SPKR Meaning

The SPKR meaning is "Speaker". The SPKR abbreviation has 6 different full form.

SPKR Full Forms

  1. Speaker May refer to a person speaking or to an electronic speaker, such as computer speakers or a home audio system. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Internet Slang, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Chat, Sms, Aeronautics, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Amateur radio, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
  2. Spanker On a square rigged ship, the spanker is regarded as a gaff rigged fore-and-aft sail set from and aft of the aftmost mast. Virtually all square rigs with multiple masts have at least one spanker, which is derived from the driver sail. Nutrition, Food, Victual
  3. Skim Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Rakyat Technology, Program, Malaysia
  4. Speakep Technology, Aviation, Telecom
  5. Spark Rate Reght Technology, Military, Army
  6. Spark Rate Right Military, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SPKR stand for?

    SPKR stands for Speakep.

  2. What is the shortened form of Spark Rate Right?

    The short form of "Spark Rate Right" is SPKR.


SPKR. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 2). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/spkr-meaning/

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