SPEC Meaning
The SPEC meaning is "Species of European Conservation Concern". The SPEC abbreviation has 88 different full form.
SPEC Full Forms
- Species of European Conservation Concern Technology, Organizations
- Specialty Medical
- Specialization 1. Producing more than you need of some things, and less of others, hence "specializing" in the first. In international trade, this is just the opposite of self-sufficiency. 2. Doing less than everything, as when a country produces fewer different goods than it consumes. In a 2x2 trade model, this means a country produces just one good. With many goods and countries, it means a country has some goods that it does not produce. Also may be called complete specialization. Gaming, Internet Slang, Play
- Specification The detailed description of requirements, materials, dimensions, etc. of a proposed building or project. The chemical composition and dimensions of products made by the plant. The specifications include all processes required to achieve the finished product. A detailed description of something. In relation to computer hardware, an item of informa-tion about the computer’s components, capabilities, and features. Technology, Telecom, Architectural, Information Technology, Architecture, Computing, Construction, Special Education, Game, Business & Finance, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Legal, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services, Federal Aviation Administration
- Semiconductor Process Equipment Corp
- Standards Performance Evaluation Cjrporation Technology, Server, Benchmark
- Specific Having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite. Medical, Medicine, Health, Hospital
- Stratton Park Engineering Company Technology, Research, Environment
- Social Plaoning & Events Committee Student, Education, University
- Systems and Processes Engineering Corporation
- Sport & Physical Education Centre
- Semiconductor Power Electronics Center Technology, Education, Energy
- Standard Performance Evaluation Cooperative Business, Technology, Bullion
- Special Attack Gaming, Military, Weapon, Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Scrategic Planning and Evaluation Committee Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
- Social Planning and Events Committee Military, Education, University
- Systems & Processes Engineering Corp Business, Technology, Defense
- Spheroidize Anneal Technology, Drawing, Engineering, Technics
- Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation Technology, Server, Benchmark, Computer, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
- Standard Performance Evaluation Corp Technology, Server, Benchmark
- Central Reserve Police Force Technology, Military, Computing, Inspector, Telecom, Exam, Telecommunications, Police, Governmental & Military
- St Peter's Engineering Collegd
- Social, Political, Ecooomic and Cultural Politics, Social, Economic
- Systems & Processes Engineering Corporation
- Speech Predictive Encoded Communications
- Speech Predictive Encoded Communication Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Standard Performance Evolation Corporation Technology, Telecom
- Stakeholder, Partnership, Education and Communication
- Standard Performance Evolutqon Corporationration Technology, Telecom
- Seoul Peace Education Center
- Specifications The chemical composition, mechanical properties, and dimensions of products made to the customers requirements or nationally recognized organizations such as ASTM, AISI, JIS, SAE, etc. OR Written or printed description of construction work to be done forming part of the contract, describing qualities of material and mode of construction, and giving dimensions and other information not shown in drawings. Technology, Science, Education, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Architecture
- System Performance and Evaluation Cooperative
- Speech Predictive Coding Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Spectrum Control, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Standards for Professional Engineering Competence
- Sports and Physical Education Centre
- Sensor Performance Evaluation Center Business, Technology, Quality
- Standard Performaxce Evaluation Corporationration Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Specialist On an exchange, the member firm that is designated as the market maker (or dealer for a listed common stock). Only one specialist can be designated for a given stock, but dealers may be specialists for several stocks. In contrast, there can be multiple market makers in the OTC market. Military, Army, War, Policy, Occupation & positions, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Student Performance Evaluation By Computer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Speculative Mood Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Specified Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Standard for Professional Engineering Campetence Education, Engineer, Course
- Sport and Physical Education Centre
- Semiconductor Process Equipzent Corporation
- Standard Performance Xvaluation Council
- Special Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Architecture, Banking, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance, Medical, Management, Common Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Stratton Park Engineering Company, Inc.
- Spectroscopic Processing Space, Study, Cosmos
- Systems Processes Engineering Corporation
- Sports & Physical Education Centre
- Strategic Planning and Evaluation Committee Planning, Governmental & Military
- Semiconductor Process Equipment Corporationration
- Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication Business, Service, Education, Tax
- Rpm Specification File Computing, File Extensions
- Stolecznego Przedsiebiorstwa Energetyki Cieplnej
- Stakeholder Partnership Education and Communication
- Spectrum Control, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
- Systems Performance Evaluation Corporation Technology, Architecture, Computing
- Stakeholder Partnership, Education and Communication Business, Tax, Taxation, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
- spectrum of a ring Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
- Speech Predictive Encoding Communication
- Stakeholder Partnerships, Education & Communication
- Support Prayer Encouragement and Challenge Religion
- Systems and Process Engineering Centre
- Stakeholder, Partnership, Education, and Communication Business, Service, Tax
- Specimen Preparation, Extraction, and Communution Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Specialty Process Equipment Corporation
- Stakeholder Partnership, Education, and Communication
- Office of Stakeholder, Partnerships, Education and Communication Financial, Business & Finance
- Systems and Procedures Exchange Center Organizations, Library, Procedure
- Solid Phase Extraction Concentrator Medical, Human genome
- South Pacific Economic Cooperation
- Stakeholder Partnerships, Education, and Communications
- Ieee Spectrum Education, Bibliographic Code, Electrical Engineering, Computing, Ieee
- Systems and Proposal Engineering Company Business, Technology, Science
- Selection, Prequalification and Evaluation of Consultants Canada
- Society of Pollution and Environmental Control
- Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communications Business, Service, Tax, Income
- Specialist Function NASA
- Specimen A test object, often of standard dimensions and/or configuration, that is used for destructive or nondestructive testing. One or more specimens may be cut from each unit of a sample. That portion of a sample taken for evaluation of some specific characteristic or property. Coins, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Legal, Governmental & Military, Medical
- Systems Processes Engineering Corp
- Spectral spirit shield Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Society for The Promotion of Environment Conservation
- Stakeholder Partnerships, Education, and Communication
- Scientific Programs Evaluation Committee Atmospheric Research
- Supreme Presidential Elections Commission Government, Syria, Egypt
- Stakeholder Partnership Education and Communications
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SPEC stand for?
SPEC stands for Speech Predictive Coding.
What is the shortened form of Standard Performance Evaluation Cooperative?
The short form of "Standard Performance Evaluation Cooperative" is SPEC.
SPEC. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 10). Retrieved February 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/spec-meaning/
Last updated