SPAM Meaning

The SPAM meaning is "Sistem Pengembangan Air Minum". The SPAM abbreviation has 125 different full form.

SPAM Full Forms

  1. Sistem Pengembangan Air Minum Indonesia, Liter, Baku, Air
  2. Shoulder of Pork and Ham Brand
  3. Shop, Portable, Aircraft Maintenance Book, Military, Manual
  4. Secure Password Authentication Mechanism
  5. Saint Pierre and Miquelon Coding, Locations, Saint, FIPS Country Codes, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Numeric Country Codes
  6. Search Pattern Assessment Model
  7. Society of Properties Artisan Managers
  8. Sex Pics and Movies
  9. Specialfy Processed American Meat Nutrition, Food, Victual
  10. Smooth Particle Applied Mnchanics Art, Particle, Hydrodynamics
  11. Shows People Are More
  12. Student Praise and Motivation Development, Learning, Study
  13. Scientifically-Produced Animal Matter
  14. Society of Physics, Astronomy, and Oathematics
  15. Set Preference Algorithm for Multiobjective
  16. Specially Processed Assorted Meat
  17. Smart Power Assistance Module
  18. Short Pointless Annoying Messages Funnies
  19. Student Peer Abstinence Movement
  20. Not An Acronym Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research, Computing, Unix
  21. Stupid Persons' Advertisement Internet Slang, Slang, Communication, Internet
  22. Society for The Preservation of Amplitude Modulation
  23. Serving People Aids Me
  24. Specially Prepared American Meat
  25. Shelter, Protective, Aircraft Maintenance
  26. Student Peer Assisted Mentoring
  27. Student Parents At Manoa
  28. Society for The Preservation of American Modernists
  29. Stupid, Pointless, Annoying Messages
  30. Self-Promotional Advertising Message
  31. Specially Prepared Aasorted Meats Nutrition, Food, Victual
  32. Shelter, Portable, Air Mobile
  33. Student Partners and Mentors Education, Development, Universities
  34. Spiced Ham Technology, Internet Slang, Army, Food
  35. Society for The Rublication of American Music
  36. Stupid, Pointless Annoying Message
  37. Security Protection and Management Business, Technology, Software
  38. Specialized Automated Mail Technology, Telecom
  39. Sex Pictures and Movies
  40. Strike Package and Associated Messages
  41. Spectral Analysis Manager Technology
  42. Society for Palmtop Advancement Through Meetings
  43. Stuff Posing As Meat Forum, Technology, Food, Community, Funnies
  44. Security Printing and Minting
  45. Soft-Pulse Added Mixini Medical
  46. Sexy Pics and Movies
  47. Strengthening Protected Area Management
  48. Something Posing As Meat Forum, Food, Meat, Ham
  49. Sociedade Pro-Arte Moderna
  50. Sierra Provinces Assessment and Monitoring Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  51. Students Planning Activities Monthly
  52. Semi Processed Artificial Meat Food
  53. Service Praise and Ministry Religion
  54. Self Promotional Advertising Messages Funnies
  55. Situation Present Assessment Method
  56. Stupid People Annoying Me
  57. Sending Persistently Annoying Mail Funnies
  58. Spiced Pork and hAM Internet Slang, Computing, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  59. Survey Processing and Management
  60. Specially Processed Army Meat Funnies
  61. Someone's Poor Advertising Method Funnies
  62. Scanning Probe Array Memory Security, Governmental & Military
  63. Specially Processed Animal Meat Food
  64. Spiritual Preparation and Meditation Religion
  65. Sending People Annoying Mail Funnies
  66. Sites Positioned Above Me
  67. Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages Forum, Technology, Message, Funnies
  68. Specially Processed American Meat Food, Funnies
  69. Spirituality Prayer and Meditation Religion
  70. Spooky People Above Me Funnies
  71. Summer Party At Marks Organization, Union, Institution
  72. Stupid Person Advertising Method Funnies
  73. superfluous pieces of additional mail* Computing, Linux
  74. Spiritual Preparation and Ministry Religion
  75. Specially Prepared Advertising Material Funnies
  76. Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum
  77. Stress Prevention and Management Medical
  78. Stupid Pointless Annoying Message Forum, Technology, Hosting
  79. Specially Processed Artificial Meat Food
  80. Super Powerful All Means Religion
  81. Stuff Posed As Meat Funnies
  82. Smart People Are Making
  83. Subspace Projected Approximate Matrix
  84. Spoiled Poultry and Meat Funnies
  85. Self Propelled Advertising Material Computing, Internet
  86. Ship Position and Attitude Measurement
  87. St. Paul Adolescent Meeting Religion
  88. Some Poop Ass Mail Funnies
  89. Singing Produces Awesome Miracles
  90. Stupid Persons Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  91. Squirrel Possum and Mouse Food, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  92. Study Prayer and Ministry Religion
  93. Sometimes Parker Amazes Me Funnies
  94. Small Payload Accommodation Module Technology
  95. Style Performance Action Music
  96. Sparkly Ponies Are Marching Funnies
  97. Simultaneously Posted Advertisement Messages Computing, Internet
  98. Satellite Processor Access Method
  99. Semi Professional Amateur Music Music
  100. Silly Pointless Annoying Message Funnies
  101. Simultaneously Posted Advertising Message
  102. Special People Admiring Meteors Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  103. Specially Prepared Assorted Meats Food
  104. Student Performing Arts Ministry Religion
  105. Senseless Pointless Annoying Message Funnies
  106. Slant Path Attenuation Model
  107. Stupid Pointless Annoying Material
  108. Severely Punctured Artery Material Funnies
  109. Special Peripherally Assisted Microprocessor Computing, Hardware
  110. Society for The Publication of American Music
  111. Some Pretty Amazing Music Music
  112. Solidified and Processed Anti Meat Funnies
  113. Simbacca'S Player Advancement Method
  114. stupid persons'advertisement Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  115. Spare Parts and Membranes Food
  116. Serving People and Mankind Religion
  117. Sudden Privacy Abandonment Method Funnies
  118. Slang Name for Unsolicited Commercial Email Technology, Internet Slang, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  119. Stupid Person'S Advertisement Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  120. Sentient Paranormal Ameboid Mass Funnies
  121. Send Phenomenal Amounts of Mail Internet Slang, Computing, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  122. Systems Personnel Activity Meeting
  123. Some Parts Aren't Meat Funnies
  124. Some Parts Are Meat Funnies
  125. Seriously, Poor Advertising Method Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SPAM stand for?

    SPAM stands for Sentient Paranormal Ameboid Mass.

  2. What is the shortened form of Slant Path Attenuation Model?

    The short form of "Slant Path Attenuation Model" is SPAM.


SPAM. (2021, September 21). Retrieved February 14, 2025 from

Last updated