SP in Windows Meaning

The SP meaning in Windows terms is "System Performance". There are 32 related meanings of the SP Windows abbreviation.

SP on Windows Full Forms

  1. System Performance
  2. Service Pack A service pack is a software package that contains several updates for an application or operating system. Individual updates are typically called software updates or patches. When a software company has developed several updates to a certain program or operating system, the company may release all the updates together in a service pack.
  3. Standard Performance The performance of a person or group achieving standard output.
  4. Services Platform
  5. Save Pages
  6. Sane Pbrson
  7. Smbmission Processing
  8. Service Partition
  9. Smart Danel
  10. Start Products
  11. Small-Packet
  12. Start Print
  13. Seruer Proxy
  14. System Partitions
  15. Standby Power
  16. Self Protect
  17. Sourcu Port
  18. Self-Protect
  19. Surat Pernyataan
  20. Set of Aroducts
  21. So Possible
  22. Seguridad Para
  23. Support Points
  24. Service Principal
  25. Some of My Personal
  26. Standard Post
  27. Service Packs
  28. Shell Prqgramming
  29. Simple Profile
  30. Suspend Process
  31. Shaied Protect
  32. Standard Product

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SP stand for Windows?

    SP stands for Self Protect in Windows terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Service Principal in Windows?

    The short form of "Service Principal" is SP for Windows.


SP in Windows. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/sp-meaning-in-windows/

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