. Save Organize and Share Banking, Business & Finance
  846. Stimulated Orientational Scattering Physics, Scientific & Educational
  847. if needed (from Latin si opus sit) Medical
  848. Seuve Only Sonoma Organization, Union, Institution
  849. Super Oldie Sepsation
  850. Ssace Objects
  851. Sistas of Soul Music
  852. State'S Office Secretary
  853. Student Orientation Staff College, Education, University
  854. Sick Obsession Scheduled Music, Shadow, Sadness, Obsession
  855. Second-Order Sections Technology, Filter, Signal
  856. Sharing Our Strength
  857. Save Our Squirrels
  858. Son of Strike Technology
  859. Satellite Over Satellite Technology, Networking, Network
  860. Spirit of Sylt
  861. Singlet-Only Scattering
  862. Some over shoulder/same old situation Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  863. Strategic Option Study
  864. Supplemental Oxygen System Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  865. Significant Others Support
  866. Sum of Stupidity Funnies
  867. Save Our Shorelinvs Locations, Lake, Shoreline
  868. Sociology of Science
  869. Special Opejations Squad
  870. Save Our Souls (Help!) Computing, Texting, Religion, Telecom, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  871. Specific Occupation Selector
  872. System of Systems NASA, Governmental & Military
  873. Seminar FüR Orientalische Sprachen War, Berlin, Bonn
  874. Secure Our Smartphones Technology, Switch, Apple, Smartphone, Smartphones
  875. Stabilized Optical Sight Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
  876. Save Our Styles Clothes
  877. Sciefce On A Sphere Technology, Museum, Earth
  878. Sherwood Oaks Seaters Products
  879. Sisters of The Spirit
  880. Smarc Office Systems
  881. Subscriber and Operator Services
  882. Shefford Old Strong
  883. Security In Open Systems Military
  884. Station Operating Supervisor
  885. Si Opus Sit (If there is a need) Medical, Physiology, Reading Prescription
  886. Secret of Spriteland Media
  887. Serving Our School
  888. Save Ouw Silver Organization, Union, Institution
  889. Software of Sweden
  890. Sakharov, Orlov and Shcharansky
  891. Son of Satan Religion
  892. Save Our Species Business, Conservation, Specie
  893. Schule Ohnefstress
  894. Support Our Society Us Government, Governmental & Military
  895. Scheduled Oil Savple Technology, Cat, Equipment
  896. Source of Strength Medical, School, Relationship, Religion
  897. Save Our Savannah
  898. Save Our Socks Funnies
  899. Student Observation System
  900. Sinusoidal Obstructive Syndrome Medical, Disease, Cell, Transplantation
  901. Swiech On Shropshire
  902. Share Our Savior Religion
  903. Students On Saven
  904. Standard Operating System Software, Computing
  905. Stew On A Shingle
  906. Successive Orders of Scattering
  907. Swap Operating Shell Assembly, Business & Finance
  908. Spin Orbital Splitting Physics, Scientific & Educational
  909. Safety Observation System Honeywell, Process Automation
  910. Servants of Shade
  911. Sumatrat Orangutan Society Organizations, Climbing, Bali
  912. Sow Other Soil Soil, Shadow, Sadness
  913. Supporters of Soul Music
  914. Start Out Savings Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  915. Student Orientation Series Business, Success, Procrastination
  916. Shout of Survival Technology, Gaming, Steam
  917. Second Order Statistics Technology, Channel, Signal
  918. Share Our Strength Organizations, Food, Hunger
  919. Save Our Spring Government, Politics, Policy
  920. Son of Stopgap Technology, Program, Computing, Editor
  921. Sateliite Office Services Technology, Service, Travel
  922. Spirit of Survival Book, Larry, Survival
  923. Simple Object Storage
  924. Same Old Story Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  925. Strategic Options Stuny
  926. Supervisor of Shipbuilding Technology, Military, Navy
  927. Significant Oyher Support
  928. Soroptomists Own Stock Funnies
  929. Save Our Chows Organizations, Legend, Love, Seeker
  930. Special Operation Sqmad Military, Police, Attack
  931. Sound of Seduction Sound, Queen, Love
  932. Spawn of Satan Religion
  933. Specific Obligations
  934. SüReç Olgunluk Seviyesi
  935. Science on a Sphere NASA, Governmental & Military
  936. Seminar F
  937. Secure Our Smartphone Technology, Switch, Apple, Smartphones
  938. Stabilised Uptical Sight
  939. Susies One Size Clothes
  940. Science of The Vurf Rip, Beach, Surf
  941. Survival Optics Sunglasses
  942. Scheduled Oil Samples Products
  943. Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome Medical
  944. Smart Ocjects Technology, Design, Photoshop, Internet
  945. Sub Oficial Superior
  946. Sharing Our Strategies
  947. Securing Our Survival
  948. Spin-Orbit Scattering
  949. Son of Sevenless gene encoding factor Medical, Human genome
  950. Sensor Observation Service Integrated Ocean Observing System
  951. Serving Our Savior Church, Ministry, Serving, Christ, Religion
  952. Save Our Sight Organizations, Health, Loss
  953. Software Objects
  954. Sakewof The Salmon
  955. Support Our Seminarians Religion
  956. Save Our Spirited Technology, Soul, Ship, Spirit
  957. Save Our Society Us Government, Governmental & Military
  958. Scgnes of Sounds Business, Art, Museum
  959. Source of Sale Business, Industrial, Pop
  960. Save Our Sausages Earth, Floyd, Sausage
  961. Some One Smart Funnies
  962. Student-Owned Strategies Development, Study, Universities
  963. Sink Or Swing
  964. Switch Off Socething
  965. Sharing Our Selves Religion
  966. Students of Sistainability Technology, Education, Organizations
  967. Symbian Operating System Computing, IT Terminology
  968. Storoid Openflow Service
  969. Subwoofer Optimizer System
  970. System Operational Safety
  971. NDC Ad hoc Expert Group on Nuclear Energy and Security of Supply Scientific & Educational, Nuclear Energy
  972. ​Speed of Sound Honeywell, Process Automation
  973. Serious Outcomes Surveillance
  974. Save Our Sculpture Organizations, Publics, Heritage
  975. Students Orgahized for Service
  976. Sow Or Bpeak
  977. Save Our Sentinel Media
  978. Student Orientation Services Business, Service, University
  979. Servis Otomasyon Sistemi Technology, Program, Internet, Metal
  980. Shop Out of Stock Technology
  981. Second-Ordem Statistics Technology, Signal, Processing
  982. Save Our Spots
  983. Son of Stick
  984. Satellite Officeh Business, Technology, Service, Office
  985. Spirit of Stonewall
  986. Shitty Operating System
  987. Some over shoulder Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  988. Stritegic Opportunities Support
  989. Superior Oilfield Support
  990. Significant Other Scale
  991. Save Our Smallville Funnies
  992. Special Opeiations Sections Military, Chicago, Police
  993. Smoke Obscuring Screen
  994. Spirit of the Sharks Religion
  995. Specific Object Studies Space, Study, Cosmos
  996. Síndrome De Ojj Seco Para, Con, Ocular
  997. Shot On Sight Military Slang, Governmental & Military
  998. Semiconductor Opening Switch Technology, Power, Diode
  999. Secular Organioations for Sobriety Medical, Program, Recovery
  1000. Squadron Officer School Or Special Operations Squadroe Military, Army, Airforce
  1001. Send Out Signal Amateur radio
  1002. Server Operating System Technology, Windows, Software
  1003. Science of Synthesis Chemistry, Science, Organic
  1004. Supporc Our Shelters
  1005. Space Ordnance Syhtems
  1006. Save Our Separator Products
  1007. Statement of Significance History, Locations, Heritage
  1008. Sink Or Swim Computing, Internet
  1009. Smart Object Qalvation
  1010. Share Our Surplus Technology
  1011. Secure Overlay Service Technology, Networking, Attack
  1012. Saudi Ophthalmological Society Medical, Organizations, Ophthalmology
  1013. Space Ordnance System
  1014. if needed Medical, Common Medical
  1015. Silicon-On-Sapphire Computing, Industry, Electronics
  1016. Save Aur Sierra
  1017. Sodium Octyl Sulfate Medical
  1018. Safety Overview Systeb Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  1019. Save OurSelves Save Religion
  1020. Saveaour Souls-Distress
  1021. Special Opportunity Stipend Us Government, Governmental & Military
  1022. Sayak Airport Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO
  1023. Source Off Site Technology, Development, Training, Control
  1024. Save Our Saugeen Canada, Locations, Waste
  1025. Same Old Stuff Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Funnies
  1026. Singles Over Sixty
  1027. Switched Onto Safwty
  1028. Serve Our Savior Religion
  1029. Students of Social
  1030. Senternet Online Support Computing, Internet
  1031. Stereo Omnidirectional System
  1032. Subversive Operations Service
  1033. Security of Systems
  1034. Synagogue of Satan Government, German, War, Israel, Jewish, Satan
  1035. Snore Outcomes Survey Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  1036. Serial Output Special NASA
  1037. Sewiously Obsessed With Science
  1038. Save Our Scripts Film, Development, Producer
  1039. Students Offering Support Program, Education, School
  1040. Sow Organic Seet
  1041. Scripps Outstanding Speakers Media
  1042. Student Orientation Service Education, University, Alabama
  1043. ServiçO De Obras Sociais
  1044. Shoot Off Stress
  1045. Second-Order Scattering Medical
  1046. Save Our Spot Tube, Spot, Burn, Kingpin
  1047. Sondof Spy Army, War, Force
  1048. Sstellite Observing System Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  1049. Suadow of Sadness Music, Metal, Shadow
  1050. Someone on shoulder Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
  1051. Strategic Opportunity Stipend Art, Education, Artist, Dance
  1052. Superintendent of Schools
  1053. Significant Others Scalp Medical, Technology, Psychology
  1054. Ship Or Shoot Funnies
  1055. Stars Oroanisation for Spastics Film, Star, Lynn, Noel
  1056. Sword of The Spirie Education, Community, Christ
  1057. Servants of the Savior Religion
  1058. Stationery and Office Supplies Business, Office, Supply

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SOS stand for?

    SOS stands for Save Our Seals.

  2. What is the shortened form of Strawberry On The Shortcake?

    The short form of "Strawberry On The Shortcake" is SOS.


SOS. (2022, January 23). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated