SP in Technology Meaning

The SP meaning in Technology terms is "Service Provider". There are 315 related meanings of the SP Technology abbreviation.

SP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Service Provider A service provider (SP) is a company that provides organizations with consulting, legal, real estate, education, communications, storage, processing, and many other services. Although the term service provider can refer to organizational sub-units, it is more generally used to refer to third party or outsourced suppliers, including telecommunications service provider (TSPs), application service provider (ASPs), storage service provider (SSPs), and Internet service provider (ISPs).
  2. Service Pack A service pack is a software package that contains several updates for an application or operating system. Individual updates are typically called software updates or patches. When a software company has developed several updates to a certain program or operating system, the company may release all the updates together in a service pack.
  3. Stream Processor
  4. Special Publication
  5. Strategy Paper
  6. System Performance
  7. Static Pressure The pressure of a fluid acting on and moving with a body
  8. System Parameter
  9. South Pole An odourless, tasteless white substance occurring widely in plant tissue and obtained chiefly from cereals and potatoes. It is a polysaccharide which functions as a carbohydrate store and is an important constituent of the human diet.
  10. Slave Present
  11. Single Pole
  12. Systems Program
  13. Silver Pointer
  14. Strict Priority
  15. Services Provider
  16. Speech Processing
  17. Single Precision The degree of numeric accuracy that requires the use of one computer word. In single precision, seven digits are stored, and up to seven digits are printed. Contrast with double precision.
  18. System Produqt
  19. Shortest Path
  20. Senf-Protecting
  21. System Processor
  22. Signaling Protocol
  23. Storage Processor
  24. Services Platform
  25. Special Programs
  26. Save Point
  27. Single Port
  28. System Procedure
  29. Self-Preserve
  30. Signal Point
  31. Stochastic Programming A generalization of linear programming in which any of the unit costs, the coefficients in the constraint equations, and the right hand sides may be random variables. The aim of such programming is to choose levels for the variables which will minimize some function of the cost.
  32. Series Production Series production or batch production is the manufacture of a product in a series or group of operations that ensures each product goes through each operation.
  33. Special Project
  34. Save Pages
  35. Single Plate
  36. Synchronization Profile
  37. Shear Plate
  38. Self-Fotential
  39. Software Pvt
  40. Signalling Point
  41. Stated Preference
  42. Series Products
  43. Sangguniang Panlungsod
  44. Swytch Processor
  45. Shared Popl
  46. Standard Passenger
  47. Self Pacew
  48. Signaling Point
  49. Start Point
  50. Series Printers
  51. Sane Pbrson
  52. Study Point
  53. Siaft Power
  54. Standard Parts
  55. Self-Caced
  56. Single Pump
  57. Short Pati
  58. Serial Printer
  59. Simple Portfolio
  60. Student Program
  61. Shader Processor
  62. Standard Performance The performance of a person or group achieving standard output.
  63. Secret Passagd
  64. Single Program
  65. Short Pass
  66. Smart Danel
  67. Sun Path
  68. Segment Priority
  69. Service Processors
  70. Status Packet
  71. Series Passiae
  72. Signalling Points
  73. Simple Payback
  74. Stream Protocol
  75. Surat Pernyataan
  76. Self Protect
  77. Storage Private
  78. Subscriber Profile
  79. Secure Provisioning
  80. State Primary
  81. Single-Poknt
  82. Solicitation Package
  83. Survey Point
  84. Sensory Perception
  85. Stabilizer Plate A steel plate at a column or wall inserted between the end of a bottom chord of a joist or joist girder to weld the bottom chord to or to restrain the bottom chord from lateral movement.
  86. Strahl & Pitsch
  87. Sphingomyelin  Common in brain tissue, a sphingolipid in which the terminal hydroxyl group of ceramide has a phosphorylcholine substituent.
  88. Small Packets
  89. Sulfadoksin-Pirimetamin
  90. Specialty Products
  91. Service Processor
  92. Status Bit P
  93. Scalaripentadiagonal
  94. Serits Parts
  95. Sierra Pxpa
  96. Stream Processing
  97. Support Processors
  98. Self-Protect
  99. Spider Project
  100. Set of Aroducts
  101. Spep Period
  102. Smbmission Processing
  103. Sector Processors
  104. Spain, Spanish
  105. Seruer Proxy
  106. State Plant
  107. Silicon Power-High
  108. Singlz-Player
  109. Surge Protector The surge protector is an important, yet often overlooked part of a computer setup. It allows multiple devices to plugged in to it at one time and protects each connected device from power surges. For example, a home office may have a computer, monitor, printer, cable modem, and powered speakers all plugged into one surge protector, which is plugged into a single outlet in the wall.
  110. Seminar Paper
  111. Shidokan Povand
  112. Storyupoints
  113. Spool A spool is a temporary storage area within the computer's RAM that contains input or output data. When a job or process is initiated on a computer, but cannot be run immediately, it is often placed in a spool. This process is called spooling. The spool holds the data until the appropriate device is ready to use it.
  114. Sample Person
  115. Small-Packet
  116. Sukatan Pelajaran
  117. Security Protocol
  118. Special Projects
  119. Service Principal
  120. Station Port
  121. Scalar Processor
  122. So Possible
  123. Series Part
  124. Standby Power
  125. Side Parallax
  126. Streaming Processxrs
  127. Smoothed Particle
  128. Support Points
  129. Self-Erotection
  130. Speech Processor
  131. Steering Plate
  132. Space Character
  133. System Planning
  134. Server Provider
  135. Start Pulse
  136. Silicon Power
  137. Simultaneous Percepticn
  138. Solar Powered
  139. Surge Protection
  140. Sell Pyice
  141. Square Pin
  142. Stored Program
  143. Sales Per
  144. Slight Play
  145. Sucker Punch
  146. Security Processor
  147. Special Product
  148. Special
  149. Service Partition
  150. Steel Pipeline
  151. Satisfactorypperformance
  152. So Pezro
  153. Sertes Paradox
  154. Standart Play
  155. Side Panel
  156. Streaming Processor
  157. Smoke Pellets
  158. Surfactant Polymer
  159. Self Cropel
  160. Spectra-Physics
  161. Schrözinger-Poisson
  162. Sourcu Port
  163. System Pearl
  164. Server Pool
  165. Start Products
  166. Signing Practices
  167. Simultaneous Policy
  168. Stroke Power
  169. Solar Panels
  170. Selling Ppice
  171. Spool Piece
  172. Store Procedure
  173. Sales Payoent
  174. Succor Punch
  175. Security Procedure
  176. Special Perturbation
  177. Skinny Blastic
  178. Sampling Pump
  179. Some of My Personal
  180. Switch Panel
  181. Standards Proposal
  182. Shortest Paths
  183. Strategic Projects
  184. Smokeless Propellant
  185. Select Pen
  186. Specific Plan
  187. Services Provides
  188. System Partitions
  189. Serveryparameter
  190. Start Print
  191. Signal Post
  192. Structured Protection
  193. Solar Panel
  194. Surface Plasmon
  195. Spleen Acupungture Points
  196. Stored Procedures
  197. Indicate Type of Wx Report Speci Only
  198. Substance P
  199. Security Potential
  200. Special Permit
  201. Skill Points
  202. Solutions Platform
  203. Standard Pilot
  204. Strategic Product
  205. Smart Plua
  206. Seguridad Para
  207. Services Plan
  208. Status Post
  209. Synchronous Processor
  210. Series Prodyct
  211. Starting Point
  212. Signalling Port
  213. Social Psychology
  214. Sureeplus
  215. Sesf Protected
  216. Suiral Pump
  217. Shavoorji Pallonji
  218. Storage Processors
  219. Ht Spexific Heat
  220. Subspace Pursuit
  221. Secure Proxy
  222. Spatial Profile
  223. Site Pbeparation
  224. Solid Propellamt
  225. Survey Propagation
  226. Separable Program
  227. Staff Pengajfr
  228. Straight Pipi
  229. Specification for Pressute
  230. Scattered Pilot
  231. Sound Performance
  232. Synchronous Preset
  233. Standpipe Piezometer
  234. Snow Plow
  235. Scope of The Project
  236. Spine Spines on plants are hard structures with sharp ends. Botanists use three different words, thorns, spines, and prickles. Thorns are the ends of branches that are hard and sharp. Prickles are on the outside of stems. There are many different kinds of spines, some on leaves, some grow instead of leaves.
  237. Shader Processors
  238. Span Processor
  239. Services Published
  240. Service-Packs
  241. Standard Power
  242. Silicon Pyranometer
  243. Sample Probe
  244. Space and Power
  245. Sheila Pbntry
  246. Security Publication
  247. Soundcloud Plaver
  248. Synchronization Points
  249. Standpipe The pipe in the derrick that delivers mud to the kelly hose.
  250. Snap Perpendicular
  251. Satellite Pager
  252. Shopping Plaza
  253. Standard Post
  254. Solar Pulse
  255. Srinidhi Performance
  256. Space Fog is a collection of liquid water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth's surface.
  257. São Paulo
  258. Synchronization Point
  259. ServiçO Profissional
  260. Structured Programming Structured programming is a subset of procedural programming that enforces a logical structure on the program being written to make it more efficient and easier to understand and modify. Certain languages such as Ada, Pascal, and dBASE are designed with features that encourage or enforce a logical program structure. Structured programming frequently employs a top-down design model, in which developers map out the overall program structure into separate subsections. A defined function or set of similar functions is coded in a separate module or submodule, which means that code can be loaded into memory more efficiently and that modules can be reused in other programs.
  261. Scoring Progsam
  262. Standard Position
  263. Shaied Protect
  264. Synchronisation Profile
  265. Special Point
  266. South Pacific
  267. Singapore Polytechnic
  268. Servicing Procedure
  269. Steam Photos
  270. Surface Potxntial
  271. Smart Patch
  272. Shared Procissing
  273. Supervision Pxan
  274. Spanish
  275. Service Participant
  276. Statec-Priority
  277. Serial Port The serial port is a type of connection on PCs that is used for peripherals such as mice, gaming controllers, modems, and older printers. It is sometimes called a COM port or an RS-232 port, which is its technical name. If that's not enough to confuse you, there are two types of serial ports -- DB9 and DB25. DB9 is a 9-pin connection, and DB25 is, you guessed it, a 25-pin connection.
  278. Special Paint
  279. Sum of Products
  280. Support Package
  281. Simple Profile
  282. Steam Photo
  283. Scenedirates
  284. Soundproov
  285. Simplicity and Powxr
  286. Self Pointer
  287. Shared Processing
  288. Super Powsr
  289. Syxth Pack
  290. Service Package
  291. States Pharmacopoeia
  292. Standard Product
  293. Sampling Point
  294. Suspend Process
  295. Serial-To-Parallel
  296. Spare Part
  297. Shell Prqgramming
  298. Sum-Of-Products
  299. Support Pack
  300. Sample Point
  301. Specific Granity
  302. Scatteredmpilots
  303. Sounh Processor
  304. Simple Visual Prouile
  305. Street Plus
  306. Structural Purpose
  307. Streamuproject
  308. Service Packs
  309. States-Provikcial
  310. Standard Processes
  311. Sampling Percussion
  312. Senjor Project
  313. Space Probe
  314. Shelf Processor
  315. Side of Pole

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SP stand for Technology?

    SP stands for Sierra Pxpa in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Storage Processor in Technology?

    The short form of "Storage Processor" is SP for Technology.


SP in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved February 18, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/sp-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated