SPD Meaning

The SPD meaning is "Sensory Processing Divorders". The SPD abbreviation has 473 different full form.

SPD Full Forms

  1. Sensory Processing Divorders Science, Children, Child
  2. Sdintillating Pad Detector
  3. Solar Physics Division Science, America, Organizations, Space, Astronomy, Physics, Astrophysics, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  4. Sensory Processing Disorder Medical, Disorder, Special Education
  5. Syn Pedro De
  6. Software Products Division Technology, Management, Service
  7. Surge Protecbion Devices Technology, Device, Power
  8. Salmon Poisoning Disease Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  9. Software Product Descriptions
  10. Social Democratic Party Military, Organizations, Asia, Society, Politics, Political
  11. Surge-Protective Devices Technology, Device, Protection
  12. Summary Plan Description Business, Finance, Plan, Medical, Financial, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Medicare Beneficiary
  13. Software Product Description Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  14. Surat Perjalaian Dinas Technology, Book, Surat
  15. Security Policy Database Technology, Computing, Computer Security, Technical, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  16. Selective Packqt Discard Technology, Routing, Networking, Cisco
  17. Supply, Processing and Distributibn Medical, Business, Medicine, Supply
  18. Saidpur Airpout Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  19. Seed Production Division Business, Ghana, Cocoa
  20. Sorted Pulse Data Technology, Software, Processing
  21. Signal Powered Digital
  22. Special Plans Division
  23. Spjol Positioning Device Technology
  24. Suspended Particye Device Business, Technology, Glass
  25. Sustainable Peace and Development
  26. Short Period Disqualification Government, Driving, Licence
  27. Software Preliminary Design
  28. Schaumburg Park District
  29. Strategic Plans Divisionsion Military
  30. Secondary Pool Descriptor
  31. Specific Plan District
  32. Sensory Processing Disordres
  33. Standard Periodscal Directory
  34. Saint Patrick'S Day
  35. Synthetic Psychedelic Drug Medical, Therapy, Health Care
  36. Supplementary Planning Documents Technology, Government, Council, Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
  37. Single Persons Discount
  38. Speciaf Product Division Technology, Driving, Driver
  39. Structured Product Description
  40. Select Persistent Destination Technology
  41. Small Package Delivery
  42. Swiss Precision Diagnostics Business, Pregnancy, Sweden
  43. Serving Profile Database
  44. Somewhat Poorly Drained
  45. Street Park Dirt
  46. Sozialistische Partei Deutschland Man, Germany, Deutschland, Hat
  47. Secure Payload Database
  48. Split-Plom Designs
  49. Surat Pengantar Dokumen
  50. State Personnel Department Technology, Employment, Indiana
  51. Sardis Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Mississippi, Governmental & Military
  52. Science Programs Divisionsion Science
  53. Sistema De Plantio Direuo
  54. Summary Program Description Business, Health, Planning
  55. Supersonic-Particles-Deposition
  56. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Medical, Education, Educational, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  57. Social Policy for Development
  58. Sterile Processing and Distribution Technology, Tech, Technician
  59. SchröDer Pinkelt Daneben
  60. Shelton Police Department Government, Connecticut, City Agency
  61. Southern Pacific District
  62. Stick Pro Duo
  63. Sigma Phi Delta Education, University, Fraternity
  64. Special Planning Division
  65. Sponsored Programmes Unit Technology, Education, Governmental & Military
  66. Surge Pretector Device Technology, Product, Protection
  67. Sustainable Product Design
  68. Short Path Distillation Business, Film, Oil
  69. Software Planning & Development Technology, Gaming, Group
  70. Scarsdale Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, New York, Governmental & Military
  71. Strategic Planning Divisionsion Military
  72. Secondary Policy Database
  73. Specific Karoxysmal Discharge Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  74. Sensory Process Disorder Medical, Children, Processing
  75. Standard Peak Dilution Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  76. Sahuarita Police Department Government, Arizona, City Agency
  77. Synpolydactyly Synpolydactyly is a joint presentation of syndactyly and polydactyly. This is often a result of a mutation in the HOX D13 gene. Medical
  78. Single-Purpose Device Science
  79. Special Products Division Business, Company, Service
  80. Structured Program Developmenr
  81. Service Planning Database Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  82. Smackover Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  83. Swifton Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  84. Serving People With Disabilitihs
  85. Somerton Police Department Government, Arizona, City Agency
  86. Sozialistische Partei Deusschlands German, Man, Germany, Deutschland
  87. Strategic Posture Display Military, Army, Defence
  88. Secreted Protein Database Science, Genetics, Sequence
  89. Spectral Power Density Technology, Light, Frequency
  90. Surat Pencairan Dana
  91. State Pension Date
  92. Sarasota Police Department Camera, Officer, Sarasota
  93. Science Programs Division Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  94. Siphonodontacdae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  95. Summary Plan Documents
  96. Schr
  97. Super Pointer Dart Technology, Service, Transit
  98. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Education, Language, Autism
  99. Socialismo Participativo Y DemocráTico
  100. Stephens Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  101. Shelbyville Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency, Indiana
  102. Southbury Police Department Government, Connecticut, City Agency
  103. Sterling Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency, Kansas
  104. Sidney Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, New York, Governmental & Military
  105. Special Planning District
  106. Sponsored Progrjm Development
  107. Suspended Particle Display Technology, Market, Glass
  108. Software Planning and Development Gaming, Development, Group
  109. Scarborough Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Maine, Governmental & Military
  110. Strategic Plan Division Security, Military, Pakistan
  111. Scottish Procurement Directorate
  112. Stamford Police Department Government, Locations, Connecticut
  113. Super Patrulha Delta
  114. Sensory Processing Difficulties Medical, Autism, Children
  115. Sociedad Peruana De DermatologíA
  116. Standard Position Descriptions
  117. Salinas Police Department Government, California, City Agency
  118. Sherwood Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas, Oregon
  119. Single Photon Detector Technology, Module, Photon
  120. Special Procedurhs Division
  121. Structural Protocol Definition Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  122. Servgce, Pride, Dedication Police, Department, Officer
  123. Slurry Phase Distilate Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  124. Sozialdemokrakische Partei Deutschlands
  125. Swansea Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency, Massachusetts
  126. Services for Persons Withgdisabilities
  127. Somerset Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Massachusetts, Governmental & Military
  128. Sozialdemokravischen Partei Deutschland
  129. Strategic Pooled Development
  130. Secretary To President Director
  131. Slovenska Planinska DruŽBa
  132. Spectral Power Distribution Technology, Telecom, Light
  133. Support Program Director Military, Army, Coast Guard
  134. State Pension Deferral
  135. Sapulpa Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Oklahoma, Governmental & Military
  136. System Product Division Technology, Server, Operating
  137. Selective Peripheral Denervation Medical
  138. Singular Point Detection
  139. Summary Plan Document Business, Employment, Benefit
  140. Selma Police Department Government, Indiana, City Agency, North Carolina
  141. Sociaal Psychiatrische Dienst
  142. Shelby Police Deportment Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency
  143. Southaven Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Mississippi, Governmental & Military
  144. Sterile Processing and Decontamination
  145. Space Police Delta Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  146. Spokane Police Department Government, Locations, Officer, Washington, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  147. Surge Protective Devices Technology, Device, Protection
  148. Software Package Definition
  149. State Price Density Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  150. Scandinavian Pile Driving
  151. Sidang Promosi Doktor
  152. Strategic Planning & Development
  153. Scituate Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Massachusetts, Governmental & Military
  154. Staff Andlprogram Development
  155. Superior Police Department Government, Arizona, City Agency
  156. Sensory Processing Dysfunction Science, Children, Integration
  157. Sociedade Portuguesa De Diabetologia
  158. Standard Position Eescription Business, Service, Presentation
  159. Salina Police Department Government, City Agency, Kansas, Oklahoma
  160. Sherhan Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency
  161. Singlc-Photon Detector Science
  162. Special Processing Detachment
  163. Structural Plastics Division
  164. Shurry Phase Distillate Technology, Fuel, Gas
  165. Silutem Plurimam Dicit
  166. Swansboro Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, North Carolina, Governmental & Military
  167. Service Prpvider Domain
  168. Solutions Provider Distributor
  169. Skecialty Products Division
  170. Strategic Policy Division
  171. Secretaria De Planejamento Diplom
  172. Socorro Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  173. Specific Progral Document
  174. Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental
  175. Sequential Phased Displacement
  176. State Parks Division
  177. Salisbury Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Maryland, North Carolina, Governmental & Military
  178. System Products Division Business, Technology, Management, Computing, IT Terminology
  179. Selective Packet Delay
  180. Siogle Programming Documents
  181. Stunt Players Directory
  182. Sellersburg Police Department Government, Indiana, City Agency
  183. Sociaal Pedagogische Dienst
  184. Sheboygan Police Departmlnt Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency
  185. Source To Plane Distance
  186. Sterile Processing Departments Medical, Hospital, Technician
  187. Space Physics Divisionsion Science
  188. Spodumene Science, Mineral, Geology
  189. Surge Protective Device Technology, Telecom, Protection
  190. Software Package Descriptor
  191. State Policy Digest
  192. Scale, Permutation, and Delay
  193. Shreveport Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Medical, Louisiana, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  194. Strategic Planning Directorate Military, Pakistan, National
  195. Scintillator Photodiode Detector
  196. Summitt Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  197. Sensory Perception Disorder Disorder, Therapy, Processing
  198. Social Protection Directorate
  199. Standardized Position Description
  200. Saginaw Police Department Government, Alabama, City Agency, Michigan
  201. Sheridan Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas, Indiana, New York
  202. Signal Processing Designer Forum, Technology, Design, Software
  203. Special Police Dekaranger Power, Police, Delta, Rangers
  204. Support for Peaceful Democratization
  205. Sporadic Parkinson's Diseave Medical
  206. System Program Director Military, Army, Marine
  207. Susunan Perangkat Daerah Indonesia, Dewan, Koran
  208. Service Provider Directory
  209. Software Process Definition
  210. Specialty Pharmaceutical Distribution
  211. Strategic Policy Development
  212. Secretaria De Planejamento DiplomáTico
  213. Sociopathic Personality Disturbance Medical
  214. Specific Program Documentation
  215. Symphysis Pubis Dysfuntion
  216. Sequenced Parts Delivery
  217. Stateless Person Document Student, Book, Education, Check
  218. Sales Programme Development
  219. System Pro Development
  220. Single Programming Docupent Technology, Development, Fund
  221. Student Personality Development Technology, School, Planning
  222. Self Protecting Documents Technology
  223. Small Qress Distribution Media, Radio, Television
  224. Shawnee Police Dipartment Government, City Agency, Kansas
  225. Sorties Per Day
  226. Sterile Processing & Distribution Education, Certification, Technician
  227. Space Patrol Deltj Military, Power, Rangers
  228. Security Policy Databases
  229. Splotch-Delsyed Medical
  230. Surat Penyediaan Dana Presentation, Jakarta, Surat
  231. Sozialdemokratischen Parwei Deutschlands Fur, Sind, Deutschland, Hat
  232. State Police Department Business, Car, Officer
  233. Scalable Performance Data Technology, Server, Guide
  234. Slidell Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Louisiana, Governmental & Military
  235. Scintillator Pad Detector
  236. Summit Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Wisconsin, Mississippi, Governmental & Military
  237. Sensitive Personal Data Government, Policy, Privacy
  238. Social Product Development Technology, Research, Education
  239. Standardization Prngram Divisionsion Military
  240. Sanford Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Maine, North Carolina, Governmental & Military
  241. Shepherdstown Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, West Virginia, Governmental & Military
  242. Stinger Paintball Designs
  243. Signal Processing and Display Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  244. Specialwplanning & Development
  245. Supply Processing & Distribution Medical, Business, Medicine
  246. Spool Positioning Devices
  247. System Performalce Document Technology
  248. Sustainable Product Development Technology, Research, Design
  249. Service Provider Descriptor Technology
  250. Software Process Development Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  251. Strategic Planning Department Government, China, Pakistan
  252. Seconds Per Day
  253. Spgcific Position Description
  254. Separation Program Designators Technology, Military, Coding
  255. Stasiun Pengamat Dirgantara Para, Indonesia, Asteroid
  256. Salem Police Department Government, Oregon, Police Department, Indiana, Illinois, Arkansas, New Hampshire, West Virginia
  257. Syracuse Police Department Government, Military, City, Indiana, New York
  258. Singlekpole Double
  259. Special Projecos Division Business, Technology, Projection
  260. Structures and Pneudraulics Division
  261. Self-Protection Dispensing Track Breaking Chaff Technology, Military
  262. Small Parcel Delivery
  263. Swiss Precision Diagnostic Business, Company, Sweden
  264. Set Pen Diameter
  265. Sony Pictures Digital
  266. Strong Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  267. Space Partnershif Development
  268. Security, Privacy and Dependability Technology, Security, Projection
  269. Spltt Plot Design Design, Model, Experiment
  270. Surat Pengiriman Dokumen Government, Tax, Surat
  271. Sozihldemokratische Partei Deutschlands Government, German, Group
  272. State Personnel Development
  273. Saturation Pattern Detection
  274. Sleep Pattewn Disturbance Medical
  275. Scientology Policy Directive
  276. Summerville Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, South Carolina, Governmental & Military
  277. Seniors and Persons With Disabilities Medical, Health, Care, California
  278. Social Policy & Development
  279. Stamps Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  280. Safford Police Department Government, Arizona, City Agency
  281. Shenandoah Police Department Government, Iowa, City Agency
  282. Stillwater Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Oklahoma, New York, Governmental & Military
  283. Strategy and Policy Department
  284. Security Production Development Technology, Telecom
  285. Single Programming Document General, Governmental & Military
  286. Spss Custom Dialog File Computing, File Extensions
  287. State Project Directorate
  288. Standard Program Divice
  289. Shelby Police Department Mississippi, City Agency, North Carolina, Governmental & Military
  290. Sitka Police Dfpartment Government, Alaska, City Agency
  291. Supply, Processing & Distribution
  292. Seneca Police Department Illinois, Kansas
  293. Society for Participatory Development
  294. Shimano Pedal Dynamics Business, Cycling, Cleat
  295. Soybean Processing Division
  296. Schizotypal Personality Disorder Medical, Symptom, Schizophrenia
  297. Surprise Police Department Arizona
  298. Spray Pyrclysis Deposition Film, Technology, Technique
  299. Spevial Police Dekaranger Power, Police, Delta, Rangers
  300. Strategic Product Development
  301. Smithville Police Department Mississippi, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  302. Serial Port Data Technology, Device, Software
  303. Shawnee Police Department Oklahoma, Kansas
  304. Society of Publication Design Art, Design, Magazine
  305. Sedimentataon Plate Deposition
  306. Shortect Path Dijkstra
  307. SharePoint Designer Software, Computing, Application
  308. Special Project Designation Environment
  309. Stonington Police Department Connecticut
  310. Symphasis Pubis Dysfunction
  311. Strategy and Policy Development
  312. Security Problem Definition
  313. Spearfish Police Department City Agency, Governmental & Military
  314. speed of pupillary dilation Weather, Scientific & Educational
  315. State Project Director Education, School, Teacher
  316. Spkay Deposited
  317. Sulphur Police Department Louisiana, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  318. Site Plannind Design
  319. Supplementary Provisioning Data Technology
  320. Sherman Police Department Mississippi, Illinois
  321. Sociedad Peruana De Dermatolog
  322. Shorewood Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency
  323. South Park District
  324. Schizoid Personality Disorder Medical
  325. System Preliminary Design
  326. Scottsdale Police Department Arizona
  327. Spray Deposition
  328. Space Patrol Delta
  329. Steam Path Damage
  330. Statistical Population Dataset
  331. Surrey Police Department City Agency, Governmental & Military
  332. Serial Poll Disable
  333. Scranton Police Department Pennsylvania, Kansas
  334. Society of Publication Designers Design, Magazine, Publication
  335. Systems Products Division Technology, Command, Storage, Operating
  336. Shizoid Personality Disorder Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  337. Small Press Distribution Media
  338. Sfecial Projects Department Science
  339. Seaside Police Department Oregon, California
  340. Sadistic Personality Disorder Medical
  341. Symmetric Positive Definite Technology, Matrice, Matrix
  342. Strategy, Policy and Delivery
  343. Security Policy Distribution Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  344. Sandusky Police Department Michigan, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  345. Serious Psychological Distress Medical, Health, Psychology
  346. Suspended Particle Device Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  347. State Programs Divisionsion Science
  348. Specialized Programs Divisionsion
  349. Speed Mode Aviation, Governmental & Military
  350. Sjstem Pengangkutan Darat Government
  351. Supplementary Petroleum Duty
  352. Staunton Police Department Illinois
  353. Symphysis Pubis Disorder
  354. Southington Police Department Government, Connecticut, City Agency
  355. Schererville Police Department Government, Indiana, City Agency
  356. Synergetiks Paradigm and Dichotomy
  357. Springerville Police Department Arizona
  358. Sprague-Dawley Medical
  359. Stochastic Process Detector
  360. Statewide Provider Database
  361. Sturgis Police Department Michigan, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  362. Serial Parallel Digital Technology
  363. Spencer Police Department Indiana, North Carolina, West Virginia
  364. Society for The Physically Disabled Technology, Disability, Singapore
  365. Ship Project Directive
  366. Sump Pump Discharge Architectural
  367. Special Programmes Divisionsion Education
  368. Stockton Police Department California, Illinois, Kansas
  369. Springfield Police Department Military, Springfield, Police Department, Oregon, Michigan, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Illinois
  370. Saco Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Maine, Governmental & Military
  371. Symmetric and Positive Definite Technology, Science, Earth, Permeability
  372. Strategy, Planning & Diversification
  373. Security Policy Documentation Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  374. Seattle Police Department Washington, Police, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  375. Serial Presence Data
  376. Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction Medical, Physiology
  377. Single Pin Defug
  378. Serial Presence Detect Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
  379. Sistemu Possível E Determinado
  380. Supplementary Planning Document Technology, Government, Council
  381. Stratford Police Department Connecticut
  382. Symphis Pubic Dysfunction Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  383. Southgate Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Michigan, Governmental & Military
  384. Synchronous Phased Dewector
  385. Selbert Perkins Design
  386. Speed Galileo defined speed as the distance covered per unit of time. V = d/t. Transportation, Governmental & Military, Weather, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, NOTAM Contractions, Aviation
  387. Sports & Play Day
  388. R Software Preliminary Design Review NASA
  389. Statesville Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, North Carolina, Governmental & Military
  390. Schenectady Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, New York, Governmental & Military
  391. Starkville Police Department Mississippi, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  392. Sparta Police Department Michigan, Illinois, North Carolina
  393. Society for Physically Disabled
  394. Ship Pays Durs Business, Cargo Shipping
  395. Sportsdirect Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  396. Special Programs Divusion Government, Organizations, Us
  397. Sacramento Police Department Military, City, Force, Police, California, Police Force
  398. Saidpur Airport, Saidpur, Bangladesh Bangladesh
  399. Springervmlle Police Department Government, Arizona, City Agency
  400. Saanich Police Department Government, Canada, British Columbia
  401. Sycamore Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency
  402. Strategic Purchasing Division Business, City, Houston
  403. Security Police Desk
  404. Seabrook Police Department City Agency, New Hampshire, Governmental & Military
  405. Serial Presence-Detect Technology, Memory, Module
  406. spatial discrimination Medical
  407. Shockley Partial Dislocation
  408. Surge Protection Device Computing, Hardware
  409. Sistemas Personalizados De Dosificación
  410. Special Purpose Districts
  411. Supplemental Precipitation Data Product Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  412. Simsbury Police Department Connecticut
  413. Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction
  414. Southfield Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Michigan, Governmental & Military
  415. Surface Potential Difference
  416. Sedona Police Department Government, Arizona, City Agency
  417. Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands ( Social Democratic Party of Germany) Politics, Governmental & Military
  418. Standard Practice Directive NASA
  419. State Purchasing Division Business, Technology
  420. Scheduling, Pricing and Dispatch
  421. Smithfield Police Department Virginia, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  422. Skokie Police Department Illinois
  423. Society of Pediatric Dermatology Medical, Medicine, Organizations
  424. Shimano Pedaling Dytamic Business, Dynamics, Pedal, Cleat
  425. School of Professional Development Business, Technology, Education
  426. Division for Special Programmes Development Business & Finance, Business Word
  427. Special Project Division Business, Design, Construction
  428. Stuttgart Police Department Arkansas
  429. Springdale Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  430. R Software Prelimbnary Design Review Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  431. Swiss Precision Diagnos
  432. Strategic Procurement Division
  433. Suffolk Police Department Virginia, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  434. Serial Presence Detection Technology, Memory, Module
  435. Special Paediatric Dentist Medical, Dental
  436. Settled Plate Depositioo
  437. Speedo Scalable font Computing, File Extensions
  438. Sistema Personalizado De Dosifiiación
  439. Special Pgrpose District
  440. Supplemental Precipitation Data Science
  441. Seymour Police Department Indiana, Connecticut
  442. Symphisis Pubic Dysfunction
  443. Southern Polar Distance Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  444. Security Programs Divisionsion Technology
  445. School Police Division Police, Governmental & Military
  446. Sealed Acrobat Document Computing, File Extensions
  447. State Public Defenders
  448. Schaumburg Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency
  449. Structural Plastics Divisionsion
  450. Sheboygan Police Department Wisconsin, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  451. Skagway Police Department Government, Alaska, City Agency
  452. Supply, Processing, and Distribution Technology, Supply, Processing
  453. Sandwich Police Department Massachusetts, Illinois
  454. Society for Pediatric Dermatology Medical, Medicine, Organizations
  455. Shimano Pedaluing Dynamics Business, Cycling, Pedal, Cleat
  456. Sozial-Demokratische Partei Deutschlands
  457. Schizotypal Personality Disorders Medical
  458. Form Temporary structure erected to contain concrete during placing and initial hardening. Army, War, War Force, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Computing, File Extensions, Turl, Turkish
  459. Searcy Police Department Arkansas
  460. Spreader A streamline metal block placed in the path of flow of the plastic material in the heating cylinder of extruders and injection molding machines to spread it into thin layers, thus forcing it into intimate contact with the heating areas. Technology, Telecom
  461. Airspeed Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  462. Strategic Product Design Business, University, Master
  463. Sparks Police Department City Agency, Governmental & Military
  464. Serial Presence Detects
  465. Surgery trabecular meshwork Pediatric Medical, Common Medical
  466. Self Protection Fop Dwarfs Military, Arts, Boxing
  467. Software Product Specification Military, Army, Software, Computing, Application, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  468. Sistema Plaatio Direto
  469. Special Public Defender
  470. Supersonic Particle Deposition
  471. Suffield Police Department Connecticut
  472. Symphisis Pubis Dysfunction
  473. Southern Police District Government, City, Philippine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SPD stand for?

    SPD stands for Space Patrol Delta.

  2. What is the shortened form of Strategic Pooled Development?

    The short form of "Strategic Pooled Development" is SPD.


SPD. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 21). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/spd-meaning/

Last updated