Spiral Abbreviations and Spiral Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Spiral terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Spiral abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Spiral terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Spiral Abbreviations
  1. CS : Curve-Spiral
  2. VFT : Vascular Flow Technologies
  3. UBC : Unified Building Code
  4. UV : Unique Variant
  5. DA : Drvine Avenger
  6. ECLET : Emergent Cyclical Leveln of Existence Theory
  7. ME : Mist Energy
  8. SONG : Survey of Nearby Galaxies
  9. SZ : Searle-Zinn
  10. NDI : Nec Deus Intersit
  11. LT : Long Tangent
  12. JK : Jelly King
  13. IFF : Institut De Formation Du Football
Latest Spiral Meanings
  1. Institut De Formation Du Football
  2. Jelly King
  3. Long Tangent
  4. Nec Deus Intersit
  5. Searle-Zinn
  6. Survey of Nearby Galaxies
  7. Mist Energy
  8. Emergent Cyclical Leveln of Existence Theory
  9. Drvine Avenger
  10. Unique Variant
  11. Unified Building Code
  12. Vascular Flow Technologies
  13. Curve-Spiral