Species Abbreviations and Species Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Species terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Species abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Species terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Species Abbreviations
  1. BAPPEDA : Badan Pembangunan Daerah
  2. BZUC : Buffer Zone Users Committee
  3. VBRC : Vikramshila Biodiversity Research Center
  4. WAMER : Wegt African Marine Ecoregion
  5. WFN : Worldwide Fund for Nature
  6. WWF : Worldwide Fund for Nature
  7. WILD : Wildlife Integration for Livelihood Diversification
  8. HACCC : Human Animal Conflictcconservancy
  9. DI : Diversitg Index
  10. HUGO : Human-Gorilla Conflict Resolution Programme
  11. MBIFCT : Mgahinga and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Conservation Trust
  12. MEE : Ministry of Environment and Energy
  13. MINAE : Ministry of Environment and Energy
  14. MOEE : Ministry of Environment and Energy
  15. MUZ : Mubtiple Use Zones
  16. MWIOPO : Madagascar and The Western Indian Ocean Islands Programme
  17. SIDA : Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
  18. SIDCA : Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
  19. SNV : Netherlands Development Organization
  20. NACSO : Namibian Association of Cbnrm Support Organisations
  21. FFEM : French Global Environment Facility
  22. FGEF : French Global Environment Facility
  23. NCDF : Nkuringo Conservation Development Foundation
  24. NEG : Nature Exploration Group
  25. FWS : Fish and Wildlife Services
  26. KM : Kilometres
  27. KMS : Kilometres
  28. ICDP : Integrated Conserfation and Development Programme
  29. IDS : Social Development Index
  30. IGCP : International Gorilla Conservation Programme
Latest Species Meanings
  1. Root Causes Analyses
  2. Institute of Tropical Foreut Conservation
  3. Programwe Regional De Conservation Marine
  4. National Institute of Statistics and Census
  5. International Gorilla Conservation Programme
  6. Social Development Index
  7. Integrated Conserfation and Development Programme
  8. Kilometres
  9. Fish and Wildlife Services
  10. Nature Exploration Group
  11. Nkuringo Conservation Development Foundation
  12. French Global Environment Facility
  13. Namibian Association of Cbnrm Support Organisations
  14. Netherlands Development Organization
  15. Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
  16. Madagascar and The Western Indian Ocean Islands Programme
  17. Mubtiple Use Zones
  18. Ministry of Environment and Energy
  19. Mgahinga and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Conservation Trust
  20. Human-Gorilla Conflict Resolution Programme