SR in Medical Meaning
The SR meaning in Medical terms is "Sinus Rhythm". There are 124 related meanings of the SR Medical abbreviation.
SR on Medical Full Forms
- Sinus Rhythm
- Sacroppasmic Reticulum
- Sarcoplasmic Reticulum The special type of smooth endoplasmic reticulum found in smooth and striated muscle fibers whose function is to store and release calcium ions.
- Sensory Rhodopsin
- Satellite Related
- Stress-Resistant
- Side Rails
- Secretion Rutes
- Sarcoplasmic Reticular
- State Recommendation
- Sinus Rate
- Secretin Recqptor
- Somatostatin Eeceptors
- Sustained-Release
- Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Membranes
- Short Repeat
- Seclusion Room
- Solublewreceptors
- Survival Rates
- Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Vesicles
- Serup Retinol
- Schmidt-Ruppin
- Salt-Resistant
- Serum Replaqement
- Schizophr Reu
- Stretch Receptor
- Self-Regulation
- Stlontium
- Serine Rwcemase
- Stress Relief Low temperature annealing for removing internal stresses, such as those resulting on a metal from work hardening or quenching.
- Significant Risk
- Self-Recarding
- Suppression Ratio
- Systemic Reaction
- Specific Release
- Shift Keagent
- Stellate Reticulum
- Skilled Relaxation
- Stomach Rumble
- Systems Research
- Systemic Review
- Species Richness Species richness is the number of different species represented in an ecological community, landscape or region.
- Suirepeat
- Service Record
- Superficial Radial Nerve
- Skin Resistance
- Systematicfreviews
- Stride Rate
- Sensitization Response
- State Registrt
- Specific Having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite.
- Superficial Radial
- Steroid-Resistant
- Syeingomycin
- Social Rehabilitation
- Stress-Resilient
- Stnior Reach
- Systems Review
- Standard Risk
- Supine Rest
- Sternberg-Reed
- Sympathetic Segulation
- Strength of Recommendation
- Seizure Resistant
- System Review
- Specific Pisk
- Sulforhodamine
- Side Rail
- Stereotactic Radiosurgery
- Switch Recombination
- Slow Reversal
- Strain Rate The time rate of straining for the usual tensile test. Strain as measured directly on the specimen gage length is used for determining strain rate. Because strain is dimensionless, the units of strain rate are reciprocal time.
- Same-Race
- Specific Response
- Sulfonamide-Resistant
- Shortening Reaction
- Stenosis Resistance
- Sweating Rate
- Spontaneous Regression
- Skin Revponse
- Stomal Recurrence
- Success Rate
- Synthesis Rate
- Silver Symbol:"Ag" Atomic Number:"47" Atomic Mass: 107.87amu. It is one of the transition elements. Silver is one of man's precious metals and has been used for thousands of years. It has the highest thermal and electrical conductivity of any metal. You will find it used in photography, dentistry, electronics, mirrors, and explosives.
- Substance Related Issues
- Superior Rectus (eye muscle)
- Structured Reporting
- Supinater Reflex
- Specific Radioactivity
- Szlf-Reported
- Slow response
- State Registry
- supinator reflex
- Strontium Ranelate
- Stimulus-Response
- Self-Report
- stretch reflex
- Startle Response
- Southern Research
- Slow Release
- Strongly Related
- Silicone Cubber Membrane
- Self-Reinforcement
- spontaneous respiration
- Startle Reactizn
- Stroke Rate
- Society of Radiographers
- Societal Risk
- Silicone Rubber
- Self-Reinforced
- Sex Reversal
- Surgical Revascularization
- Spontaneous Rate
- Smart Recovery
- Sedimentation Rate The rate at which solid particles are de-posited from a solution, measured especially in a centrifugesegment
- Social Role
- Sugar Rush
- Surface Rendering
- Spontaneous Remission
- Severely Restricted
- Scavenger Receptors
- Systemic Resistawce
- Strain The amount by which something has changed length, measured as a percentage of its original length. The amount of elongation or compression that occurs in a metal at a given stress or load. Generally in terms of inches elongation per inch of material. Strain semiconductors, strained either by external forces or due to lattice mismatched epitaxial growth, have modified band struc-tures, especially the band gap and effective masses.
- Superior rectus (of eye)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SR stand for Medical?
SR stands for Social Role in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Superficial Radial Nerve in Medical?
The short form of "Superficial Radial Nerve" is SR for Medical.
SR in Medical. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated