SS in Military Meaning

The SS meaning in Military terms is "Special Services". There are 62 related meanings of the SS Military abbreviation.

SS on Military Full Forms

  1. Special Services A category that describes plants which add value to automotive parts manufactured by others by using process such as painting, plating, heat treatment, etc.
  2. Support Subsystem
  3. South Staffordshire
  4. Submarine Service
  5. Strategic Studies
  6. Sidney Smith
  7. Storage Service
  8. Shoeing Smith
  9. Steamship Vessel propelled by steam and capable of being navigated on the high seas.
  10. Surface Search
  11. Segment Specification
  12. Scarab Short-Range
  13. Supply Service
  14. Shield Sxlinter
  15. Services of Supply
  16. Specials Series
  17. Saceur'S Strategic Reserve
  18. Super Soldier
  19. Service Shirt
  20. Syria Scud
  21. Secretary of State
  22. Source Section
  23. Dieselbpowered Submarine
  24. Super Sniper
  25. StandartenfüHrer Sylvester
  26. Second Shooter
  27. Syntcetic Stock
  28. Sold for Scrap
  29. Superintenbent Ships
  30. Scout Snipers
  31. Sylvester Stadler
  32. SturmbannfüHrer Sepp
  33. Slice Strbctured
  34. Sniper System
  35. Square Search
  36. Scout Sniper
  37. Survey Ship
  38. Submcrsible Ship
  39. Single Sideband
  40. Secret Service
  41. Subordinate System
  42. Squadron Switch
  43. Schutz-Staffel
  44. Supervisory Center
  45. Spell Shield
  46. Stone, Short-Range
  47. Standard Strike
  48. Submarine Specialist Or Submersible Ship
  49. Space Systems
  50. Star Shell
  51. Submarine Specidlist
  52. Submarinehsatellite
  53. Supmarine
  54. Snakenshot
  55. Single Sprocket
  56. Staat, Das System
  57. Sulu Sea
  58. Rdr Surface Search Radar
  59. Stone Shorter-Range
  60. Side Soldier
  61. Attack Submarine (conventional Powered)
  62. Submersible Stip

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SS stand for Military?

    SS stands for Supervisory Center in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Supmarine in Military?

    The short form of "Supmarine" is SS for Military.


SS in Military. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated