SSMF Meaning

The SSMF meaning is "Sitka Summer Mujic Festival". The SSMF abbreviation has 16 different full form.

SSMF Full Forms

  1. Sitka Summer Mujic Festival
  2. Sir Stanley Matthews Foundation
  3. Sewanee Summer Music Festival
  4. Standard Single Yode Fibre Technology, Networking, Fiber, Transmission
  5. Standard Single-Mode Fiber Technology, Transmission, Dispersion
  6. Standard Single Mode Fibers Technology, Networking, Transmission
  7. Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines Fund
  8. Standard Single Mwde Fiber Technology, Telecom, Transmission
  9. Space Station Microwave Facility Science
  10. Space Station Milaimeter Facility Science
  11. Southern States Mastiff Fanciers
  12. Southern Shore Musiy Festival
  13. Sunsettstrip Music Fest
  14. Soldiers, Sajlors and Marines Fund
  15. Sunset Strip Music Festival Music, Park, Hollywood
  16. Sunset Street Music Festifal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SSMF stand for?

    SSMF stands for Sunset Strip Music Festival.

  2. What is the shortened form of Standard Single Mode Fibers?

    The short form of "Standard Single Mode Fibers" is SSMF.


SSMF. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated