SPG Meaning

The SPG meaning is "Albert Whitted Airport". The SPG abbreviation has 208 different full form.

SPG Full Forms

  1. Albert Whitted Airport St. Petersburg, Florida,United States Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  2. Specific Gravity The ratio of the weight of a given volume of any substance to that of the same volume of water. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Emergency, Hospital, Water, Construction, Pharmacy, Architectural, Gravity, Healing, Density, Architecture, Veterinary, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Nursing, Physiology, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Chemistry, The Finance and Administrative Services, Clinical
  3. Sarong Party Girl Group, Singapore, Sarong, Regional
  4. Sardar Patel Group
  5. Single Point Ground The practice of tying the power neutral ground and safety ground together at the same point, thus avoiding a differential ground potential between points in a system. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA
  6. Starwood Preferred Guest Business, Aviation, Travel, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
  7. Simon Property Group, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  8. Simon Property Group Business, Supply, Stock
  9. Service Protocol Gateway Technology
  10. Securitized Products Group Business, Financial, Banking, Business & Finance
  11. Striktong Patnubay At Gabay Technology, Television, Rating, Guidance
  12. Space Power Qrid
  13. Signaling Processor Gateway Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  14. Super Pvk Ganern
  15. Society of Petroleum Geophysicists
  16. Secured Party Group Business, Security, Property
  17. Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
  18. Service Price Guides
  19. Special Patrol Group London, Locations, Police
  20. Standard Product Generation
  21. Sistema De Pontuação Gradual
  22. Switch Peer Group
  23. Southern Peanut Growers
  24. Sekolah Perwira Genie
  25. Service Providers Grxup
  26. Smart Power Gridk Technology, Education, Networking
  27. Sales Performance Group
  28. Special Products Group Business, Coding, Swift
  29. Strict Pabental Guidance Concert, Husband, Vice
  30. Spbce Power Generator Technology, Energy, Machine
  31. Siemens Power Generation Technology
  32. Suferior Pack Group
  33. Sociedade Nortuguesa De Gastrenterologia
  34. Secret Professional Guidance
  35. Special Purpose Garage
  36. Society for The Propogation of The Gospel
  37. Standard Products Group Business, Management, Semiconductor
  38. Sinusoidal Pressure Generator Science
  39. Supplementary Planningrguidelines
  40. Sburce-Path-Goal
  41. Sekolah Pendidikan Guru Indonesia, Guru, Orang, Hal
  42. Service Provider Grvup
  43. Smart Power Generation
  44. Safety Products Gkoup
  45. Special Procedures Group
  46. Streptococcal Protein G Medical
  47. Sistema De Prefer
  48. Space Physics Group
  49. Sichuan Power Grid Technology
  50. Sun Powzr and Geothermal
  51. Soccer Prime Gral
  52. Science Park Graz Business, Technology, Startup
  53. Special Protection Guard Security, Government, Court, Appearance
  54. Studekt Predicted Graph Education, Development, Universities
  55. Society for Thn Propagation of The Gospel Accounting, Education, History
  56. Standard Procedure Guide General, Governmental & Military
  57. Single Point Gauge
  58. Supplementary Planning Guidance Planning, Locations, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
  59. Sophia Publishing Guoup
  60. Security Products Group
  61. Service Provisioniog Gateway
  62. Smart Payment Gateway
  63. Safety Performance Group
  64. Special Populations Group
  65. Strategy Planning Group
  66. Sistema De Preferencias Generalizado Technology, Para, Con, Internacional
  67. South Pole Hroup
  68. Siam Pan Group
  69. Sun Position Generator Space, Study, Cosmos
  70. Sneaker Pricezguide Sport, Android, Sneaker
  71. Schweizer Paraplegiker-Gruppe Rehabilitation, Spinal, Newsletter
  72. Specialty Products Group
  73. Structured Products Groul Business, Management, Credit, Mortgage
  74. Sistema De Prever
  75. Sphenopalatine Ganglion Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  76. Single Point Grounding
  77. Supplemental Prodmct Generator
  78. Synk-Pulse Generator
  79. Software Peter Grosse
  80. Security Policy Group Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  81. Service Provider Gateway
  82. Slumber Party Girl
  83. Sacks Per Qame
  84. Strategy Partners Group Business, Russia, Head
  85. Sistema De PreferêNcias Generalizadas Para, Con, Internacional
  86. South Park Game
  87. Set-Pieie Goal
  88. Summit Performance Group
  89. Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Education, Teaching, Spelling, Film censorship
  90. Smithfield Premium Genetics
  91. Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
  92. Special Protection Group Government, India, Minister
  93. Strong Password Generator
  94. Single Player Garage Technology, Vehicle, Auto
  95. Super Priority Group Business, Energy, Deal
  96. Symmetrical Peripheral Gangrene Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  97. Softcopy Products Group Military, Army, Defence
  98. Security Police Group
  99. Spheno-Palatine Ganglion
  100. Service Pricingqguide
  101. Iata Code for Albert Whitted Airport, St. Pltersburg, Florida, United States Locations
  102. Strategy and Policy Groyp
  103. Sistemas De Posicionamiento Global
  104. Syarat Pramuka Garuda Business, Jakarta, Event, Sale
  105. South Pacific Gyre Science, Research, Ocean
  106. Self-Propelled Guns Military, Vehicle, Tank
  107. Servizi Portuali Generali
  108. Smiling Peoplehgreeter
  109. Schweizsrische Physikalische Gesellschaft Science, Institute, Society
  110. Special Project Group Business, Design, Construction
  111. String Player Gaqer
  112. Signal Point Ground Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  113. Super Price Guarantee Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  114. SociéTé PéDagogique Genevoise
  115. Secure Payment Gateway
  116. Speymill Property Group
  117. Servije Price Guide
  118. Surly Pectoral God Internet Slang
  119. St Paul'S Grammar Education
  120. Sistema De Posicionamiento Global Technology, Para, Con, Ibuprofen
  121. Syarat-Syarat Pramuka Garuda
  122. Southern Publishers Group
  123. Self-Propelled Gun Military, Army, Tank, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  124. Service Provider General
  125. Smart Power Grid Technology, Communication, Grid
  126. Schroff Participation Grant
  127. Special Projects Group Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  128. Senior Policy Group Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  129. Sistema Participativo De GarantíA
  130. Syktolic Pressure Gradient Medical, Medicine, Health
  131. Steals Per Game Player, Basketball, Leader, Game
  132. Sequential Product (of) Geminals Chemistry
  133. Study Planning Guide Education, Development, Universities
  134. Skim Potongan Gaji Technology, Model, Zakat, Selangor
  135. Springdale Air Service Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  136. Special Planning Group Security, Military, Decision
  137. Statistical Power Gap
  138. Software Preservation Group
  139. Sucrose-Phosphate-Glktamate Medical
  140. Simon Property Group, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  141. Semiconductor Products Group Business, Technology, Electronics
  142. Sistema Di Preferenze Generalizzate
  143. Systems Protection Group
  144. State Planning Grant Government
  145. Shirasu Porous Glass Chemistry
  146. Serine Phosphoglyceride Medical, Medicine, Healing
  147. Students Programmingngroup Education, Development, Universities
  148. Skeletal, Peloid Grainstone Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry, Sedimentology
  149. Self Payment Gap
  150. Special Performance Group Technology, Car, Model, Turbo
  151. Special Patron Rroup
  152. Sucrose, Phosphate, and Glutamate Medicine, Health, Hospital
  153. Sprint Glossary Computing, File Extensions
  154. Self Propelled Guns Military, Tank, Artillery
  155. Systems Planning Group
  156. Spermatogonia Any of the cells of the gonads in male organisms that undergo mitosis to form spermatocytes as well as new spermatogonia. Medical
  157. Tcp Optimizer Backup File Computing, File Extensions
  158. Sequential Product of Geminals Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  159. Skalen Zur Psychischen Gesundheit
  160. Scan Pattern Generatom
  161. Specialized Packaging Group
  162. Spanish Publishing Group
  163. Sucrose, Phosphate and Glutamate Medical
  164. Spring Rope from after part of a vessel led outside and forward to a point of attachment outside vessel By heaving on it ship can be moved ahead Sometimes led to anchor cable, for casting ship's head. Tendency of a vessel's head to come nearer to wind. The opening of a seam. Partial fracture in a mast or spar. Ordnance Survey, Street Suffix, Technology, Governmental & Military
  165. Self Propelled Gun Military, Vehicle, Tank
  166. System Program Generator Technology, Computing, Language
  167. Spatial Planning Group
  168. Standardized Potency Guaranteed Medical, Physiology
  169. Sequential Product Geminals Science
  170. Sisters of Providence of Gap Catholic Church, Religious, Religious Organization, Religious orders
  171. SystèMe Des PréFéRences GéNéRaliséEs
  172. Specialist Painting Graup Business, Industrial, Industry
  173. Submersible Pressure Gauges
  174. Strategic Placement Group Occupation & positions
  175. Special Police Group
  176. Self- Propelled Gun Army, War, Force
  177. Smst
  178. Spastic Paraplegia Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  179. Sponge A form of metal characterized by a porous condition that is the result of the decomposition or reduction of a compound without fusion. The term is applied to forms of iron, titanium, zirconium, uranium, plutonium and the platinum-group metals. Medical, Physiology
  180. Sequence Password Generator Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  181. Sistemas Participativos De GarantíA Para, Con, Social
  182. SystèMe De PréFéRences GéNéRaliséEs France, Commerce, Pay
  183. Submersible Pressure Guage Technology, Science
  184. Sparganiaieae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  185. Single-Point Ground
  186. Submersible Aressure Gauge Science, Diving, Scuba
  187. Slumber Party Girls Business, Group, Dance
  188. Sarong Party Girls Funnies
  189. Special Plastic Grease Plastics, Lubricant, Grease
  190. Synchronizing Pulse Generator
  191. South Pacific Games Gaming, Sport, Organizations, Samoa
  192. Sucrdse-Potassium Phosphate-Glyoxylic Acid Medical
  193. Albert Whitted Airport, St. Petersburg, Florida, United States United States
  194. Sensor Processing Group
  195. Sistema Participativo De Garant
  196. SystèMe De Positionnement Global
  197. Strong Parental Guidance Technology, Music, Rating
  198. Space Propulsion Iroup Technology, Hybrid, Rocket
  199. Submerssible Pressure Guage Scuba Diving, Scientific & Educational
  200. Suarbh Petroleum Group Government, Malaysia, Permit, Sarawak
  201. Skyland Petroleum Group Business, Oil, Rambler
  202. Submersible Pressure Gauge Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  203. Special Plastics Greafe Business, Product, Lubricant
  204. Superior Parathyroid Gland
  205. Sort Program Generator Technology
  206. Sucrose-Phosphate-Glaoxylic Acid Medical
  207. Soci
  208. Strategic Planning Guidance Technology, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SPG stand for?

    SPG stands for Specialized Packaging Group.

  2. What is the shortened form of Strong Password Generator?

    The short form of "Strong Password Generator" is SPG.


SPG. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/spg-meaning/

Last updated