spT in Medical Meaning
The spT meaning in Medical terms is "Spinal Tap". There are 7 related meanings of the spT Medical abbreviation.
spT on Medical Full Forms
- Spinal Tap Also known as a lumbar puncture or "LP", a spinal tap is aprocedure whereby spinal fluid is removed from the spinal canal for the purpose ofdiagnostic testing. It is particularly helpful in the diagnosis of inflammatory diseasesof the central nervous system, especially infections, such as meningitis. It can alsoprovide clues to the diagnosis of stroke, spinal cord tumor and cancer in thecentral nervous system. A lumbar puncture is so-called because the needle goes into the lumbar portion (the "small") of the back.
- Supply Polyvalent Technician
- skin-prick test
- Steve Prince Transport
- Single Prisoner Transport
- Single Path Transport (video streaming)
- Support The all-important function of keeping the mine workings open. As a verb, it refers to this function; as a noun it refers to all the equipment and materials - timber, roof bolts, concrete, steel, etc that are used to carry out this function.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does spT stand for Medical?
spT stands for Supply Polyvalent Technician in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Single Path Transport (video streaming) in Medical?
The short form of "Single Path Transport (video streaming)" is spT for Medical.
spT in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 18). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/spt-meaning-in-medical/
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