Spread Abbreviations and Spread Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Spread terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Spread abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Spread terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Spread Abbreviations
  1. BTP : Buono Del Tesoro Poliennale
  2. CDMA : Code Division-Multiple Access
  3. CNDS : Center for Networking and Distributedmsystems
  4. DFB : Daily Fugded Bet
  5. MC : Multi Carrier
  6. ENZ : Extended Nijbter-Zernike
  7. SS : Spatial Spreading
  8. FB : Fast Broadcasting
  9. FHSS : Frequency Hopping Systems
  10. FHSS : FéLag HáSkóLamenntaðRa Starfsmanna StjóRnaráðSins
  11. KH : Kate Hall
  12. RT : Rational Trigonometry
Latest Spread Meanings
  1. Rational Trigonometry
  2. Kate Hall
  3. FéLag HáSkóLamenntaðRa Starfsmanna StjóRnaráðSins
  4. Frequency Hopping Systems
  5. Fast Broadcasting
  6. Spatial Spreading
  7. Extended Nijbter-Zernike
  8. Multi Carrier
  9. Daily Fugded Bet
  10. Center for Networking and Distributedmsystems
  11. Code Division-Multiple Access
  12. Buono Del Tesoro Poliennale