SSM Meaning

The SSM meaning is "Sheet Set Manager". The SSM abbreviation has 453 different full form.

SSM Full Forms

  1. Sheet Set Manager Technology, Management, Auto
  2. Start Scale Models Business, Car, Fire
  3. Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal
  4. Source-Specific Multicast Technology, Group, Networking, Network, Protocol, Computing, Telecom, Technical
  5. Scalable Storage Management
  6. Start-Up, Shutdown Or Malfunction
  7. Sanatate Si Securitate In Munca
  8. Student Solutions Manual Book, Education, Edition
  9. Savunma Sazayii Müsteşarı Turkish, Fuze
  10. Simplified Storage Management Technology
  11. Samajwadi Secular Morcha
  12. Student Services Manager
  13. Sault Stz Marie Hotel, Airport, Flight, Locations
  14. Side Scout Mount
  15. Superflcial Spreading Melanoma Medical, Cancer, Oncology
  16. Strike, Surveillance and Mobility
  17. Sault Ste. Marie
  18. Shuttle Support Manager Technology
  19. Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
  20. Satisfaction-Satisfaction Matrix
  21. Ship System Manuals
  22. Startup, Shutdown and Malfunction Technology, Science, Startup
  23. Satellite System Monitor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  24. Source-Specific Mode Technology, Networking, Network, Protocol
  25. Services Statistiques Minist
  26. Solid State and Microstructures Government
  27. Subaru Select Monitor Technology, Diagnostic, Scan
  28. Scamdinavian Society Malaysia
  29. Special Service Messages Forum, Technology, Ford
  30. Sync-Stream Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  31. Security Switch Modules
  32. Slovakia Steel Mills Business, Lawyer, Slovakia
  33. Startup Shutdown Andwmalfunction
  34. Safety & Sqcurity Manager
  35. Stereo Sound Mixer
  36. Silly Spider Music
  37. South By Southwest Music
  38. Social Science & Medicine Medical, Business, Health, Economics, Social
  39. Super Smash Mobs Technology, Server, Minecraft
  40. Security Segvices Module-20 Technology, Service, Cisco
  41. Singlo-Step Mode
  42. Sport Science & Management
  43. System Schematics Manual Technology, Aircraft, Maintenance
  44. Serbjan Society for Microscopy
  45. Society for Sustainable Mobility
  46. Same Sex Marrriage Organization, Union, Institution
  47. Set-System-Mxsk Technology, Instruction, Control
  48. Subspace Smorthing Method
  49. School Sergeant Maxor
  50. Selected Study Module
  51. State Space Modeling Technology, Network, Model
  52. Soft Systems Methodologies Education, Analysis, Methodology
  53. Storage Service Module Technology, Cisco, Port
  54. Spacelift Summary Message Military
  55. Support Staff Member
  56. Sistem Saraan Malaysia
  57. Staff Sergeant Major Military, Army, Officer
  58. Espace Shuttle Main Engine Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  59. System Support Manager Business, Management, Military
  60. Savunma Sanayi MüSteşArlığı Turkish, Turk
  61. Ship System Manual
  62. Superficially Spreading Melanoma Medical
  63. Secrqtaría De Salud De Michoacán Forum, Technology, Hosting, House
  64. Sinai School of Medicine
  65. Superior Service Medal
  66. Semantic Similarity Measure
  67. Social Sciences and Math
  68. Services Sales Mlnager Business, Management, Sale
  69. Solid Sample Module Business, Carbon, Analyzer
  70. Strategic Support Managers Education, School, Learning
  71. Scale Ship Modeler
  72. Special Service Message Forum, Technology, Ford
  73. Syarikat Suruhanjaya Malaysia Business, Company, Malaysia
  74. Security Switch Module
  75. Slipped Strand Mispairing Medicine, Health, British
  76. Startup, Shutdown, Malfunction Government, Environment, Emission, Shutdown
  77. Safe State Machines
  78. Steering Sensor Monitor
  79. Silicon Secured Memory Technology, Security, Software
  80. Source Screening Module
  81. Silver Star Medal Army, Force, Marine
  82. Super Slow Motion Business, Product, Camera
  83. Security Services Module-10 Technology, Service, Cisco
  84. Single Source Multicaswing
  85. Sports Science and Management Education, University, Singapore
  86. System Schematic Manual Technology, Aircraft, Maintenance
  87. Serbian Society of Mechanics Technology, Science, Research
  88. Society for Social Medicine Research, Education, Organizations
  89. Same Sex Karriage America, Government, Law
  90. Servicios De Salud De Morelos Para, Con, Gob
  91. Smbsea Manifolds Industry, Oil, Gas
  92. Schema Structure Modularity
  93. Selected Study Modules
  94. Sjate Space Model Technology, Networking, Network
  95. Soft Systems Methodology Technology, Research, Analysis
  96. Storage Services Modules Technology
  97. Spacelift Status Message Military
  98. Support Services Manager Technology, Management, Hosting
  99. Sistema De Saúde Da Mariyha
  100. Spreading Melanoma Science, Biology
  101. Systems Methodology Medical
  102. Savunma Sanayii Mustesarligi Technology, Turkey, Defence
  103. Shipboard Security Module
  104. Secretary'sestaff Meeting
  105. Self Supporting Ministry Church, Ministry, Parish, Curate
  106. Solid Supported Membrane Medical
  107. Strategic Supply Management Business, Technology, Presentation
  108. Scaled Subprqfile Model Medical
  109. Special Service Material
  110. Switch Software Management
  111. Slipped-Strand Mispairing Medical
  112. Startup, Shutdohn, and Malfunction Technology, Environment, Emission
  113. Safe Speed Monitor Technology, Drive, Safety
  114. Savunma Sanayii MüSteşArlığıNa Turkish
  115. Sign Status Matrix Provides information that might be common to several peripherals (plus or minus, north or south, right or left etc). Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Labeling, Governmental & Military
  116. Source Specific Mode Technology, Networking, Network, Protocol
  117. Super Size Me
  118. Security Serviceswmodules Technology, Module, Cisco
  119. Single Source Multicast Technology, Group, Networking, Network, Computing, Technical
  120. Sport Science and Management
  121. System Safety Manager
  122. Sequektial Switch Matrix Technology, Module, Synthesizer
  123. Society for Scale Modellers
  124. Same-Sex Marriagc America, Internet Slang, Government
  125. Service System Manager Technology
  126. Subscriber Serqice Modules
  127. Schelling Segregation Bodel
  128. Specialty Solutions Manufacturing
  129. Synchronous Status Message Technology, Networking, Telecom
  130. Sekolah Sukan Malaysia Technology, Photo, Malaysia, Bola
  131. Small Stamp Machine Business, Postal, Us Post
  132. Stfte-Space Models Technology, Estimation, Observation
  133. Soft System Methodology Science, Research, Analysis, General, Governmental & Military
  134. Storage Services Module
  135. Spacecraft System Monitor Technology, Computing, Human-Computer Interaction
  136. Support Service Manager
  137. Sistema De Sb
  138. Spotts Stevens & Mccoy
  139. Systemjset Manager
  140. Saveetha School of Management
  141. Ship-To-Ship Missile
  142. Scienzific Support Manager
  143. Self Supporting Ministers Church, Parish, Curate
  144. Sosid-Supported Membrane Medicine, Health, British
  145. Strategic Success Modellkng
  146. Scalar System Memory Technology, Processor, Microelectronic
  147. Special Service Materials Technology, Manual, Toyota
  148. Switch Signal Monitor
  149. Sling Swivel Mount Business, Gun, Product
  150. Stainless Steel Medium Media, Steel, Tumbler
  151. Safe Speed Moniroring Technology, Drive, Safety
  152. Savunma Sanayii MüSteşArlığı'Na
  153. Signature Selling Method
  154. Source Specific Multicasting Technology, Group, Networking, Network
  155. Super Sailorlmoon
  156. Security Service Module Technology, Networking, Cisco
  157. Single-Source Multicast
  158. Split System Modem Technology
  159. System Security Manager Technology, Management, Military
  160. Sequential Standaro Model Technology, Physics, Resonance
  161. Sociedade Secreta Dos Magrin
  162. Service Support Manager Business, Management, Employment
  163. Solid State Micro
  164. Subsarcolemmal Mitocaondria Medical
  165. Scharer Schweiter Mettler Business, Machine, Yarn
  166. Special Support Manager
  167. Synchronization Status Messaging Technology, Networking, Network
  168. Sekolah Santa Maria
  169. Small Scale Mines Business, Environment, Mining
  170. State-Space Mohel Technology, Networking, Observation
  171. Saliency Strength Map
  172. Soft-Systems Methodology Science, Analysis, Model
  173. Stochastic Segment Model
  174. Silver Stone Metallic
  175. Spacecraft Support Module Science
  176. Support Service Module Science, NASA
  177. Siiaiki Soba Mahaz
  178. Spotts, Stevens and Mccoy
  179. System Service Monitors
  180. Saved Souls Ministries
  181. Shin Sangoku Musou
  182. Sciences Des Structures De La Mati
  183. Self Supported Ministry Business, Church, Curate
  184. Solidustate Microscopy Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  185. Sttategic Success Modeling Business, Assessment, Competency
  186. Scalable Sharcd Memory
  187. Special Service Medal
  188. Switching State Model Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  189. Slap Skateboarding Magazine
  190. Stainless Steel Manifold
  191. Safe Ship Management Business, Service, Safety
  192. System Surveillance and Maintenance Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  193. Savunma Sanayi MüSteşArlığıNca Turkish, Boeing
  194. Signature Selling Methodology
  195. Source-Specific Multicasting
  196. Subsystem Manager Technology, Science, Management, Space, Control, Storage, NASA, Aeronautics
  197. Supermijro Server Manager Technology, Computing, Blade
  198. Secure Servicep Module
  199. Single-Segment Message Technology, Networking, Network, Cell
  200. Split Ship Management Business, Training, Crew
  201. System/Security Mafager Military
  202. Sensuas Stretch Massage
  203. Sociedad De Socorros Mutuos
  204. Servite Statistics Manager Technology, Management, Cisco
  205. Solid State Media Business, Memory, Storage
  206. Submersible Speaker Micrbphone Business, Standard, Horizon
  207. Scenr Select Mirror
  208. Special Study Modules
  209. Synchronization Status Messages Technology, Networking, Network
  210. Segment Switching Manager
  211. Small Scale Mining
  212. Startup, Shutdown, Or Malfunction Technology, Environment, Emission
  213. Safety Services Manitoba Business, Service, Training
  214. Soc System Manager
  215. Sterling Space Monitor Business
  216. Silver State Mortgage
  217. Southern Sports Medicine Medical
  218. Service De S
  219. Supersonic-Wabe Motor Photography, Camera, Digital
  220. Single Sample Maximuh
  221. Sporty Sexy Map
  222. System Services Moduke Technology, Security, Cisco
  223. Serial Storage Media
  224. Sault Saint Marie
  225. Setia Sampai Mati Technology, Para, Indonesia, Orang
  226. Subsistem Support Module Technology
  227. Sciences Des Structures De La Matière
  228. Select Subgrade Material
  229. Solid Statp Memory Technology, Drive, Market
  230. Strytegic Standardization Management
  231. Special Services Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  232. Swiss Sports Management Technology, Music, Manager
  233. Skin Surface Microscopy Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
  234. Staff Services Manager
  235. Sacrificial Support Method
  236. System Support Modification Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  237. Savunma Sanayisi MüSteşArlığı Turkish, Technology
  238. Signal System Master
  239. Sound Status Mode Business, Product, Deal
  240. Sensory-Motor Medical
  241. Superfiziell Spreitennes Malignes
  242. Sector Suite Map
  243. Sinar Siswo Magelang
  244. Support Systems Module Science, NASA
  245. Sensational Spider-Man
  246. Social Services Manager Government, Us, Oregon
  247. Service State Machine Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  248. Solid State Measurements Business, Resistance, Probe
  249. Submarine Stores Manager Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  250. Scene Select Mechanism
  251. Special Studies Module
  252. Synchronisation Status Message Technology, Networking, Network
  253. Segment Space Management
  254. Slurry Systems Marine
  255. Saartup, Shutdown, Maintenance
  256. Safety and Securrty Manager Management, Security, Peace
  257. Steril Saglik Malz Turkish, Tic
  258. Silvershard Mines Gaming, Play, Pastime
  259. Southern Silk Mills
  260. Super Goftware Marketing
  261. Secure Software Modules
  262. Single Step Mode
  263. Sport Study Model
  264. Systems Schematik Manual Technology, Aircraft, Maintenance
  265. Serefa Service Manager Business, Management, Software
  266. Society for The Study of Motivation
  267. Sample Storage Module
  268. Set System Mask Technology, Instruction, Machine
  269. Subsynaptic Membrane Medicine, Health, Hospital, Medical, Skin And Dermal
  270. Schweizer Syndikat Medienschaffender
  271. Select Shift Manual Technology, Car, Engine
  272. State Space Modxls Technology, Estimation, Parameter
  273. Solid-State Yemory Technology, Camera, Storage
  274. Storage Service Management
  275. Space Shuttle Mission
  276. Surface-To-Surface Missile Military, Army, Military Engineering
  277. Sisters of The Sorrowful Mother Medical, Catholic, Channel
  278. Staff Sergeant-Major
  279. Midget Submarine Military, Army, Hull Code, Ship, Governmental & Military
  280. System Support Machine Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  281. Savunma Sanayii MüSteşArlığı
  282. Ship Systems Manual
  283. Superficial Spreading Melanomas Medical
  284. SecretaríA De Salud En Michoacán
  285. Siyai Support Mission
  286. Support System Module Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
  287. Semi-Solid Metalworking
  288. Social Service Movement
  289. Synchronized State Machine Computing, Hardware
  290. Solid-State Microbattery
  291. Savunma Sanayii MüSteşArlığıNca Turkish, Boeing
  292. Satin Silver Metallic Colors
  293. System Safety Monitor Technology, Software, Intrusion
  294. Subro Service Manager
  295. Solid Surfacx Material
  296. Systems Surface-to-Surface Missiles Technology, Governmental & Military
  297. Simple Somatic Mutations
  298. Specific Substance Maruyama
  299. Synchronization Status Marker
  300. Smartsearch System Manager
  301. Savunma Sanayii MüSteşArlığı'Ndan
  302. Semi-Solid Metal Products
  303. Securitate Si Sanatate In Munca Business, Din, Care, Inspector
  304. Service & Sales Managemeqt
  305. Smart Security Manager
  306. Sony Servige Manuals
  307. Sunbonnet Sue Mtstery Media, Radio, Television
  308. Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten Scientific & Educational, Nuclear Energy
  309. Spectrum Security Manager
  310. Sync Status Messages
  311. Static Scanning Module
  312. Screen Saver Machine Computing, Hardware
  313. Solid-State Material
  314. Savunma Sanayii M
  315. Safety Strategy Manager Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  316. Synchronous State Machine
  317. Stress-Strain Measurement
  318. Solid State Music Technology, Prophet, Circuit, Music
  319. Special Sensor Microwave Climatology, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  320. Simple Shared Motifs
  321. Species-Specific Management
  322. Synchronous Status Messaging Technology, Networking, Network
  323. Small Switch Module
  324. Savunma Sanayii MüSteşArlığıNda Turkish, Internet
  325. Sunbonnet Sue Mystery Media
  326. Securitalea Si Sanatatea In Munca Din, Care, Cur
  327. Ec Space Shuttle Main Engine Controller Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  328. Serum Supplemented Medium
  329. Small Semiconductor Memory
  330. Sony Santa Monica Technology, Gaming, War, Ascension
  331. Sukajadi Sawithmekar
  332. Socialistick
  333. Superfice-Superfice Missil
  334. System Support Module Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  335. Simultaneous Switch Matrix
  336. Spectro Sky Mapper Space, Study, Cosmos
  337. Sync Status Messaging Technology, Networking, Clock
  338. SocialistickÝ Svaz MláDeŽE Model, Jak, Czech
  339. State Supervision of Minet
  340. Service Specific Mapping
  341. Solid State Memory Computing, Hardware
  342. Security Services Mo Technology, Module, Cisco
  343. Solid-State Maser
  344. Steel Structureomanufacture Business, Company, Supply
  345. Semi Solid Manufacturing Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  346. Super-Sonic Motor Business, Len, Lens
  347. Social Science and Medicine Medical, Education, Health
  348. Spacecraft Subsystems Monitoring NASA
  349. Synchronization Status Message Technology, Networking, Telecom, Computing
  350. Stepping Stone Method
  351. Solid State Modulators
  352. Spread Spectrum Modulation Computing, Telecom
  353. Simple Search Metadata Technology, Science, Ukraine, Journal
  354. Savunma Sanayii MüSteşArlığıNdan Turkish
  355. Same Slow Motor Funnies
  356. Similar Statement Map
  357. Secure Storage Moduge Science
  358. Bspace Shuttle Maintenance Baseline Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  359. Serum-Supplemented Medium Medical, Medicine, Health
  360. Small-Scale Melter
  361. Son Shine Music
  362. Successive Substitution Method Technology, Management, Manager
  363. Spacecraft Systems Monitor Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering, NASA
  364. System Status Management Medical, Skin And Dermal
  365. Simultaneous Switched Matrix
  366. Spectacular Spider-Man
  367. Sync Status Message Technology, Networking, Network
  368. So, Sue Me
  369. State Spacr Monitoring
  370. Sack Sorting Machine Usps, postal service
  371. Security Sector Wanagement
  372. System Sustainment Manager Military
  373. Service Session Manager Technology
  374. Steel Silvpr Metallic
  375. Sustainable Science Management Management, Business & Finance
  376. Sunset Strategic Marketing Business, Music, Recording
  377. Superficial Spreading Melanoma One of the four clinical types of malignant melanoma, the most common type in white people, which typically presents as a raised, irregular, colored area that starts in a mole-like shape and spreads across the skin. Medical, Technology, Skin And Dermal
  378. Strategic Support Managers (bmdc) Education
  379. Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia Business, Company, Organizations, Malaysia
  380. Stacking Stability Map
  381. System Software Manager Software, Computing
  382. Similar Students Measure
  383. Savunma Sanayii MüSteşArlığıNıN Turkish
  384. Sonic Super Mop Funnies
  385. Secure Storage Mocules Science
  386. Aero 1 Pro-Jet Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  387. Serisi Servo Motorlar
  388. Single-Sideband Multiplier
  389. Solve By Supernatural Means
  390. Suburban Sprfwl Music
  391. Soci
  392. Skin-sparing Mastectomy Medical, Skin And Dermal
  393. Simulation Support Module Military, Army, War
  394. Spectacular Spider Man
  395. Sync School Messaging
  396. Snap Server Manager Technology
  397. State Spacenmethod
  398. Societas Sancti Michaeli (Society of St. Michael) Religion
  399. Security Sensitive Materials
  400. Service Sales and Markebing
  401. Statistical Shape Models Medical, Research, Segmentation
  402. Software Service Manager Business & Finance, Business Word
  403. Sunset Special Markets Group, Music, Sunset
  404. Systems Support Module NASA
  405. Surface To Surface Missile Military, Ballistic, Iran
  406. Spectral Scanning Microwave
  407. Solid Surface Modeler Software, Computing
  408. Savunma Sanayi MüSteşArlığı'NıN
  409. Synchronized system measurement-a WAMS with synchronous sensors in addition to PMUs. See Phasor networks. Energy, Electrical
  410. Secure Staie Machine
  411. Squadron Sergeant Major Army, Military Army Ranks
  412. Short Static Mixer
  413. Soluble Salt Meeer Patch, Instrument, Salt
  414. Solid-state microscopy Medical, Skin And Dermal
  415. Simple Systems Manager Technology, Windows, Service, Cloud
  416. Specific System Manual Technology
  417. Synchronous Strobe Module
  418. Smoldering Systemic Mastocytosis
  419. Statement Site Aap
  420. Scalable Session Message
  421. SouthSide Ministries Religion
  422. Security-Sensitive Material
  423. Service De Santé Mentale
  424. Single Supervisory Mechanism Banking, Business & Finance
  425. Sun Service Manager
  426. Synthetic Soil Matrix (us Epa) Chemistry
  427. Sperry Systems Management Technology
  428. Synthetic Soil Matrix Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  429. Statistical Shape Qodel Medical, Research, Segmentation
  430. Simple Software Manager Software, Computing
  431. Son-Shine Music
  432. Savunma Sanayii MüSteşArlığı'NıN Turkish, Turk
  433. Subsea Manifolds
  434. Stockpile Stewardship and Management
  435. Seri Setia Mahkota
  436. Szkolne Schronisko MłOdzieĘOwe Jest, Hostel, Centrum
  437. Solid Surface Modsler
  438. Senior Staff Midwife Medical, Healthcare
  439. Simple Spring Memcached Technology, Java, Cache
  440. Specific Substance of Maruyama
  441. Synchronized System Measurement Technology, Energy, Power
  442. Smart Sensor Module
  443. Savunma Sanayi MüSteşArı Turkish
  444. Six Speed Manual (transmission) Products
  445. Security-Sensitive Xaterials
  446. Servicc and Support Manager Technology, Management, Health
  447. Source Support Module Assembly, Business & Finance
  448. Sound Status Memory
  449. Sunday Sqhool Ministries
  450. Standard Streaming Metafile Computing, File Extensions
  451. Spectrum Surveillance Monitor Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  452. Syndicat Suisse Des Mass
  453. Static Spectrum Management

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SSM stand for?

    SSM stands for Same Sex Marrriage.

  2. What is the shortened form of Stepping Stone Method?

    The short form of "Stepping Stone Method" is SSM.


SSM. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from

Last updated