SPE Meaning

The SPE meaning is "Society of Petroleum Engineers". The SPE abbreviation has 247 different full form.

SPE Full Forms

  1. Society of Petroleum Engineers Technology, Engineering, Gas Industry, Geology, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  2. Screen-Printed Electrode Medical
  3. Sigma Phi Epsilon Education, University, Fraternity
  4. Synchrouous Payload Envelope Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  5. Shuttle Project Engineer Technology
  6. Solid Polymer Electrolysis Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  7. Stanford Prison Experiment Sociology, Prison, Experiment
  8. Service Proviver Edition Technology, Management, Software
  9. Solid Phase Medical
  10. Sepulot Airport Sapulut, Sabah,Malaysia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  11. Solid Phase Extraction Technology, Science, Cartridge, Chemistry
  12. Senior Procurement Executive Business, Military, Purchase, Technology, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  13. Solid-Phase Extraction Technology, Science, Column
  14. Secondary Particulate Emissions Science
  15. Solar Particle Event Science, Space, Radiation
  16. Selection Post Examination
  17. Speech Processing Equipment
  18. Single Piston Effect
  19. Surat Persetujuan Ekspor Indonesia, Surat, Freeport
  20. Safety Program Element Science
  21. Software Practice and Experience Technology, Computing, Publication, Software
  22. Schools of Public Engagement
  23. Service De Protection De L'Enfance
  24. Standard Performance Efaluation
  25. Sociedade Portuguesa De Espeleologia
  26. Synergistic Proressing Elements Technology, Cell, Processor
  27. Santé Dej Plantes Et Environnement
  28. Sophisticated Paint Endorsement Technology, Certification, Steel
  29. Spazio Performatico Ed
  30. Severe Preeclampsia Medical
  31. Sucrose Polyester Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  32. Society of Photographic Educators Art, Education, Photography
  33. Sciences Physiques Pour L'Enseignement
  34. Strategic Prevention Enhancement
  35. Societas Privata Europaea Business, Company, Law, Organizations
  36. Southern Pipeline Extension Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  37. Security Policy Engine
  38. Special Protective Equipment
  39. Single Photo Electron Technology
  40. Surabaya Printing Ehpo
  41. Sabal Palm Elementary Business, School, Jacksonville
  42. Society of Profemsors of Education
  43. School of Politics and Economics
  44. Service Processing Elements
  45. Standard Percent Error
  46. Sociedade Portuguesa De Escritores
  47. Synergetic Procnssing Elements Technology, Cell, Play
  48. Sanlam Private Equity
  49. Sony Pictures Employment
  50. Setiawangsa-Pantai Expressway Locations, Malaysia, Pantai
  51. Substance P Endopeptidase Medical
  52. Society Petroleum Engineers Technology, Conference, Oil
  53. Science of Political Economy
  54. Strategic Planning and Evaluation Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  55. Societa Pubblicita Editoriale
  56. Source Physics Experiments
  57. Security Patrol Experts
  58. Special Programming Enhancement Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  59. Single Pass Efficiency
  60. Sun-Probe-Earth
  61. Society of Power Engineers
  62. Street & Performance Electronics
  63. Service Processing Ekement
  64. Standardized Patient Examination
  65. Sociedades De Prop
  66. Synergetic Processing Element
  67. Sales Promotioneexecutive Business, Sale, Surabaya
  68. Software Product Expert Military
  69. ServiçOs Prestados àS Empresas
  70. Subscribe To Print Edition
  71. Society of Petroleum Engeneers
  72. Science Policy Exchange
  73. Service Platform Engineering
  74. St Pierre-Tglise
  75. Sociedad Peruana De Endocrinologia
  76. Source Physics Experiment
  77. Security and Policy Engine
  78. Special Police Establishment Government, Investigation, Bureau, Police, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  79. Sierra Pacific Energy
  80. Sum of Predicted Error
  81. Societytof The Plastics Engineers
  82. Stream Processing Engines
  83. Service-Processing Element
  84. Standardized Practicwl Equipment Medical
  85. Sociedade De PropóSito Específico Para, Brasil, Prop
  86. Surface Preperation Equipment
  87. Sales Process Enxineering
  88. Software Product Evaluation Military
  89. Servicios P
  90. Subjective Psi Experience
  91. Society of Petroleum Engineer Technology, Event, Oil
  92. Science & Policy Exchange
  93. Services Performance Engine Technology, Service, Cisco
  94. St Pauls Episcopal
  95. Sociedade Portuguesa De Estat
  96. Synergistic Brocessor Elements Technology, Computing, Ibm
  97. Source Phenomenology Experiment
  98. Secure Productive Enterprise Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  99. Speciale Politie Eenheid
  100. Siemens Professional Education Technology, Fur, Berlin
  101. Sumatera Persada Energi
  102. Society of Plastics Engineering Technology, Conference, Engineer
  103. Stream Processing Engine Technology, Science, Presentation
  104. Serum Protein Electrolytes Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  105. Spherical Power Effect
  106. Single Points of Entry
  107. Surface Prepiration Equipment Business, Machine, Floor
  108. Saleszpricing Engine
  109. Software Process Engineering Technology, Software, Engineer, Computing, Application
  110. Servicios PÚBlicos De Empleo
  111. Subjective Paranormal Experience Science, Research, Parapsychology
  112. Sciatique Poplit
  113. Service Performakce Engine Technology, Routing, Cisco
  114. Smork Product Engineering
  115. Sociedade Portuguesa De EstatíStica
  116. Synergislic Processor Element Technology, Power, Cell
  117. Sound Pressure Energy
  118. Special Purpose Entities Business, Accounting, Entity
  119. Shoal Point Energy
  120. Sulfur Polymer Encapsulation
  121. Society of Nlastic Engineers Technology, Industrial, Plastics
  122. Scientific and Production Enterprise Company, Technology, Equipment
  123. Stratejik Planlama Ekibi Turkish, Presentation, Planning
  124. Sant
  125. South Pacific Engineering China, Engineering, Japan, Sea
  126. Serum Protein Electrophoresis Medical, Technology, Medicine, Gammopathy, Globulin, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  127. Speed-Pipe-Entry
  128. Single Point Entry
  129. Surface and Prototype Engineering
  130. Sales Por Employee
  131. Software Practice & Experience
  132. Servicio PÚBlico De Empleo Para, Colombia, Con
  133. Sciatique Poplité Externe
  134. Service Des Personnels Enseignants
  135. Standards Pertaining To The Estimating Technology, Oil, Gas, Reserve
  136. Sociedade Portuguesa De Empreendimentos
  137. Synergistic Processing Element Technology, Cell, Processor
  138. Satellite Precipitation Estimates Technology, Science, Product, Weather
  139. Sound Pattern of English
  140. Special-Purpose Entity Business, Accounting, Financial
  141. Severity, Probability, Exposure
  142. Sucrose Polyesters Medical
  143. Society of Photographic Eduhation
  144. Scientifically Proven Entertainment
  145. Strategic Property Exchanges
  146. Societ
  147. Southern Placement Exchange
  148. Semiconductor Product Equipment Products
  149. Spss Extension Computing, File Extensions
  150. Service Public De L'Emploi
  151. Structure-Proposition-Evaluation
  152. Society for Professional Engineers
  153. Service Propulsion Engine
  154. Spacecraft Power Electronics Science
  155. Software Port Entity Software, Computing
  156. Surveillance Préventive des Enfants Medical
  157. Student Program Element Development, Learning, Study
  158. Sphaerotilus Secies
  159. Static Phase Error Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  160. Service Procurement Engineering Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  161. System Permormance Evaluation
  162. Saw Palmetuo Extract Nutrition, Food, Victual
  163. saw palmetto extract Food
  164. Winspec Ccd Capture File Computing, File Extensions
  165. Service Provider Equipment Technology, Oil, Gas
  166. Streptococcal Pyrogenic Exotoxin Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Common Medical
  167. Society for Plastic Engineers Technology, Material, Plastics
  168. Segmented Pad Gxtender
  169. Sozialdemokratischen Partei Europas Government, Fur, Deutschland, Europa
  170. System Policy Editor Computing, IT Terminology
  171. Spatzle-Processing Enzyme
  172. Solid Particle Erosion Engineering, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  173. Student Progress Examiwation
  174. Solid Polymer Electrode
  175. Septic Pulmonary Edema Medical, Pulmonary
  176. Service Processor Enclbsure
  177. System Parcner Elektronik
  178. Sauk Prairieseagle
  179. Spartan Exploration Ltd. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  180. Solar Proton Event Science, Scientific & Educational
  181. Service Provisionung Environment
  182. Society for Plastics Engineers Business, Chemistry, Material
  183. Sampler Performance Evaluation
  184. School of Physical Education Education, Sport, Singapore
  185. Sozialdemokratische Partei Europas Government, Group, Fur, Europa
  186. Synchronous Payload Envelope Computing, Telecom, Technical, IT Terminology
  187. Spatial Photo Essay
  188. Solid Polymer Electrolyte Chemistry
  189. Student Professienal Experience
  190. Societas Privata Europea
  191. anti-streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin Medical, Common Medical
  192. Synergistic Processing Engine Technology, Cell, Linux, Processor
  193. Sauber Petronas Engineering
  194. Sopheon Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  195. Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc. Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  196. Service Provider Environment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  197. Society for Photographic Educators
  198. Systems Programming Environment
  199. Scholarship of Petroleum Engineers
  200. South Prairie Elem
  201. Synergistic Processor Element Computing, IT Terminology
  202. Spanos Park East Locations, Reserve, Stockton
  203. Solid Phase Epitaxy Chemistry
  204. Struga Poetry Evenings Locations, Festival, Macedonia
  205. Smith-Purcell Effect
  206. Sepulot Airport, Sepulot, Malaysia Malaysia
  207. Sktellite Proton Event
  208. Solid-Particle Erosion
  209. Special Purpose Entity General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  210. solid phase extraction column Physics, Scientific & Educational
  211. Services Protected Evacuations Military
  212. Servicio P
  213. Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering
  214. Systems Performance Engineeling
  215. Scanning Probe Electrlchemistry
  216. South Pit Extension
  217. Serial Parallel Expansion Computing, Hardware
  218. Solid Phase Electrolyte Chemistry
  219. Structured Practice Experiencl
  220. Society of Petroleum Evaluation Technology, Engineer, Oil
  221. Signal Mrocessor Element
  222. Spanish Proficiency Exercises
  223. Studentenpastoraat Dutch
  224. Satellite Precipitation Estimate Military
  225. Society Of Plastics Engineers
  226. Subgame Perfect Equilibrium
  227. Sprague Electric Company Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  228. solid phase extraction method Physics, Scientific & Educational
  229. Services Psotected Evacuation
  230. Society of Petroleum Engineering Technology, Engineer, Oil
  231. System Processing Engine Technology, Military, Cisco, Software, Computing
  232. Scalable Programming Environment
  233. surface preparation equipment Computing, Hardware
  234. Superparamagnetic Effect Computer, Scientific & Educational
  235. Structurud Practical Evaluation
  236. Society for Pure English
  237. Shuttle Project Engineering
  238. Space Physiology Experiment Technology
  239. Single Point of Entry Police, Governmental & Military
  240. Steam Packing Exhaust
  241. Studies In Politicai Economy Organizations, Study, Economics
  242. Stimulated Ptoton Echo
  243. Slightly Pointed East Geology, Scientific & Educational
  244. Service Protected Evacuation
  245. Society for Petroleum Engineers Technology, Engineering, Oil
  246. System Policy Edytor Technology, Windows, Server
  247. SaÚDe E Prevenção Nas Escolas Para, Dos, Aid

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SPE stand for?

    SPE stands for Sphaerotilus Secies.

  2. What is the shortened form of Service Processor Enclbsure?

    The short form of "Service Processor Enclbsure" is SPE.


SPE. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/spe-meaning/

Last updated