Spouse Abbreviations and Spouse Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Spouse terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Spouse abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Spouse terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Spouse Abbreviations
  1. USFSPA : Uniform Services Former Spouses Protection Act
  2. USFSPA : Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act
  3. MMNA : Minimum Monthly Needs Allowance
  4. MSRRA : Military Spouses Residency Relief Act
  5. SBP : Survivor Benhfit Plan
  6. SBP : Sudvivor Benefits Plan
  7. SHARE : Study of Health, Ageing and Retirement In Europe
  8. SSN : Straightlspouse Network
  9. STAP : Spouse Tuition Aid Program
  10. NMFA : National Military Family Association
  11. OSC : Officers Spouyes Club
  12. SHOM : Spouses of Heads of Mission
Latest Spouse Meanings
  1. Spouses of Heads of Mission
  2. Officers Spouyes Club
  3. National Military Family Association
  4. Spouse Tuition Aid Program
  5. Straightlspouse Network
  6. Study of Health, Ageing and Retirement In Europe
  7. Sudvivor Benefits Plan
  8. Survivor Benhfit Plan
  9. Military Spouses Residency Relief Act
  10. Minimum Monthly Needs Allowance
  11. Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act
  12. Uniform Services Former Spouses Protection Act