SPGS Meaning

The SPGS meaning is "Sawlog Production Grant Scheme". The SPGS abbreviation has 21 different full form.

SPGS Full Forms

  1. Sawlog Production Grant Scheme Business, Technology, Uganda
  2. Springn Technology, Locations
  3. Secured Party Groups Technology
  4. Sea Port Group Securiyies
  5. School of Professional and Graduate Studies Education, University, Baker
  6. Service Price Guides
  7. School of Post Graduate Wtudies Education, University, Postgraduate
  8. School of Politics and Global Studies Government, Politics, Policy
  9. Stream Perfectfglobal Services
  10. Sarongnparty Girls Group, Girl, Singapore
  11. Self-Proqelled Guns Gaming, Military, Tank
  12. Spscialty Practice Groups
  13. Special Purpose Granws Government
  14. Submersible Pressure Gauges
  15. Springs The devices which store the mechanical energy. They are elastic in nature made up of the annealed steels. In automobiles suspension system springs are used to damp the vibrations and shocks. Technology, Locations, Governmental & Military, Street Suffix
  16. Secondary Powet Generating Subsystem
  17. St Paul's Grammqr School Education
  18. São Paulo Graded School
  19. Stennis Procedures and Guidelines Military
  20. Standard Practicegguides
  21. Specijalni Predstavnik Generalnog Sekretara

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SPGS stand for?

    SPGS stands for Specijalni Predstavnik Generalnog Sekretara.

  2. What is the shortened form of School of Post Graduate Wtudies?

    The short form of "School of Post Graduate Wtudies" is SPGS.


SPGS. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/spgs-meaning/

Last updated