SS in Business & Finance Meaning

The SS meaning in Business & Finance terms is "Stainless Steel". There are 19 related meanings of the SS Business & Finance abbreviation.

SS on Business & Finance Full Forms

  1. Stainless Steel Good corrosion resistance due to a high chromium content is the key characteristic. Opinions vary on the level of chromium (Cr) at which a steel becomes stainless, but it is at least 10.5%. Nickel (Ni) and molybdenum (Mo) are often present, and manganese, copper, titanium, silicon + other alloying elements may be added. The principal grades are austenitic (typically 16-26% Cr, 6-22 Ni); ferritic (10.5-28% Cr with no/low Ni); martensitic (higher carbon content than ferritic and typically 12-19% Cr with low/no Ni); and duplex, a dual-phase austenitic/ferritic steel (Cr>21%, Ni<8%).
  2. Safety Stock Safety stock is the amount of stock a company defines as the lowest the inventory level of the company can go.
  3. Corsairfly
  4. Social Security Number
  5. Subordinate Staff
  6. Stopping Switch
  7. Start-To-Start
  8. Sand Springs Railway Company
  9. Scheduled Start
  10. Station Service
  11. Stress Sheet
  12. Selector Switch A multi position switch which can be set to the desired mode of operation.
  13. Short Supply
  14. Substation A state that is part of a composite state. Name given to an area that is an electrical power distribution center. A substation may contain several feeders of different voltages, transformers, and the associated circuit breakers and instrumentation for protection. Facility equipment that switches, changes, or regulates electric voltage. Substation a junction point in the elec-tric network. The incoming and outgoing lines are connected to a busbar through cir-cuit breakers.
  15. Surviving Spouse
  16. Shallcross
  17. specimen signature
  18. Short Selling The sale of shares, etc., which are not owned by the seller but borrowed from a broker, on the understanding that they must be bought back, hopefully at a lower than what they were sold for in order to make a profit, and returned to the broker.
  19. Social Security

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SS stand for Business & Finance?

    SS stands for Safety Stock in Business & Finance terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Short Selling in Business & Finance?

    The short form of "Short Selling" is SS for Business & Finance.


SS in Business & Finance. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated