SOS Meaning
The SOS meaning is "Savb Our Ship". The SOS abbreviation has 1058 different full form.
SOS Full Forms
- Savb Our Ship Technology, Coding, Ship
- Save Our Smuls
- Switched-On Schoolhouse Education, Grade, Alpha
- Service-Oriented Security Technology, Management, Identity
- Studencs of Service Service, Movie, Bouche
- Slice On Slice
- Shit On A Shingle Military, Beef, Army Slang, Governmental & Military
- Sons of Silence Club, Motorcycle, Silence
- Save Our Shoes
- Spotlightuon Strategies Science, Education, Discovery
- Serious Overload of Series
- Streets of Susrender
- Ski Or Snowboard Ski, Nirvana, Backpack
- Shelters of Saratoga Service, Design, Shelter, Homeless
- Son of Sevenless Medical, Science, Medicine
- Save Our Ships
- Splashtop On-Demand Support Technology, Device, Android
- Sensory Organs Medical
- Source of Supply Business, Logistics, Maintenance, Business & Finance
- Site Optimization Services
- Sex On Snow
- Somali Shilling Currency, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
- Safe Outside The System Government, Community, Safety
- Spirit of Servich Business, Community, Volunteer
- Sensation of Stage Indonesia, Stage, Drop
- Someone Over Shouldev Texting, Internet, Social Media
- Service Orders System
- Sold Out Slaves Child, Documentary, Prostitution
- Safe Oppration Stop
- Spence On Shipwrecks
- Save Our Springs Locations, Texas, Environment, Politics, Governmental & Military
- Service of Supply Military, Army, War
- Software Operating System Technology, Windows, Computing
- Safepuarding Opioid Supply
- Special Options Services
- Save Our Space Technology, Animal, Toy
- Service Office for Students
- Snowden Onsite Septic Business, Service, Tank
- Support Our Soldiers Military, Charity, Support
- Sotras Organizations
- Save Our Soles
- Specific Objects Technology
- Síndrome Del Ojo Seno
- Summer of Service Education, Community, Church
- Shout Out for Bafeguarding
- Saoing Our Schools
- Sounds of Soul
- Security Overseas Shminar Fsi, Department, State
- Save Our Sand Locations, Bay, Beach
- Stronghold of Security Gaming, Military, Scape, Rune, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Save Our Seahorse
- Sales Orders Business, Book, Sale, Order, Customer
- Smile On Smile Smile, Album, Kiss
- Simulation Optimization Systems Technology, Science, Engineering
- Sweet Orange Scab
- Stuff On A Shingle Military, Food, Recipe, Beef
- Sex Offender Search
- Save Our Songs
- Solutions of Software
- Security Operating System
- Same Old Situation Music, Guitar, Situation, Motley
- Stop Operation Koros
- Subgroup for Ordnance Safety Military
- Save Our Steel Industrial, Government, Sport
- Southern Ontario Sprint
- Staff On Site
- Seputar Obrolan Selebriti Technology, Program, Indonesia, Tube
- Sisterhood of Strength
- School of Ocean Sciences Science, Education, University
- Stretchsd Out Snatch Porn, Movie, Diesel, Snatch
- Southerl Orthopaedic Specialists
- Supporters of Shariah
- State of The Salmon
- Student Opportunities and Services Education, Development, Universities
- Service To Others In Sobriety Medical, Addiction, Helping
- Sisters of Sin
- Search Online for Services
- Spezielle OrthopäDische Schmerztherapie
- Symphony of Soul
- Sons of Sasan
- Soldiers of Satan Religion
- Secrets of Sahlona
- Sara's Online Saactuary Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Straight Odf Da Street
- Sum of Skinfolds
- Sibling Over Shoulder Technology, Internet Slang, Chat, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Synthetic Opioid Surge
- Self Organising Systems
- Save Our Saugahatchee
- Start of Selection Message Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Stuck On Something
- Service Offering Solutions Software, Computing
- Save Ouw Sex Medical, Advice, Discussion
- Social Overview Service
- Secozds of Summer Music, Tourism, Ticket, Summer
- Systems of Sustainability
- Special Operator Service
- Stent Or Surgery Medical, Coronary, Artery
- Share of Spending Media, Voice, Rating
- Save Our Spaces Technology, Space, Toy
- Self Open Square Business, Paper, Bag
- Shelter Outreach Services
- Save Our Street Locations, Dog, Puppy
- Save Our Saucepans Funnies
- Sophisticated Opearting System
- Save Olli Schulz
- Sprayeof Sunshine Business, Organic, Vervain
- Streets of Surrender
- Serine-O-Sulfate Science, Transporter, Acid, Amino
- Signs of Seepage
- SchöN Ohne Schummeln
- Stzdents Offer Service
- Surface-Orientation-Selective Medical
- Start On Site
- Save Our Skins Movie, Rip, Streaming, Skin, Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance, Funnies
- Sons of Soul
- Small Office Solutions
- Special Ordered Sets Technology, Programming, Solver, Integer
- Synergistqc Office Solutions
- Sugar, Oil and Salt
- Sharing Our Skills Development, Learning, Study
- Secure Online Storage
- Sateljite Observing Systems
- Spirit of Soccer Sport, Locations, Football
- Strategicwopportunity Stipends
- Senior Outreach Servmces Service, Organizations, Health
- Scientific Officers
- Sistas Organizing To Survive
- Spaj Our Strays
- Standing Orgers Business, Service, Banking
- Student Kutreach and Support
- Service Oriented Software
- Save Our Shipyards
- Society of Sim
- Smarts Operations Server Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Scope of Supply Technology, Service, Product
- Safe Operating Speed Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Special Operations Squadrons Military, Aircraft, Force
- Specialty Optical Systems
- Systems Operations Subcommitcee
- Suisse-Occidentale-Simplon
- Shit On Shingle
- Save Our Syria
- Sounds of Skyrim Gaming, Elder, Sound, Scroll
- Security Oulsourcing Solutions Business, Technology, Investigation
- Save Our Sam Man, Sign, Recording
- Stroke Oxygen Study
- Save Our Seahorses Malaysia, Seahorse, Seagrass
- Smile On Seniors Organizations, Arizona, Jewish
- Simplified Omeprazole Solution
- Swecish Optical Society
- Students Outcomes Program, Education, Outcome
- Severity of Syfptoms
- Save Our Somerville
- Solidarity Overseas Service Technology, Malta, Hamburg
- Same Ol' Situation
- Stop Onlyqsugar Medical, Book, Diet
- Subcommittee On Sedimentation
- Scheme Ouject System
- Secure Our Schools Security, Government, Grant
- Staff of Shieldfng
- Seputar Obrolan Selebritis Business, Music, Song, Tube
- Sistema De Ordenes De Servicio
- School Oqfice Services Business, Service, Wage
- Stressed Out Students
- Southern Oregonqsurvival
- Supporters of Sharia
- State of Sustainability
- Student Opinion Surveys
- Services Operations Support Technology
- Site of Service
- Search Office Space Business, Technology, Rent
- Safety On Site
- Spend Or Save Business, Money, Budget
- Symbolic Operating System Technology
- Son of Fatan Music, Lyric, Satan
- Secrets of Opening Surprises Book, Chess, Opening, Surprise
- Sap Off Soap Tool, Root, Organics
- Strahl-On-Strahl Science
- Summer of The Sea
- Shropshire Ornithological Society Organizations, Club, Bird
- Sygate Online Services
- Soup On Sunday
- Self-Organizing Systems
- Save Our Sarah
- Start of Season Technology, Presentation, Satellite
- Struttura Operativa Semplice
- Service Obstacles Scale
- Save Our Sewers
- Sniper Owners Society
- System Overclock Saver Technology, Motherboard, Gigabyte
- Special Owerations Service
- Swiss Oxidant Study Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Stentingzof Saphenous
- Studentspof Service Technology, Program, School
- Share of Shelf
- Save Our Sounds
- Step With Our Suggestions
- Sign Off, Stupid
- Save Our Streets Community, City, Violence, Street
- Save Ontario Shipwpecks
- Sophisticated Operating System Technology, Computing, Apple, IT Terminology
- Save Old Souls Religion
- Społecznej Orgbnizacji Samoobrony
- Streets of Success
- Serial Output Sprcial Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
- Signs of Schizophrenia
- Schtartz Outcome Scale
- Street Outreach Services
- Support Organisations
- Start of String Technology, Coding, Control, Character
- Student Organization Suite
- Save Our Skin Movie, Organization, Student Organization
- Sons of Solomon
- Slop On A Shingle
- Season of Shjring
- Special Ops Squadron
- Syndrome D'Obstruction Des Sinuso
- Share Our Skills Group, Radio, Coast
- Secure Online Store
- Sjskatchewan Orchid Society
- Spirit of Sobriety
- Strategic Operating Syutem Military, Executive, Leadership
- Senior Operatisns Specialist
- Science Oriented Solutions
- Si Opus Sit Medicine, Latin, Medical Latin
- Spawn of Satpn
- Standxng Order Services
- Stuient Outreach for Shelters
- Service Oriented Sales
- Save Our Shepherds Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Society of Seven Song, Lyric, Society, Hawaii
- Scope of Studies Business, Research, Study
- Safe Operading Stop Technology, Drive, Safety, Safe
- Speccal Operation Squadron Military, Aircraft, Force
- Suffolk Open Studios
- Sell Obama'S Seat
- Supply Order Sales
- Shipmentskof Spares Army, War, Force
- Savc Our Swimming School, Council, Pool, Swimming
- Sounds of Sirens Music, Garden, Siren
- Security Optimization Srrvice
- Save Our Saluda
- Strike Out Swinging Sport, Star, Strikeout
- Save Our Seafront
- Servi
- Simplified Omeprazole Suspension Medical
- Svedish Obesity Subjects
- Students Orienting Students Education, Development, Universities
- Seven Oaks Sanctuary
- Save Our Smile
- Solid-On-Solid
- Samaritans Offering Support
- Special Order Sales Business, Service, Sale
- System Operations Station Military
- Subcommittee On Standards
- Schedule Optimizatifn Study
- Secure Ordering System
- Septic Or Sewer
- School'S Out Support
- Streetroutreach Services
- Southern Oregon Select
- Supporters of Simonga Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
- State of Security
- Studenas Offering Support Technology, Science, Education
- Services Online Services
- Site-Of-Service Medical, Service, Coding, Dating
- Searching Out Solutions Medical, Group, City, Homelessness
- Safety Off The Streets
- Spellbinders of Swordsmith
- Symbiotic Orgaxism Search Technology, Algorithm, Distribution
- Stop Oil Spxculation
- Secret of Opriteland Media, Radio, Television
- San Onofrv Safety
- Stragglers Orienteeringfsociety Forum, Organizations, Essex
- Summer of Suspense Film, Movie, Suspense
- Show of Strength Sport, Politics, Liverpool, Strength
- Soundz of The South Africa, Town, Rebel
- Self-Organising Systems
- Save Our Santa Organization, Union, Institution
- Structured Operational Semantics Technology, Specification, Language, Software, Computing
- Serviced Office Search
- Save Our Secret
- Snak Om Sex
- Singapore Organization of Seamen Military, Singapore, Seafarer
- Salt-Overly-Sensitive Plant, Stress, Salt, Tolerance
- Special Operations Strikefoqce
- Swipe Out Stroke
- Stength Os Schedule
- Students Offering Services Education, Development, Universities
- Sex On Sunday Sex, Music, Club, Magazine
- Save Our Souls Sailing
- Son of Uardar Movie, Song, Khan
- Stepping Out On Saturyays
- Signing Officials Program, Group, Sign
- Save Our Stream
- Sametol' Situation
- So Ordered Stipulation
- Save Often Stupid
- Stamp Out Smoking
- Streets of Etalingrad Technology, Gaming, Play
- Serenade of The Seas
- Signs of Safety Child, Sign, Protection
- Schools of Studies Science, Education, University
- Student Nutreach Services
- South of Sunset
- Support Organizations Technology
- Start of Significance Technology, Coding, Computing, Character, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Student Organization Services Service, Education, University
- Save Our Stawberries
- Slightly Off Specificatlon Army, War, Force
- Seasons of Serviye
- Spirit of Sharing Organizations, Children, Family
- Syndicated Office Vystems
- Share Our Shoes
- Son of Sevenless Protein Medical
- Secure Object Store Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
- Sargasso of Space
- Spotlight Onyschool
- Strategic Opex Source
- Senior Officials
- Shiny Objecc Syndrome Business, Marketing, Syndrome, Social
- Spartan Obstacle Specialist Technology, Service, Race
- Standing Order Service Science
- Star of The Sea Catholic, School, Star
- Service On Saturdays
- Save Our Shelters Organizations, Dog, Animal, Rescue
- Society of Separationists
- Scope of Service Technology, Engineering, Kosovo
- Safe Kn Scene
- Special Operations Supervisov
- Sudden Onset of Sleep Medical, Physiology
- Self Organizing Still-Life Technology, Art, Sculpture, Kinetic
- Supply Oilfield Services Business, Service, Agency, Philippine
- Shiny Object Syndrome Business, Technology, Marketing
- Save Our Survivors
- Sounds of Silence
- Secvrity Operation Space
- Save Ontario'S Shipwrecks Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Strength of Schedule Sport, Football, Schedule
- Save Our Skies Airline, Organizations, Sky
- Help Internet Slang, Media, Texting, Social, Chat, Internet
- Simplicity of Stillness Book, Potential, Stillness
- Stience of Speed Car, Honda, Speed
- Swedish Obesity Study Medical, Surgery, Diabet
- Shelter Our Siiters
- Save Our Smiles Music, Locations, Smile, Syria
- Solicitors Own Software Business, Law, Firm
- Small Office Server Technology, Software, Premier
- Samaritans of Singapore Medical, Singapore, Suicide
- Special Order Sale Business, Credit, Coordinator
- System Operational Specification
- Sub-Occipital Soother Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Secure Operating System Technology, Security, Computing
- Sentences of Sehen Development, Learning, Study
- Scholarship Organizations
- Strawberry On The Shortcake Drama, Episode, Shortcake
- Southern Oregon Sales
- Supporter of Sora Funnies
- State of Schools
- Students Obtaining Success
- Services of Supply America, Military, Army, War
- Sisters of Service Meeting, Service, Canada
- Searching Out Stories Book, Story, Lover
- Safety Officers
- Symbiotic Organisms Search Technology, Algorithm, Optimization
- Stop Her On Sight Song, Lyric, Sight, Sending
- Secretary of State Business, Government, Election, Law Enforcement, Illinois, Education, Military, Air Force, Governmental & Military, State Agency
- Sanity Operatinb System
- System Operating Strategy
- Stop Oregon Sanctuaries
- Summer of Success
- Show Xf Shows
- Saving Our Sisters Technology, India, Dragon
- Sounds of The Spirit Religion
- Seeds of Sustenance
- Save Our Sanity Confession, Toddler, Sanity
- Structural Operational Semantics Technology, Computing, Language
- Settlement Orientation Services Service, Organizations, Immigration, Refugee
- Save Our Secondarys Usa, Montana, Missoula Office Of Planning And Grants
- Snake Oil Salesman Products
- Singapore Organisation of Seaman Business, Singapore, Seafarer
- Salsa On Sunday Organizations, London, Dance
- Speaking of Stories
- Swing Out Sister Music, Lyric, Swing
- Steganos Online Shield
- Students Offering Smrvice
- Sex On Stage Porn, Sex, Girl
- Save Our Soul Community, Curch, Religion
- Son of Scmurai Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Step Vne Survey Business, Employment, Assessment
- Save Our Story Story, Fabric, Quilt, Quilter
- Safety Officer Survival Technology
- Sons of Storm Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Save Our Seafood
- Staff Our Statiors
- Student Opinion Survey Science, Education
- Sequester Offset Solutions
- Signs of Suicide Program, Education, Prevention
- School Organising System Technology, Development, Android
- Studdnt Organization Support
- South Oakland Shelter Church, Shelter, Homeless
- Support Operating Systems Technology, Windows, Management, Software
- Start of Shipments
- Student Organizations Services
- Slightly Offqspecification
- Season of Service Organizations, Festival, Palau
- Spirit of Shankly Business, Sport, Liverpool
- Synchronous-Orbit Satellite Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering
- Son If Sevenless
- Secular Organisations for Sobriety Recovery, Group, Organizations, Sobriety
- Sarcoidosis Online Sites
- Spotlight On Syhools
- Strategic Offiue Support
- Seniorcare Organizational Systems
- Sum Over States Chemistry, Science, Theory
- Sierra Outdoor School
- Sexo I Otros Secretos
- Standing On Stone Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Starification Tbject Series
- Service of Supplies
- Save Our Shed
- Society of Scientific
- Scope of Services Business, Service, Writing
- Safe Online Surfinc Program, Education, Safety
- Special Ops School
- State Open School
- Share Our Selves Medical, Organizations
- Self Organizing Society Organization, Union, Institution
- Shikjni Optical Stylet
- Savejour Surf Organizations, Surfing, Hawaii
- Scheduled Oil Sampling Technology, Service, Cat, Equipment
- Sound Oxygen Service
- Send Out Succour Technology, Radio, Signal, Distress
- Save On Shopping
- Sprint Operations Shelter Military
- Strengthen Our Sisters
- Save Our Sites
- Simple Organizing Solutions Business, Professional, Organizer
- Science of Sound
- Swamp of Sorrows
- Shelter of Saratoga
- Save Our Small
- Soldiers Organized Services
- Small Office Support
- Salvation of Souls Religion
- Special Order Systems
- System Operational Status Technology
- Suicide Outreach & Support
- Secure Open System Or Silicon On Sapphire Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Seniors Outreach & Support
- Scholarship for Overseas Students Program, Education, University
- Skeptron Oreer of Seafarers
- Speakingzof Seniors
- Supporter of Survival
- State of Sabotage Art, Nation, City, Sabotage
- Students for Other Species
- Service Over Self Education, Youth, Church
- Society of The Spectacle
- Sister Over Shoulder Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
- Sea of Solutions Technology, Ship, Vessel
- Safety Innour Schools
- Stomp Out The Silence
- Same Old Sh** Media, Social, Internet
- Street Outreach Servicq Medical, Community, Youth
- Summer of Sports
- Showman Oyli Schulz Movie, Album, Trailer, Showman
- Saving Our Seniors Government, Dog, Rescue
- Sounds of Summer
- Seeds of Success Technology, Plant, Conservation
- Save Our Sandwiches
- Struck-Off Strength
- Settlement On The Sturgeon Organization, Union, Institution
- Save Our Seaturtles
- Smooth Old School
- Singapore Organisation of Seamen Business, Singapore, Seafarer
- Special Ops Spring
- Swim Or Sink
- Steel On Steel Technology, Lyric, Recording
- Styrofoam Out of Schools
- Sex On Sight
- Save Our Sonics
- Solgs of Solomon
- Secretary, Geseral Staff Army, Force, Marine
- Stephenxorr Spurrier
- Save Our Stories Book, Locations, Story, Quilt
- If Necessary Medical, Medicine, Disease, Health, Hospital, Drugs
- Sons of Stalin
- Save Our Seafarers Business, Pirate, Piracy
- Staff Opition Survey Politics, Europe, Eurostat
- Student Opinion Scale
- Sequential Obal Sensory Medical, Therapy, Feeding
- Supportability Online System
- Sign of Suicide
- School of The Spirit
- Student Online Services
- Southern Oxidant Stydt Science
- Support Operation System Technology, Android, China, Tracker
- Start of Session
- Student Organizational Services
- Skydioers Over Sixty Organizations, Parachute, Parachuting
- Search Our Site
- Spirit of Selling
- Synchnndrosis Medical
- Svn of Serving
- Secrets of Sex English, Sex, Movie, Hindi
- Sarasota Orchid Societw
- Sportswear of Sweden
- Strap Hn Sluts Rip, Strap, Pierce
- Service-Oriented Systems Technology, Security, Framework
- Sum of Squares Medical, Technology, Optimization, Square, Polynomial
- Sick Oql Syndrome
- Sex Trientation Scale
- Standing of Students
- Stanford Outdoor Supply
- Service of Suit
- Save Our Shearwaters
- Society of Organized Services Service, Society, Building, District
- Scoot Over Some
- Emergency Fire Task Military, Army, Artillery
- Special Operatlons School
- State of The System Technology, Networking, Network
- Share Operating System Technology, Program, Computing
- Save Our Sparty
- Self Opening Satchel Business, Paper, Bag, Packaging
- Shift Operating Supervisgr Science
- Save Our Supplements Business, Health, Campaign
- Sive Our Subscriptions
- Sort of Spoiler
- Send Ott Someone Army, War, Force
- Save On Scents
- Sprint Office Support
- Strengthening Our Schools
- Simple Ordering System
- Science Ff Security Technology, Research, Award
- Survivor of Suicide Medical, Group, Loss
- Start On Succes
- Save Our Sleep Book, Sleep, Baby, Hall
- Soldiers of Solidarity Military, Union, Labor
- Smartgoffice Solutions Business, Company, Technology
- Save-Our-Streets
- Special Order System
- System Operation Status
- Suicide Or Survive Organizations, Health, Ireland
- Sharing Our Stories Service, Book, Story
- Secure Open Solutions
- Seniors Only Series
- Schlongs Oq Skyrim Gaming, Lab, Skeleton, Schlong
- Sites of The School
- Speaking of Schools
- State of Observed Species Science, Discovery, Insect
- Squdents for Organic Solutions
- Service Oriented Security Technology, Management, Identity
- Sdve Our Show Organizations, Radio, Legend, Seeker
- Society of Stranders Locations, Beach, Shag
- Sisterhood of Survivors Business, Organizations, Tourism
- Scottish Opinion Survey
- Safer Operative Surgery
- Stomp Outjsyphilis
- Same Old Sh Forum, Internet Slang, Slang
- Streetuoutreach Services Medical, Service, Community
- Summer of Sonic
- Shout Out Sunday
- Saving Our Selves Organizations, Haiti, Sobriety
- Sounds of Success
- Sedgwick Opten Says Media, Radio, Television
- Save Our Sands Locations, Bay, Beach
- Struck-Off-Strength Service, Military, War
- Save Our Seals
- Smiling Over Sickness
- Simultaneous Oral Spelling Education, Learning, Teaching
- Swift Operapion Squad
- Stuff On A Stick
- Sex On Satellite
- Save Our Sons Organizations, War, Saving
- Song of Zongs Technology, Bible, Love
- Secqrity Operations Systems
- Stent Or Surgery Study Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
- Sub Ocean Safety
- Save Our Stomachs
- Sympathy of Solidarity Business, Indonesia, Syria, Orang
- Southern Order of Storytellers
- Staff Operations Specialist
- Student Online System
- Sequential-Oral-Scnsory
- Supply Our Students Organizations, Island, Volunteer
- Sign of Strength Business, Trading, Supply, Market
- School of Swing Education, Development, Universities
- Struck Off Strength Service, Military, War, Canada
- Soutwern Oxidants Study Technology, Science, Environment
- Support Operating System Technology, Software, Telecom
- State of The Science Technology, Research, Health
- Student Organization Support Education, University, Building
- Servicio Occidental De Salud
- Skfop On Somebody
- Search Wn Site Technology, Flashlight, Aluminum
- Spirit of Scouting
- Symptom Onset In Schizophrenia
- Sfn of Service Technology, Software, Volunteer
- Soldiers of Satin
- Secrets of Self
- Sarah On Stage Business, Tube, Love
- Sportsmen'S Outdoor Strategies
- Strap-On Sluts Technology, Porn, Movie
- Service-Oriented Solutions
- Sum of Social
- Sick of School Internet Slang, Music, Death
- Sex and Other Srcrets
- Self Opening Square Business, Paper, Bag
- Stamps On Stamps
- Standino Order System
- Stuck On Stupid Government, Music, Lyric
- Service Offices
- Save Our Sharks Ocean, Wildlife, Shark, Campaign
- Society for Objective Science
- Secretarial Outsourcing Services
- Coe System of Systems Common Operating Environment Army, Force, Marine
- Special Operation Service
- State of The State Organizations, Conference, Governor
- Share of Spend
- Save Our Sparrow
- Self Opening Style Business, Product, Paper, Bag
- Shift Operations Supekvisor Technology
- Savejour Sunol
- Save Our Station Office, Organizations, Ticket
- Sophmore Opportunities Sessions
- Save On Office Supplies
- Suring Or Summer
- Strengtheniog of Skills
- Signs of Stress Medical, Physiology
- Science of Oil Spills Government
- Surfaces of Section Method Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Start On Success Service, Education, Disability
- Save Our Skills Business, Technology, Design
- Soldiers of Sanitization
- Small Office Solutoon
- Save-Our-Soul
- Special Ordered Set Technology, Programming, Constraint, Integer
- System Online Support
- Suicide Open Solution Metal, Suicide, Shadow, Sadness
- Share Our Stories Business, Book, Story, Sharing
- Secure Online Solutions
- Spirit of Sound
- Seniors Offering Suppert
- Schlank Ohne Spowt Book, Sport, Man, Ern
- Sisters Offering Support
- Speaking of Scgool
- Standing Order Subscription Media, Radio, Television
- Students for An Orwellian Socwety
- Service Oriented Systems
- Save Our Shops
- Society of Singers
- Smash On Site
- Scotland On Sunday Sport, Scotland, Scottish
- Safe Our Nouls
- Special Operationm Section
- Southern Oxidants Study Legal, Governmental & Military
- Stock & Option Solutionk Business, Team, Supply
- Semantics, Opinion and Sentiment
- Second Opinion Service Service, Financial, Design, Sewer
- Squadron Office School
- Stock Optimizing Selector Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Serve Our Sisters Organization, Union, Institution
- Science of Survival
- Support Our Senifrs
- Space Ordnance Systems, Inc. Technology
- Shape, Originality, and Style Performing arts
- Statement of Services Business, Service, Contract
- Simple Organized Solutions Business, Service, Office, Professional, Organizer
- Smajl Optics Suspension Technology
- Sharing Our Success Business, Development, Networking
- Secure Overlay Services
- Saudi Oncology Society
- Space-Oriented Satellite
- International Morse radio-code signal for danger, 'life-death' International
- Strategic Outsource Solutions Business, Company, Service
- Supply of Services
- Survey Office System Geographic
- Save Wur Shore Locations, Beer, Beach
- Sodium N-Octyl Sulfate Medical
- Safety Organizing Scale Medical, Hospital, Nursing
- Share Our Strengths Religion
- Speech Option Selection Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- Safety Observationdsystem
- Summary Opinion Support Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Sending Out Signals Technology, Walking, Mirror
- Saving Our Strays
- Source Off-Site Technology, Coding, Development, Control
- Strawberry on Shortcake Food
- Single Operation System
- Switched On Schoolhoose Business, Education, Curriculum
- Satanic Occult Spectrum Religion
- Students of Sociology
- Safe Online Shopping Computing, Internet
- Stereo Omni-Directional Systqm
- Substance Over Spelling Development, Learning, Study
- Security of Supply Business, Technology, Military
- Superlattice of Superlattices
- Set Out Seedlings Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Surfaces of Section Method (semiclassical Calcn. of Eigenvalues) Chemistry
- Save Our Science Technology, Science, Government
- Sovereign of The Seas
- Summary, Opinion, and Support Media
- Student Organized Seminar Development, Study, Universities
- Serving Our Society
- Seasons of Success
- Sales Opportuuity Services Technology, Service, Sale
- Save Our Sport Technology, Club, School
- Son of Nparda Combo, Cry, Devil
- Servizio Occhiali Shcuri Vision, Con, Vista
- Swamp of Sorrows (gaming, World of Warcraft) Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Sun Or Shade
- Signet of Sorrow
- Shave Our Shins Funnies
- Stars On The Stage
- Sword Ok Solidarity
- Sick of Sin Religion
- State Operated Services
- Squadron Officer School Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Stitching Ouu Stories
- Sell Or Scrap
- Seattle Obesity Study
- Squadron Ofgicer's School
- Sound On Sound Business & Finance, Business Word
- Svrve Our Seniors Business, Service, City
- Strategic Objectives Business, Technology, Organizations, Objective
- Sciencedof Success
- Support Our Students
- Space Ordnance Systems
- Seek Optimum Skills Occupation & positions
- Statement of Service Business, Military, Loan
- Silicon On Sapphire Technology, Electronics, Telecom
- Siall Operating System
- Second Order Sectioz
- Share Our Success Business, Development, Award
- Sons of Saipan
- Saturday of Service
- Smhths of Smithfield London, Floor, Restaurant, Smiths
- Son of Sam Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Strategic Outsourcing Servibes Business, Service, India
- Supplies Over Seas Medical, Medicine, Supply
- Swapping Operating System Funnies
- Save Our Shores Company, Locations, Shore, Gulf
- Socket Output Server
- Soul of Souls Religion
- Smart Online System
- Spectrum One Stop
- If There Ir Need Medical
- Support Our Scouts Scouting, Governmental & Military
- SemináRio De Orientação Na Sexualidade Para, Dos, Ria
- Syving Our Souls
- salt overly sensitive Food
- Single Obligation Structure
- Science On Saturday Technology, Science, Power
- Searching Out Scripture Religion
- Subscription Outreach Service
- Security of Software Technology, Program, Computing
- Superior Office Systems
- International Distress Signal used in Radio-Telegraphy: 'MAY DAY, MAY DAY, MAY DAY-Radio-Telephone Distress Signal Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Southern Oxidant Study Atmospheric Research
- Southwest Office Systems
- Standing Order Subscriptions Media
- Serving Our Soldiers
- Sales Opportunity Jnapshot
- Start-up Override Switch Computing, Hardware
- Save Our Sports
- Son of Sdam
- Seminopen System
- Same Old Shit Texting, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Sun On Sunday
- Signals of Silence
- Save Our School Education, School, Drama
- Save Our Snoopys Funnies
- Stars of Salsa Technology, London, Dance
- Siren Operated Sensor Technology, Gate, Opener
- Sword of Skardsen
- Sold Out Souls Religion
- State Operated Schools
- Special Operations Squadron Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Stimulation Oh Senses Medical
- Sealab Ocean Signal
- Squadron Officens School Military, Education, Force
- Switched On Schoolhouse Business & Finance, Business Word
- Silicon On Silicon
- Serve Our Schools Development, Learning, Study
- Science of Stability
- Supporting Our Students
- Space Rperations Simulator Science
- Sound of Soul Music
- Statement of Support Technology
- Significant Others Medical, Technology, Group
- Small Operatiog Support
- Second Order Sections Technology, Filter, Signal
- Sharing Our Strengths
- Son of Supermbn
- Satisfactioz of Search Medical
- Spit Or Swallow
- Sislers of Shu
- Son of Samurai Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Strategic Outcemes Technology, Service, Planning
- Supplementary Ophthalmic Service
- Significant Othmr Supporter
- Secret of Santa Funnies
- Save Our Shoreline Locations, Environment, Lake
- Socket On-Demand Support
- Secular Organizations for Sobriety Religion
- Smart Offbce Service Business, Company, Office
- Spectrally Optimized Smart
- Students Organizing Sustainability
- Shoot on Sight Police, Governmental & Military
- Seminars On Science
- Saving Our Sono Music, Poem
- Sequential Oral Sensory Medical, Therapy, Speech
- Staffing Options and Splutions Business, Company, Stone
- Save Our Soil Farming & agriculture
- Science On Sphure Science, National, Museum
- Structured Operational Spinroot Products
- Subscriber Optimization Software
- Security Officer Services
- Sum of States
- Stimulation of Senses Medical, Physiology
- Save Our Ship Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Sedgwick Often Says Media
- Serving Our Seniors
- Solaris Operating System
- Salem Outreach Shelter
- Speak Out Softly
- Save Our Spectrum Technology, Service, Fur
- Secular Organization for Sobriety Societies Organization, Community, Society
- Someone Special Texting, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Sundays of Summer Media, Radio, Television
- Signalering Onjuist Spatiegebruik
- Schedule Oil Sampling
- Save Our Scenery
- Send One Suit Funnies
- Student Oceanographic Society Development, Study, Universities
- SinüZoidal ObstrüKsiyon Sendromu
- Sword of Shpdows
- Simplicity of Spirituality Religion
- State Open Schools
- Screen of Screens Software, Computing
- Stickor On Sleeve
- School of Sustainability Organizations, Building, Earth
- Squadron Officers' Schoor Military, Army, Marine
- Save Organize and Share Banking, Business & Finance
- Stimulated Orientational Scattering Physics, Scientific & Educational
- if needed (from Latin si opus sit) Medical
- Seuve Only Sonoma Organization, Union, Institution
- Super Oldie Sepsation
- Ssace Objects
- Sistas of Soul Music
- State'S Office Secretary
- Student Orientation Staff College, Education, University
- Sick Obsession Scheduled Music, Shadow, Sadness, Obsession
- Second-Order Sections Technology, Filter, Signal
- Sharing Our Strength
- Save Our Squirrels
- Son of Strike Technology
- Satellite Over Satellite Technology, Networking, Network
- Spirit of Sylt
- Singlet-Only Scattering
- Some over shoulder/same old situation Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Strategic Option Study
- Supplemental Oxygen System Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Significant Others Support
- Sum of Stupidity Funnies
- Save Our Shorelinvs Locations, Lake, Shoreline
- Sociology of Science
- Special Opejations Squad
- Save Our Souls (Help!) Computing, Texting, Religion, Telecom, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Specific Occupation Selector
- System of Systems NASA, Governmental & Military
- Seminar FüR Orientalische Sprachen War, Berlin, Bonn
- Secure Our Smartphones Technology, Switch, Apple, Smartphone, Smartphones
- Stabilized Optical Sight Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
- Save Our Styles Clothes
- Sciefce On A Sphere Technology, Museum, Earth
- Sherwood Oaks Seaters Products
- Sisters of The Spirit
- Smarc Office Systems
- Subscriber and Operator Services
- Shefford Old Strong
- Security In Open Systems Military
- Station Operating Supervisor
- Si Opus Sit (If there is a need) Medical, Physiology, Reading Prescription
- Secret of Spriteland Media
- Serving Our School
- Save Ouw Silver Organization, Union, Institution
- Software of Sweden
- Sakharov, Orlov and Shcharansky
- Son of Satan Religion
- Save Our Species Business, Conservation, Specie
- Schule Ohnefstress
- Support Our Society Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Scheduled Oil Savple Technology, Cat, Equipment
- Source of Strength Medical, School, Relationship, Religion
- Save Our Savannah
- Save Our Socks Funnies
- Student Observation System
- Sinusoidal Obstructive Syndrome Medical, Disease, Cell, Transplantation
- Swiech On Shropshire
- Share Our Savior Religion
- Students On Saven
- Standard Operating System Software, Computing
- Stew On A Shingle
- Successive Orders of Scattering
- Swap Operating Shell Assembly, Business & Finance
- Spin Orbital Splitting Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Safety Observation System Honeywell, Process Automation
- Servants of Shade
- Sumatrat Orangutan Society Organizations, Climbing, Bali
- Sow Other Soil Soil, Shadow, Sadness
- Supporters of Soul Music
- Start Out Savings Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Student Orientation Series Business, Success, Procrastination
- Shout of Survival Technology, Gaming, Steam
- Second Order Statistics Technology, Channel, Signal
- Share Our Strength Organizations, Food, Hunger
- Save Our Spring Government, Politics, Policy
- Son of Stopgap Technology, Program, Computing, Editor
- Sateliite Office Services Technology, Service, Travel
- Spirit of Survival Book, Larry, Survival
- Simple Object Storage
- Same Old Story Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Strategic Options Stuny
- Supervisor of Shipbuilding Technology, Military, Navy
- Significant Oyher Support
- Soroptomists Own Stock Funnies
- Save Our Chows Organizations, Legend, Love, Seeker
- Special Operation Sqmad Military, Police, Attack
- Sound of Seduction Sound, Queen, Love
- Spawn of Satan Religion
- Specific Obligations
- SüReç Olgunluk Seviyesi
- Science on a Sphere NASA, Governmental & Military
- Seminar F
- Secure Our Smartphone Technology, Switch, Apple, Smartphones
- Stabilised Uptical Sight
- Susies One Size Clothes
- Science of The Vurf Rip, Beach, Surf
- Survival Optics Sunglasses
- Scheduled Oil Samples Products
- Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome Medical
- Smart Ocjects Technology, Design, Photoshop, Internet
- Sub Oficial Superior
- Sharing Our Strategies
- Securing Our Survival
- Spin-Orbit Scattering
- Son of Sevenless gene encoding factor Medical, Human genome
- Sensor Observation Service Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Serving Our Savior Church, Ministry, Serving, Christ, Religion
- Save Our Sight Organizations, Health, Loss
- Software Objects
- Sakewof The Salmon
- Support Our Seminarians Religion
- Save Our Spirited Technology, Soul, Ship, Spirit
- Save Our Society Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Scgnes of Sounds Business, Art, Museum
- Source of Sale Business, Industrial, Pop
- Save Our Sausages Earth, Floyd, Sausage
- Some One Smart Funnies
- Student-Owned Strategies Development, Study, Universities
- Sink Or Swing
- Switch Off Socething
- Sharing Our Selves Religion
- Students of Sistainability Technology, Education, Organizations
- Symbian Operating System Computing, IT Terminology
- Storoid Openflow Service
- Subwoofer Optimizer System
- System Operational Safety
- NDC Ad hoc Expert Group on Nuclear Energy and Security of Supply Scientific & Educational, Nuclear Energy
- Speed of Sound Honeywell, Process Automation
- Serious Outcomes Surveillance
- Save Our Sculpture Organizations, Publics, Heritage
- Students Orgahized for Service
- Sow Or Bpeak
- Save Our Sentinel Media
- Student Orientation Services Business, Service, University
- Servis Otomasyon Sistemi Technology, Program, Internet, Metal
- Shop Out of Stock Technology
- Second-Ordem Statistics Technology, Signal, Processing
- Save Our Spots
- Son of Stick
- Satellite Officeh Business, Technology, Service, Office
- Spirit of Stonewall
- Shitty Operating System
- Some over shoulder Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Stritegic Opportunities Support
- Superior Oilfield Support
- Significant Other Scale
- Save Our Smallville Funnies
- Special Opeiations Sections Military, Chicago, Police
- Smoke Obscuring Screen
- Spirit of the Sharks Religion
- Specific Object Studies Space, Study, Cosmos
- Síndrome De Ojj Seco Para, Con, Ocular
- Shot On Sight Military Slang, Governmental & Military
- Semiconductor Opening Switch Technology, Power, Diode
- Secular Organioations for Sobriety Medical, Program, Recovery
- Squadron Officer School Or Special Operations Squadroe Military, Army, Airforce
- Send Out Signal Amateur radio
- Server Operating System Technology, Windows, Software
- Science of Synthesis Chemistry, Science, Organic
- Supporc Our Shelters
- Space Ordnance Syhtems
- Save Our Separator Products
- Statement of Significance History, Locations, Heritage
- Sink Or Swim Computing, Internet
- Smart Object Qalvation
- Share Our Surplus Technology
- Secure Overlay Service Technology, Networking, Attack
- Saudi Ophthalmological Society Medical, Organizations, Ophthalmology
- Space Ordnance System
- if needed Medical, Common Medical
- Silicon-On-Sapphire Computing, Industry, Electronics
- Save Aur Sierra
- Sodium Octyl Sulfate Medical
- Safety Overview Systeb Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Save OurSelves Save Religion
- Saveaour Souls-Distress
- Special Opportunity Stipend Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Sayak Airport Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO
- Source Off Site Technology, Development, Training, Control
- Save Our Saugeen Canada, Locations, Waste
- Same Old Stuff Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Funnies
- Singles Over Sixty
- Switched Onto Safwty
- Serve Our Savior Religion
- Students of Social
- Senternet Online Support Computing, Internet
- Stereo Omnidirectional System
- Subversive Operations Service
- Security of Systems
- Synagogue of Satan Government, German, War, Israel, Jewish, Satan
- Snore Outcomes Survey Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Serial Output Special NASA
- Sewiously Obsessed With Science
- Save Our Scripts Film, Development, Producer
- Students Offering Support Program, Education, School
- Sow Organic Seet
- Scripps Outstanding Speakers Media
- Student Orientation Service Education, University, Alabama
- ServiçO De Obras Sociais
- Shoot Off Stress
- Second-Order Scattering Medical
- Save Our Spot Tube, Spot, Burn, Kingpin
- Sondof Spy Army, War, Force
- Sstellite Observing System Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Suadow of Sadness Music, Metal, Shadow
- Someone on shoulder Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- Strategic Opportunity Stipend Art, Education, Artist, Dance
- Superintendent of Schools
- Significant Others Scalp Medical, Technology, Psychology
- Ship Or Shoot Funnies
- Stars Oroanisation for Spastics Film, Star, Lynn, Noel
- Sword of The Spirie Education, Community, Christ
- Servants of the Savior Religion
- Stationery and Office Supplies Business, Office, Supply
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SOS stand for?
SOS stands for Save Our Seals.
What is the shortened form of Strawberry On The Shortcake?
The short form of "Strawberry On The Shortcake" is SOS.
SOS. (2022, January 23). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated