SPLA Meaning
The SPLA meaning is "SociéTé Publique Locale D'AméNagement". The SPLA abbreviation has 31 different full form.
SPLA Full Forms
- SociéTé Publique Locale D'AméNagement
- Saharawi Popular Liberation Army
- Service Provider Licensing Agreement Microsoft, Technology, Software
- Socialist Propaganda League of America
- Sudan People'S Liberation Army Military, Sudan, Sudanese
- Service Provider License Agreement Business, Microsoft, Software
- Socialist People'S Libyan Arab
- Sudan Peoples Liberation Army Military, War, Sudan
- Southern People'S Liberation Army
- School of Planning and Landscape Architecture Education, Development, Universities
- Singapore Polytechnic Life Arts
- Software Product Line Architectures
- Saskatchewan Professional Locksmith Association
- Sindh Professors and Lecturers Association
- Software Product Line Architecture
- Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association
- Sindh Professors' Lecturers' Association
- Software Production Line Automation
- Sahrawi People'S Liberation Army
- Service Provider Licence Agreement Microsoft, Technology, Software
- Southern Private Landlords Association
- Sudanese Peoples Liberation Army Government, Africa, Sudan
- Southern Peoples Liberation Army Military, War, Sudan
- Sudanese People Liberation Army Military, War, Sudan
- Sudan People'S Liberation Army Organizations, Africa, Animals, Wildlife Trade
- Sudan People Liberation Army Military, War, Sudan
- Services Provider License Agreement General, Governmental & Military
- Sudanese People'S Liberation Army Government, Africa, Sudan
- Syndicat des Pilotes de Ligna Algeriens Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Sudan'S People Liberation Army
- Sunderland Private Landlords Association
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SPLA stand for?
SPLA stands for Singapore Polytechnic Life Arts.
What is the shortened form of Service Provider Licensing Agreement?
The short form of "Service Provider Licensing Agreement" is SPLA.
SPLA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/spla-meaning/
Last updated