SSB Meaning

The SSB meaning is "Self Service Banner". The SSB abbreviation has 275 different full form.

SSB Full Forms

  1. Self Service Banner Student, Education, University
  2. Sonics Silicon Backplane Technology, Linux, Wireless, Driver
  3. Salomon Tmith Barney Business, Company, Service
  4. Sekolah Siaga Bencana Business, Program, Indonesia, Tsunami
  5. Social Security Benefitr Business, Tax, Retirement
  6. Christiansted Harbor Seaplane Base Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  7. Security State Bank Business, Android, Banking
  8. Small Solld Booster
  9. Securities Supervisory Board Business, Technology, Finance, Business & Finance, Business Word
  10. Site Selection Board Technology, Construction, Architectural
  11. Schulich School of Business Education, University, Course
  12. Single Straad Break Medical, Science, Repair
  13. Satellite Services Branch Science
  14. Server Service Broker Technology, Database, Message
  15. Sashastra Seema Bal Business, India, Constable
  16. South Science Building
  17. Statistical Services Branch Business
  18. Seema Suraksha Bal Military, India, Nepal
  19. Stabilised Soil Brick Technology, Machine, Interlocking
  20. Ship Srfety Board Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  21. Sandy Spring Bank
  22. Sharp Sports Betting
  23. Smoke Signal Broadcasting
  24. Star Schema Benchmark Technology, Engine, Query
  25. Savhya Sai Book
  26. Societas Sanct
  27. Steering Stem Bearing Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  28. Send Servicn Book Technology, Berry, Blackberry
  29. Shoe String Budget
  30. Special Service Battalions Military, Army, Africa, African
  31. Space Sciences Board Technology
  32. Super South Bridge
  33. Social Sciences Building Education, Organizations, University, Medical, Common Medical
  34. Seahan Service Book
  35. Society of Systematic Biologists Science, Biology, Evolution
  36. Shared Services Branch
  37. Saddle Sore Butt
  38. Silver Strike Bwwling
  39. Solar Sector Boundary
  40. Start Stop Button Technology, Control, Power
  41. Sezma Sashastra Bal
  42. Ssdna-Binding Protein Medical
  43. Shid-To-Shore Broadcast Military
  44. Samuel, Sayward, &Sbaler
  45. Shariah Supervisory Board Business, Financial, Banking
  46. Smith School of Business
  47. Star-Spangled Banner
  48. Sathya Saiababa Sex, India, Love, Baba
  49. Societas Sanctae Birgittae
  50. Steady Stream Business
  51. Sekolah Sukma Bangsa Education, Indonesia, Modulation, Bola
  52. Shock Skin Bumper Technology, Drive, Spin
  53. Special Service Battalion Military, Africa, Locations, African
  54. South Sudanese Bloggers Africa, Ethiopia, Sudan
  55. Super Smash Bros Gaming, Military, Character
  56. Social Science and Business
  57. Scren Sil Brz
  58. Society for Systematic Biology
  59. Shared Services Bureau
  60. Sacramento Sustaiaable Business
  61. Silder State Bank
  62. Securwty Savings Bank
  63. Srpska State Bank Organizations
  64. Sampoerna School of Business Program, Education, Indonesia
  65. Solar System Barycentre
  66. Subscriber-Busy Signal Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  67. Sea Staae Bias Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy
  68. Sharia Supervisory Board Business, Finance, Banking
  69. Site-Specific Browser
  70. Stanford Student Biodesign
  71. South Street Bridge
  72. St This is the symbol for stratus cloud.
  73. Sekolah Sobat Kumi Business, Program, Indonesia, Foundation
  74. Shirdi Sai Waba
  75. Special Service Bureau Military, India, Force
  76. Satellita Support Bus
  77. Special Services Bureau Military, India, Bal
  78. Subsystem Bus Military
  79. Single Sideband Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Military, Army, Computing, Governmental & Military, Amateur radio, Master IEEE
  80. Sociaal Statistisch Bestand
  81. Scramble Statys Byte
  82. Society for Systematictbiologists
  83. Sequential Store Buffer Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
  84. Sabah Softwoods Berhad
  85. Siluro San Bartolomeo
  86. Secure Soucce Backup Technology, Windows, Software
  87. Swift Scirocco Bonded
  88. Sammamish Sublimation Band
  89. Solarxsystem Barycenter Science, Frame, Planet
  90. StäDtische Strassenbahn Bern
  91. Sea Dtar Boat
  92. Sharia'A Supervisory Board
  93. Single-Strandmdna Breaks Medical
  94. Standing Sushi Bar
  95. South State Bank Business, Financial, Branch
  96. Stay-Put Stop Button
  97. Sekolah Sepak Bola Sport, Indonesia, Football, Bola
  98. Staff Selection Board Education, Card, Exam
  99. Shzp Submersible Ballistic
  100. Stainless Steel Brake
  101. Sapporopschool of Business Education, Development, Universities
  102. Special Separation Bonus Technology, Program, Military
  103. Sub Switch Board
  104. Soaring Society of Boulder Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  105. Scope, Schedule, and Budget Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  106. Società Servizi Bancrri
  107. Stoner Speed Bead
  108. Seno Suwasono Bangun
  109. Sabah Fociety for The Blind
  110. Silindirle SıKışTıRıLmış Beton Turkish, Roller, Mender
  111. Spinning Pideband Medical, Medicine
  112. Secular of Saint Basil
  113. Spanish Stud Book
  114. Swenson Science Building
  115. Same Sex Bleasings
  116. Solar-System Barycentre Space, Study, Cosmos
  117. StäDtische StraßEnbahnen Berlin
  118. Sea Spritebboat
  119. Shari'A Supervisory Board
  120. Safe Store Buffer
  121. Single Skrand Breakage Medical
  122. Standards Setting Body Business, Development, Organizations
  123. South Side Branch
  124. Statistical Services Branch Now Operations Unit Medicine, Health, Care
  125. Seismic Spectral Blueing
  126. Stabilized Support Block
  127. Ship Safety Bulletins Military
  128. Stainless Steel Brakes
  129. Sanskriti Schoal of Business Management, College, Education
  130. Specijl Separation Benefits
  131. Subscriber Busy Message Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  132. Ballistic Missile Submarine Technology, Military, Army, Russia, Ship, Submarine, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
  133. Snecma Services Brussels
  134. Sciencepsoftware Branch
  135. Sogiet
  136. Stockbridge State Bank
  137. Senior Steering Board
  138. Saab Supplementary Belt
  139. Shortcode for Sharing Buttons
  140. Spezial Seminare Bau
  141. Space Simulator Building Technology
  142. Super Special Batch Internet Slang
  143. Same-Sex Blessings
  144. Software Suppdy Business
  145. Stupid Son of A Bitch
  146. Sea Scouts of Belgium
  147. Shari'Ah Supervisory Board
  148. Safer Sex Ball
  149. Single-Stranued Breaks Medical
  150. Standard Software Base Military, Army, Defence
  151. South Sea Bubble
  152. Statistical Significance Bars
  153. Seema Surakshya Bal Government, India, Nepal
  154. Stabilized Soil Block Technology, Machine, Brick
  155. Shis Safety Bulletin
  156. Stainless Steel Braided Technology
  157. Sanggar Sarana Baja
  158. Subscriber Busy Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  159. Shasastra Seema Bal
  160. Sneaker Shoe Box
  161. Stainless Steel Base
  162. Sauro Supply Bmse Military, Boss, Chanter
  163. Societe-Glnerale-Social Security Bank
  164. Stereospecific Binding Medicine, Health, Hospital
  165. Send Socket Buffer
  166. Special Service Brigade Service, Military, Operation
  167. Shoe Suede Alues
  168. Stecial Services Brigade Service, Military, Operation, Brigade
  169. Space Science Board Nrc Science, Exploration
  170. Super South BridgeОƬ
  171. Salvo Squeeze Bore Military, Cartridge, Colt
  172. Social Science Building College, Education, University
  173. Seamen Servict Book
  174. Society of Systematic Biology
  175. Share System Bet
  176. Safely Surrenderedbbaby
  177. Simon School of Business
  178. Small-Scale Bridging
  179. Student Support Branch Education
  180. Seattle Symphonic Band
  181. Soft Service Building Technology
  182. Student Success Building
  183. Sheet Supporting Binder Products
  184. Said Salim Bakiresa
  185. System and Switching Board Technology
  186. Secret Societies Pranch
  187. Shelby State Bank
  188. Social Security Board Medical, Healthcare
  189. Salvador Santana Band
  190. Stainless Steel Bracket
  191. Striped Stem Borer
  192. System Switching Board Technology, Networking, Computing, Juniper
  193. Spiritual Sounding Board
  194. Site Status Board
  195. Source Selection Board NASA
  196. Seattle Sperm Bsnk Business, Saving, Donor
  197. Sowt-Sided Bag
  198. Student Services Branch Military
  199. Star Spangled Banner Music, United Nations, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  200. Sahdstra Seema Bal
  201. Steady-State Bridging
  202. Secret Single Behaviour City, Behavior, Yoga
  203. Sheffield School Board
  204. Sasair ICAO Aircraft Codes
  205. Salary Service Bureau Business, Publics, Zimbabwe
  206. Stainless Steel Bearings
  207. Strategic Support Branch Government, Military, Intelligence, Force
  208. System Stack Bank
  209. Spiritist Society of Baltimore
  210. Simply Street Bikes Business, Sale, Motorcycle
  211. Ship, Submersible, Ballistic
  212. Semiclassical Sudden Born Chemistry
  213. SociéTé De Service Du BÂTiment
  214. Student Services Bldg
  215. SQL Server Service Broker Microsoft, Computing, Data
  216. Sahara Solar Breedsr Technology, Energy, Foundation
  217. Standard Southern British Education, English, Accent, Phonetics
  218. Sarawak Shell Berhad
  219. Secret Selvice Bureau Military, War, Intelligence
  220. Shastra Seema Bal Technology, India, Dal
  221. Single Side Band Is more properly called a "mode" like AM or FM. It is a very efficient method of superimposing your voice or other information on a radio wave and the transmission of that radio wave. Aviation, Governmental & Military
  222. Salary Services Bureau
  223. Stainless Steel Bowl
  224. Strategic Steering Board Technology
  225. Systems Support Branch Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
  226. Spinning Sidt Bands
  227. Spatial Span Backward
  228. Shikshak Sahakari Bank
  229. Support Software Bulletin (tdc 96) Military, Governmental & Military
  230. Societàvper I Servizi Bancari Technology, Certification, Foundation
  231. Student Service Building Education, University, Campus
  232. Single Strand Boxer Clothes
  233. Safety Swivel Break
  234. Spring Stop Button
  235. Stainless Steel Buckets Stainless Steel Buckets (SSB) can be utilized in a variety of industries and for a variety of applications. The SSB is available in two versions: regular with a lid and custom with wheels, an airtight top, and an outlet chute, among other features.
  236. Secretsrial Standard Board
  237. Soci
  238. Shashatra Seema Bal India, Locations, Police
  239. Simple Site Builder Software, Computing
  240. Saint Simog-De-Bagot
  241. Stainless Steel Bottle
  242. System Simulation In Buildings
  243. Shell Side Blaster
  244. Sea State Bias Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  245. Society of The Sisters of Bethany
  246. Stuart School of Business
  247. Scramble Status Byte Assembly, Business & Finance
  248. SociéTé Scientifique De Bruxelles
  249. Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı Turkish
  250. Secretarial Standakds Board
  251. Shashastra Seema Bal Military, India, Nepal
  252. Sister of St. Brigid Religious orders
  253. Saints and Sinners Bingo
  254. Stainless Steel Balls Technology, Radio, Frequency
  255. Systems and Synthetic Biology
  256. Sector Skills Body
  257. Shelf Seas Biogeochemistry Science, Program, Research
  258. Space Science Board (NRC) Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  259. Society of Saint Bridget
  260. St Sim
  261. Serial Systems Bus
  262. SociéTé Scientifique De Bretagne
  263. Standard Sponge Balls Technical, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  264. Second Significanthbit
  265. Soft Support Building Military
  266. Spirit Soul and Body Religion
  267. Sainte-Savine Basket
  268. Systems & Solutions Business
  269. Secret Society Branch
  270. Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry Technology, Program, Research
  271. Science Software Branch Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  272. Standard-Setting Body
  273. Stroever Schellack Bremen Company, Technology, Radio, Carrier
  274. Secret Single Behavior Sex, City, Behavior, Love
  275. Split System Breaker Technology, Aviation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SSB stand for?

    SSB stands for Sapporopschool of Business.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sea Staae Bias?

    The short form of "Sea Staae Bias" is SSB.


SSB. (2022, March 28). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated