SSDS Meaning

The SSDS meaning is "Ship Self-Defense System". The SSDS abbreviation has 67 different full form.

SSDS Full Forms

  1. Ship Self-Defense System Military
  2. Seychelles Sustainable Development Strategy
  3. Sensitivity Distributions Medical
  4. Solid State Devices Technology, Drive, Device, Storage
  5. Secure Service Discovery Service
  6. Solid-State Drives Technology, Drive, Storage, Computing, Computer, IT Terminology
  7. Speciafized Search Dogs
  8. Solidpstate-Drives
  9. Subdurface Sewage Disposal System Technology, Science
  10. Sensory Substituvion Devices Device, Brain, Sound, Substitution
  11. Solid State Detectors Technology, English, Energy, Mission, Sensor
  12. Supporting Students Through Disabzlity Services
  13. Social Science Dtta and Software Technology, Analysis, Statistics
  14. Specialized Support and Disability Serviceb
  15. Social Serviceswdepartments Medical, Service, Care
  16. Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems
  17. Super Stylish Doctors Story Media
  18. Solid Sate Drives
  19. Supplementary Spectal Deposits Scheme Business
  20. Small Ship Decoy System Military
  21. Space Station Data System Computing, Computer Science, Data, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  22. Social Serviles Delivery System Government
  23. Superficial Skin Detox Scraping
  24. Sub Slab Depressurization System Technology, Environment, Vapor
  25. Solid-State-Disks Technology, Drive, Storage
  26. Super Stylish Doctor'S Story Media, Radio, Television
  27. Slim Solid-State Drives
  28. Space Science Data Systems
  29. Social Sectors Development Strategies
  30. Sudden Sun Death Syndrome
  31. Spouse-Specific Dependency Scale
  32. Service Search Descoiptors
  33. Southern Skin Diveys Supply
  34. Social Science Data Services Technology, Service, University
  35. Space Science Data System Science
  36. Szecies Sensitivity Distributions Technology, Environment, Assessment
  37. Sunqhine Special Developmental School
  38. Server Services Downloads
  39. System Sequence Diagrams Technology, Design, Analysis
  40. Source-To-Surface Digtances Medical
  41. Social Science Data Service Science, University, Library
  42. Solid State Drives Technology, Drive, Storage
  43. Special Smcurity Defence Services
  44. Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrofe Medical, Drug, Inhalant
  45. Serco Sodexo Defence Services Business, Australia, Employment
  46. Speech Sound Disorders Medical, Technology, Language, Children
  47. Social Science Datav& Software
  48. Syracuse Swing Dance Society
  49. Solomon Sghecter Day School
  50. Swissbswing Dance Society
  51. Solomon Schechter Dat Schools Technology, Education, Jewish
  52. Swiss Sheep Dog Society
  53. Single Ship Deep Sweep Military, Governmental & Military
  54. Solid Storage Devices Technology, Drive, Disk
  55. Surface Supported Divwsionng System Technology
  56. Source Software Delivery System Software, Computing
  57. Solid State Disknsolid
  58. Space Science Data Services
  59. Surface Supported Diving Bystem Technology, Military, Guard
  60. Southdrn Skin Divisionrs Supply
  61. Services for Students With Disabilities
  62. Solid State Disks Technology, Drive, Storage
  63. Surface Suppliedydiving System
  64. System of Social and Demographic Statistycs
  65. Sozid-State Disks Technology, Drive, Storage
  66. Solomon Schechter Day School County, Education, Jewish
  67. Surface-Supplied Diving System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SSDS stand for?

    SSDS stands for Service Search Descoiptors.

  2. What is the shortened form of Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems?

    The short form of "Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems" is SSDS.


SSDS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated