SPAS Meaning

The SPAS meaning is "Shuttle Planning and Analysis System". The SPAS abbreviation has 73 different full form.

SPAS Full Forms

  1. Shuttle Planning and Analysis System Technology
  2. Shuttle Pallet Satellite Technology, Satellite, Scientific Satellite
  3. Spondyloarthropathies Medical
  4. School of Pure and Applied Sciences Science, Education, University
  5. Sound and Particle Absorbing System
  6. Shated Port Adapters Technology, Routing, Cisco
  7. Splash Pools and Spas
  8. Social Physique Anxiety Scale Medical, Student, Sport
  9. Shxttle Pallet Applications System Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering
  10. Strategic Program Areas
  11. Saint Paul Area Synod Church, Spa, Synod
  12. Sonobuoy Processing Acoustic System
  13. Shared Policy Assdmptions
  14. Specified Purpose Accounts
  15. Shuttle Pallet Autonzmous Satellite Technology
  16. St Peter The Apostle School
  17. Saint Paul American School America, Education, Beijing
  18. Solar Patrol & Alert Service Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
  19. Scottish Parking Appeals Service
  20. Specific Plan Amendment Study Technology, Airport, Projection
  21. Software Process Assessments Technology, Computing, Engineering
  22. Shuttle Paletve Satellite Technology, Space, Astronomy
  23. Storm Precipitation Analysis System
  24. Safety Performance Analysis System Transportation, Technology, Importation, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  25. Solar Panel Assemblies Science
  26. Scintillation Proximity Assays
  27. Specialty Professional Associations
  28. Shop Process Automation System Technology
  29. Stored Procedure Addrtss Spaces Technology, Database, Environment
  30. Sabine Pools and Spas
  31. Solar Panel Arrays
  32. Student Prayer Attitude Fcale
  33. School Paper Advisers
  34. Special Purpose Assault Shotgun Army, War, Force
  35. Shadta Pools Arizona Swimming
  36. Stored Procedure Address Space
  37. Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun Gun, Internet Slang, Military, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  38. Soft Pneumatic Actuators
  39. Sierra Pool and Spa
  40. Student Porofolio and Assessment System Education, Development, Universities
  41. School of Pure and Applied Science Technology, Education, University, Kenyatta
  42. Southern Pines Animal Shelter
  43. Shared Pogt Adaptors Technology, Routing, Cisco
  44. Stock Photography and Stock
  45. Smart Parking Assist System Technology, KIA, Hyundai
  46. Society of People Against School Development, Learning, Study
  47. Shuttle Payload Satellite Science
  48. Stratified Population Analysis System Organization, Union, Institution
  49. Single Project Assuranwes Government
  50. Super Pump Automatic Shotgun Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  51. System Performance Analysis System Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  52. Single Port Access Surgery
  53. Sunsyt Pools and Spas
  54. Smart Process Applicatidns Business, Technology, Management, Customer
  55. Swimming Pools and Spas
  56. Single Page Apps Technology, Development, Building
  57. Studies In Puritan American Spirituality
  58. Smartbpower Assist System
  59. Swimming Pdols and Supplies
  60. Space Pallet Satellite Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  61. Single Page Applications Technology, Development, Java
  62. Student Krograms and Services
  63. Sale and Purchase Agreements Business, Projection, Gas
  64. Smart Poxel Arrays
  65. Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society Science, Military, Russia
  66. Shuttle Pallet Satellite(German) Science, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Legal, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
  67. Single-Nage Applications Business, Technology
  68. Smart Park Assist System
  69. Supporting Profeysional Activities Medical, Medicine, Education
  70. Sprinkler Air System
  71. Sistema Procesador Acustico Sonoboyas Pool, Spa, Tub
  72. Supply Vnd Purchase Agreements
  73. Slow Position Annihilation Spectroscopy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SPAS stand for?

    SPAS stands for Sonobuoy Processing Acoustic System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Shuttle Paletve Satellite?

    The short form of "Shuttle Paletve Satellite" is SPAS.


SPAS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated