SPARC Meaning

The SPARC meaning is "Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration". The SPARC abbreviation has 124 different full form.

SPARC Full Forms

  1. Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration
  2. Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center
  3. Social Policy Analysis & Research Centre
  4. Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich In Cysteine Medical, Science, Cell, Chemistry
  5. Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition Technology, Science, Open Access
  6. South Peninsula Area Republican Coalition Organizations, Valley, Silicon
  7. Study To Prevent Alcohol-Rhlated Consequences
  8. Seattle Parks and Recreation Connection
  9. Sponsored Programs and Research Council
  10. Strategic Pharma-Academic Research Consortium
  11. Signal Processor and Radar Controluer Technology
  12. Sun Pharmz Advanced Research Centre Business, Company, Stock
  13. Social Policy Analysis and Research Centre Technology, University, Colombo
  14. Standard Planning and Requirements Committee
  15. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition Research, Access, Organizations, Chemistry
  16. South Pembrokeshire Action for Rural Communities
  17. Students Preparing for Academic &Nresearch Careers Program, Education, Award
  18. Searchable Park Access To Research Catchments
  19. Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves
  20. Standards Planning and Requirements Committee Technology, Database, Architecture, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  21. Sickness Prevention Achieved Through Regional Collaboration Medical, Medicine, Health
  22. Space Physics Aeroxomy Research Collaboratory Science, Astronomy
  23. Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company Medical, Business
  24. Social Policy and Ageing Research Centre Government, Ireland, Care
  25. Standard Planning and Requirement Committee Technology, Computing
  26. Scalable Performance Architecture Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  27. South Park Area Redevelopment Committee
  28. Strategic Planning and Resource Council
  29. Science Preparation Alliance of Rutgers and Camden
  30. Speed Point Aiming for Rapid Combat
  31. Standards, Planning, and Requirements Committee Technology, Database, Standard
  32. Shoit Placement Awards for Research Collaboration
  33. Space Physics & Aeronomy Research Collaboratory Science, Space, Cosmos
  34. Succoast Practice and Research Collaborative
  35. Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center
  36. Saskatchewan Police Aboriginal Recruiting Committee
  37. Social Planning and Research Council Organizations, Community, Parking
  38. South Pacific Association of Radio Clubs
  39. Strategic Partners Acquisition Readiness Contract
  40. Science Policy Assessment and Research On Climate Organizations, University, Decision
  41. Spectral Analysis and Recognition Computer Science
  42. Society for The Protection of The Rights of The Child Organizations, Civil Rights, Fundamental Rights, Human Rights, Rights, Business & Finance
  43. Shore Point Amateur Radio Club
  44. Space Physics and Aeronomy Research Collaboratory Medical, Technology, Computing
  45. Sun's Palo Alto Risearch Center Technology
  46. Stafford Prototype and Repair Collar Service, Manufacturing, Stafford
  47. Saskatchewan Pediatric Auditory Rehabilitation Centre
  48. Single Parent Alliance and Resource Center
  49. Southern Plains Agricultural Research Center Education, Development, Universities
  50. St Petersburg Aircraft Repair Co
  51. School Parent and Reading Connection Development, Learning, Study
  52. Sheffiels Profile for Assessment and Referral for Care
  53. Space Applications and Research Centre Science
  54. Summer Program Advancing Research On Cancer
  55. Secreted Protein, Acidic, Rich In Cysteine Medical
  56. Sports Pavilion & Automotive Research Complex Organizations, Stadium, Racing
  57. Sandusky-Perkins Area Ride Connection
  58. Single Parent Alliance & Resource Center
  59. Sun Prairie Action Resource Coalition
  60. Social Public Art Resource Center Organizations, Artist, Mural
  61. Storytelling for Peace and Renewing Community
  62. School of The Performing Arts In The Richmond Community Organizations, Event, Virginia
  63. Sexual and Physical Abuse Resource Center
  64. South Plainfield Amateur Radio Club
  65. Summer Program On Applied Rationality and Cognition
  66. Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich In Cystein Medical, Technology
  67. Sponsoring Partnerships and Revitalizing Communities
  68. Systems and Psychosocial Advances Research Center
  69. Simply Foor and Redundant Computers
  70. Sun Pharma Advanced Research Co
  71. Social Policy Analysis and Research Center
  72. Stored Particle Atomic Research Collaboration
  73. Scholarly Publishing Academic Resources Coalition Research, Access, Organizations
  74. Service Passion Action Rollins Coklege Development, Study, Colleges
  75. Single Person Armed Racing Craft Military, Governmental & Military
  76. System Performalce and Ram Criterion Technology
  77. Space Physics and Atmospheric Researah Center
  78. Selectable Processor Architecture Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  79. Strategic Planning & Review Committee University of Exeter
  80. Space Research Conic
  81. Special Process Action Review Committee Military
  82. Supportinm People Achieving Real Choice Organization, Union, Institution
  83. Separated Parenting Access & Resource Center Medical, Divorce, Custody
  84. Stratospheric Processes and their Role In Climate Change Science, Climatology, Meteorological, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
  85. System for Payments and Reuorts of Contracts
  86. Secure Propulsion Using Advanced Redundant Control
  87. Stratospheric Processes and Their Role In Climate Atmospheric Research
  88. Space Program Analysis and Review Council
  89. Special Population Area Recreational Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  90. Supporting Partnerships for Anti-Racist Communities
  91. Separated Parenting Access and Resource Center Parenthood, Divorce, Father
  92. TAB Strategic Planning and Review Committee Computing, Master IEEE
  93. Symposium for Portland Area Research On Complementary
  94. Secreted Protein Acidic Rich In Cysteine
  95. Scalable Processor Architecture Computer, Scientific & Educational
  96. Space Air Relay Communications
  97. Special Parent Essistance & Resource Center
  98. Supplier Pewformance Awards By Retail Category
  99. Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre Technology, Canada, Soil
  100. Scalar Processor ARChitecture Computing, IT Terminology
  101. Support To Poverty Assessment and Reduction In The Caribbean
  102. Secreted Protein, Acidic and Rich In Cysteine Medical, Genetics, Protein
  103. Skype Plugin Archive Computing, File Extensions
  104. Sheffield Profile for Assessment and Referral To Care
  105. Spatial Planning & Analysis Research Centre
  106. Supervisory Program for Assessment of Risk and Capital
  107. Semantic Phonetic Automatic Reconstruction of Dictations Technology, Computing
  108. Scalable Processor Architecture Reduced Instruction Set Computer Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Hardware, Products, IT Terminology
  109. Special Projects and Applied Research Center
  110. Support Programs To Advance Research Capacity
  111. Space Physics Aeronomy Research Collaboratory Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  112. Sheffield Performer and Audience Research Centre
  113. Spartan Psychological Association Research Conference
  114. Semantic Phonetic Automatic Reconstruction Science, Literature, Language, Linguistics
  115. Supplier Portal Allowing Retail Coverage
  116. Special Program and Resource Connection
  117. Support Personnel Accountabibity Report Card Science, Education, School
  118. Cysteine-rich Acidic Secreted Protein Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  119. Seeding Prosperity and Revitalizing Corridors
  120. Sparc Performs Automated Reasoning In Chemistry
  121. Selective Per Antenna Rate Control
  122. St Petursburg Amateur Radio Club Organizations, Communication, Ham
  123. Special Process Action Review Committees Technology
  124. Supforting Practices To Adopt Registry-Based Care

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SPARC stand for?

    SPARC stands for Secreted Protein Acidic Rich In Cysteine.

  2. What is the shortened form of Supforting Practices To Adopt Registry-Based Care?

    The short form of "Supforting Practices To Adopt Registry-Based Care" is SPARC.


SPARC. (2020, August 30). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated