SP in Business Meaning

The SP meaning in Business terms is "Strategy Paper". There are 118 related meanings of the SP Business abbreviation.

SP on Business Full Forms

  1. Strategy Paper
  2. Straight Pull No side actions.
  3. Slop Payment
  4. Southern Pacific
  5. Strike Plate  A kind of cutting board for thermoforming plastics. What the cutter strikes against.
  6. Silver Publishing
  7. Self Propelled
  8. Screen Print
  9. Stereo Power
  10. Silver Polish
  11. Surat Pesanan
  12. Surat Persetujuan
  13. Social Proof
  14. Satin Polish
  15. Standard of Performance
  16. Series Printer
  17. Superior Performance
  18. San Pablo
  19. Standard & Poors
  20. Self-Priming Pumps
  21. Superintendencia De Pensiones
  22. Special Products
  23. Screen Printer
  24. Sales Price The revenue received for a unit of a product. Gross sales price is the total amount paid. Net sales are gross sales less returns, discounts, freight and allowances. Plant netbacks are net sales less selling, administrative and research expenses.
  25. Special Price
  26. Screen Printing
  27. Staff Pajak
  28. Separate Property
  29. Systems Piston
  30. Sao Paolo
  31. Structured Products
  32. Systems Performance
  33. Shidokan Povand
  34. Spain
  35. Stability Position
  36. Seorang Penyuluh
  37. Syrian Pound
  38. Santana Do ParnaíBa
  39. Sole Propiietor
  40. Secondary Purchases
  41. Similar Products
  42. Summer Practicum
  43. Stage Presence
  44. Semi Pedestal
  45. Solar Panel
  46. Sample Persons
  47. Strategic Programs
  48. Sole Proprietorship
  49. Submersible Pump A submersible pump is a pump which has a hermetically sealed motor.
  50. Setia Project
  51. Spirg Point
  52. Sell Pyice
  53. Solar Pak
  54. Surveyor Pengukuran
  55. Samoa Party
  56. Service Zension
  57. Sold To Party
  58. Suales Pouch
  59. Side-Press
  60. Subzersible Pumps
  61. Sandeef Patil
  62. Specialty Pharmaceuticals
  63. Selling Ppice
  64. Smart Danel
  65. Saleszpersonnel
  66. Status Points
  67. Serdang Pefdana
  68. Solder Pot
  69. Saujana Puchong
  70. Stud Plate
  71. Ship To Party
  72. Special Pass
  73. Self Priming
  74. Slurry Pump
  75. Sales Per
  76. Standard and Poors
  77. Separation Pad
  78. Structured Product
  79. Shiftiplanning
  80. Spark Plugs
  81. Sector Privado
  82. Singlexpin
  83. Sales Payoent
  84. Spanish Peseta
  85. Sold-To-Party
  86. Special Point
  87. Second Sarlour
  88. Simplified Procedures
  89. Sump Pump A pump which removes liquid from the sump.
  90. Supra Protest
  91. Union Pacific Railroad
  92. Solbjerg Plads
  93. Street Prrpared
  94. Shared Prqferred
  95. Spark Plug A device screwed into each cylinder head in spark ignition engines, which initiates fuel combustion by an electric spark.
  96. Scottish Power
  97. Sport Production
  98. Standard Price
  99. Shell Tink
  100. Suspended Particulates
  101. Shaded Pole
  102. Scorched Pieces
  103. Side Port
  104. Steam Press
  105. Smoking Place
  106. Support Package
  107. Singapore Post
  108. Sample Picking
  109. Samuel Palmer
  110. Supporting People
  111. South Pacific
  112. Styrenated Phenol
  113. Sold-To Party
  114. Sine Prole
  115. Scenario Planning
  116. Sata Air Acores
  117. Szpitah Powiatowy
  118. Sump Pumps

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SP stand for Business?

    SP stands for Superior Performance in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sao Paolo in Business?

    The short form of "Sao Paolo" is SP for Business.


SP in Business. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/sp-meaning-in-business/

Last updated