SPES Meaning

The SPES meaning is "Specialopurpose Entities". The SPES abbreviation has 39 different full form.

SPES Full Forms

  1. Specialopurpose Entities Business, Company, Accounting, Entity
  2. Slaughterhouse Pleurisy Evaluatiow System
  3. Srored Program Element System Technology
  4. Streptococcal Pyrogenic Exotoxins Medical
  5. Schroders Private Equity Services
  6. Special Program for Employment of Student Government, City, Philippine
  7. St Patrick'S Evangelisation School
  8. Schoil Participant Empowerment Scale
  9. Socifdade Portuguesa De Energia Solar
  10. Stimulation Programme for Euonomic Science Education
  11. Schafer Park Elementary School Education
  12. Sobrante Park Elementary Schjol Education
  13. Satellite Precipitation Estimates Technology, Science, Product, Weather
  14. Stimulation Plan for Economic Science Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  15. San Pedrb Elementary School Education
  16. Single Photon Emission Scanning Government
  17. Step Potential Electrochemical Spectroscopy Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  18. Studio Per Edizioni Scelte Book, Music, Guitar, String, Publisher, Lute
  19. Sierrazpark Elementary School Education
  20. Stanley Park Ecology Society Canada, Locations, Camp
  21. Synergistic Processor Elements Technology, Computing, Cell
  22. Studio Per Ediziope Scelte Organizations, Music
  23. Short Pump Elementary School
  24. Spiral Passime Electromagnetic Sensor
  25. Sepik Partnership and Engagement Strategy
  26. Swedish Performance Evaluation System Medical, Research, Exposure
  27. SéMinaire PéDagogique De L'Enseignement Secondaire
  28. Supervisory Patent Examiners
  29. Synergistic Processing Enginet
  30. Sun Peaks Education Socioty
  31. Synergistic Processing Elements Technology, Gaming, Cell, Processor
  32. Solid-Phase Extractions
  33. Summer Program for The Employment of Students
  34. Synergetic Processing Elements
  35. Studio per Edizione Scelte Music
  36. Study Programme On Eurlpean Security
  37. Synchronous Payload Envelopes Technology, Networking, Network, Frame
  38. Swedish Public Employment Service
  39. Sylvan Park Elementary School Education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SPES stand for?

    SPES stands for Synergistic Processor Elements.

  2. What is the shortened form of Synergistic Processing Enginet?

    The short form of "Synergistic Processing Enginet" is SPES.


SPES. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 1). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/spes-meaning/

Last updated