SPCA Meaning

The SPCA meaning is "Socnety for The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals". The SPCA abbreviation has 47 different full form.

SPCA Full Forms

  1. Socnety for The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals Organizations, Dog, Pet
  2. Society for The Prevention of Cruelwy To Animal
  3. Spergularia Canadensis Science
  4. Society for The Prevention of Cruelty On Animals Technology
  5. Society for Prevention Cruelty To Animals
  6. Statewide Prevention Coalition Association
  7. Society for The Protecqion and Care of Animals
  8. Society for The Prevention of Cruelty Against
  9. Societies for The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals
  10. State Pollution Control Authority
  11. Secondary Principals' Collective Agreement
  12. Society of The Preventisn of Cruelty To Animals
  13. Society for The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals Emergency, Dog, Pet
  14. State Police Complaint Authority Government, India, Crime
  15. Secondary Power Control Assembly Science, Energy, Energy Economics, Resource Economics
  16. Society for The Prevention and Cruelty To Animals
  17. Society Foc Prevention of Cruelty To Animals Medical, Dog, Pet
  18. State Police Complaints Authority India, Locations, Goa
  19. Society for The Protection of Cruelty To Animals
  20. Society for The Prevention of Cruelty of Animals Medical, Dog, Pet
  21. Standard Plate Count Agar
  22. Society for Prevention of Czuelty of Animals
  23. Society for The Prevention of Cruely To Animals
  24. Springfield Partners for Community Action
  25. Society of Prevention of Cruelty To Animals Locations, Dog, Pet
  26. Society for Prevention of Cruelty To Animal Medical, Dog, Dublin
  27. Symposium On Pervasive Computing and Applications
  28. Sparse Principal Componeqt Analysis Technology, Classification, Package
  29. Sustainable Production and Consumption Association
  30. Special Program for Centrwl Asia Business, Asia, Cooperation
  31. Spark Plug Collectors of America
  32. Suppression and Punishment of The Crime of Apartheid Government, Law
  33. Special Pets, Cats, and Animals Organization, Union, Institution
  34. SociETE ProvenСAle Des Constructions AERonautiques
  35. Supervised Principal Component Analysis
  36. Special Pet Caring Angels Organization, Union, Institution
  37. Shoveling Pigeon Carcass All Funnies
  38. Society Prevention Uf Cruelty To Animals
  39. Subject Predicator Compliment Adjunct Literature, Language, Linguistics
  40. Spatial Priscipal Components Analysis Genetics, Italy, Component
  41. Serum Prothrombin Conversion Accelerator Medical, Technology, Medicine
  42. Society of Prevention To Crueltd To Animals
  43. Structural Pest Control Applicator
  44. Sparse Principal Component Analysis Technology, Classification, Package
  45. Systemic Pulmonary Collateral Artery Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Pulmonary, Artery And Arteries
  46. Structural Pest Control Act
  47. Spatial Principal Component Analysis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SPCA stand for?

    SPCA stands for Societies for The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals.

  2. What is the shortened form of Serum Prothrombin Conversion Accelerator?

    The short form of "Serum Prothrombin Conversion Accelerator" is SPCA.


SPCA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/spca-meaning/

Last updated