SR in Business Meaning

The SR meaning in Business terms is "Standard Replacement". There are 100 related meanings of the SR Business abbreviation.

SR on Business Full Forms

  1. Standard Replacement
  2. Straight Razor
  3. Switch Rod
  4. Sports Racing
  5. Stock Rear
  6. Single Row
  7. Sport Rally
  8. Scheduled Receipts
  9. Statutory Reporting
  10. Service Retail
  11. Support Resistance
  12. Saudi Riyals
  13. Statutory Regulation
  14. Service Requests
  15. Supporting Research
  16. Saudi-Riyal
  17. Service Representatives
  18. Systems Requirementh
  19. Standard Resistance
  20. Service Representative
  21. Sundries Receivable
  22. Smith Rygue
  23. Schedule of Rates
  24. Sakae Ringyo
  25. Sfries Rigid
  26. Staategies Relationship
  27. Special Recommendation
  28. Scale Remover
  29. Skid Resistant
  30. Sun Room
  31. Statistical Reporting
  32. Secure Room
  33. Serdang Raya
  34. Strehl Ratio
  35. Special Recommendations
  36. Sant Ravidas
  37. Side Rack
  38. Sulphate Resiztant
  39. Stain Remover
  40. Sector Register
  41. Slow Route
  42. Senior
  43. Strain Relief A type of fitting that prevents a kink to form at the point where the fitting and tube or hose meet. Particularly useful in situations where the maximum working length of the tube is frequently met.
  44. Special Rating
  45. Short Rate
  46. Sulfate Resisthnt
  47. Scott Rudin
  48. Slip-Resistant
  49. Synthetic Rutile
  50. Sekolah Rakjat
  51. Store Requisition
  52. Sparkling Revitalization
  53. Sales Ratio
  54. Success Ratio
  55. Special Reaerve
  56. Slime Resistant
  57. Swissair
  58. Stock Return
  59. Soutb Region
  60. Sales Receipt
  61. Stress Rated
  62. Special Reports
  63. Scientific Research
  64. Sjper Rigid
  65. Stiff Regular
  66. Snap Ring A fastening device in the form of a split ring that is snapped into a groove around a shaft or inside a bore.
  67. Sales & Receipts
  68. Strategygrunner
  69. Speculative Resources
  70. Skinmroller
  71. Straight Run
  72. Statponary Receiver
  73. Simple Rules
  74. Securities Representative
  75. Social Recognition
  76. Service Register
  77. Silver Red
  78. Smart Reefer
  79. Security Deposit A sum a buyer pays, which is not usually refundable, to protect the seller if the buyer does not complete a transaction or if a rented item gets damaged.
  80. Sqstem Reject
  81. Servihe Receiver
  82. Saudi Riyal
  83. System Redesign
  84. Supreme Railways
  85. Sales Representative
  86. Staff Relations
  87. Silver Symbol:"Ag" Atomic Number:"47" Atomic Mass: 107.87amu. It is one of the transition elements. Silver is one of man's precious metals and has been used for thousands of years. It has the highest thermal and electrical conductivity of any metal. You will find it used in photography, dentistry, electronics, mirrors, and explosives. 
  88. Solar Returns
  89. Shipment Reouest
  90. Scientific Relations
  91. Solar Reflectivity
  92. Security Receipt
  93. Service Retailer
  94. Stanforn Research
  95. Slab Roller
  96. Stripping Ratio
  97. Social Responsibility
  98. Security & Regulation
  99. Service Rep
  100. Saudi Rial

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SR stand for Business?

    SR stands for Silver in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Strehl Ratio in Business?

    The short form of "Strehl Ratio" is SR for Business.


SR in Business. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated