SPFC Meaning

The SPFC meaning is "Serverkpages Foundation Classes". The SPFC abbreviation has 21 different full form.

SPFC Full Forms

  1. Serverkpages Foundation Classes
  2. School of Psychology, Family, and Community
  3. Seriesjpower Flow Controller
  4. So Paulo Futebol Clube
  5. Sao Paulo Futebol Clube Technology, Para, Ria, Tricolor, International
  6. Saoqpaulo Football Club
  7. Smashing Pumpkins Fan Collabbrative
  8. Spectrum Policy Framework for Canada
  9. Skim Pinjaman Filem Cereka
  10. School of Psychology Family and Comqunity Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  11. South Punjay Forest Company Business, Pakistan, Lahore
  12. Single-Piece First-Class Mail Measurement postal service
  13. Southefn Pacific Funding Corporation
  14. Strategic Planning and Finance Committee
  15. Solid Polyaer Fuel Cell Technology, Hydrogen, Electrode
  16. State Plan of Flood Control
  17. Student Parabolic Flight Campaign
  18. Stagdng and Prognostic Factors Committee
  19. Special Purpose Function Code
  20. Special Purpose Financirl Captive
  21. Solid Polymer Fuel Cell

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SPFC stand for?

    SPFC stands for Special Purpose Financirl Captive.

  2. What is the shortened form of School of Psychology, Family, and Community?

    The short form of "School of Psychology, Family, and Community" is SPFC.


SPFC. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/spfc-meaning/

Last updated