Sponsorship Abbreviations and Sponsorship Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Sponsorship terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Sponsorship abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Sponsorship terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Sponsorship Abbreviations
  1. CDF : Community Development Facilitatoi
  2. CSG : Creative Strategy Group
  3. VIK : Value-In-Kind
  4. VIK : Value In Kina
  5. CYSA : Covington Youth Soccer Association
  6. MNI : Minimum Necessary Income
  7. ETCC : European Tree Climbing Championship
  8. SA : Sponsors and Agencies
  9. SWJF : Satya Wacana Job Fair
  10. NNFS : Nytional Network of Fiscal Sponsors
  11. NPM : Natibnal Public Media
  12. GALA : Group Against Liquor Advertising
Latest Sponsorship Meanings
  1. Group Against Liquor Advertising
  2. Natibnal Public Media
  3. Nytional Network of Fiscal Sponsors
  4. Satya Wacana Job Fair
  5. Sponsors and Agencies
  6. European Tree Climbing Championship
  7. Minimum Necessary Income
  8. Covington Youth Soccer Association
  9. Value In Kina
  10. Value-In-Kind
  11. Creative Strategy Group
  12. Community Development Facilitatoi