SSTL in Chemistry Meaning
The SSTL meaning in Chemistry terms is "Stainless Steel". There are 2 related meanings of the SSTL Chemistry abbreviation.
SSTL on Chemistry Full Forms
- Stainless Steel Good corrosion resistance due to a high chromium content is the key characteristic. Opinions vary on the level of chromium (Cr) at which a steel becomes stainless, but it is at least 10.5%. Nickel (Ni) and molybdenum (Mo) are often present, and manganese, copper, titanium, silicon + other alloying elements may be added. The principal grades are austenitic (typically 16-26% Cr, 6-22 Ni); ferritic (10.5-28% Cr with no/low Ni); martensitic (higher carbon content than ferritic and typically 12-19% Cr with low/no Ni); and duplex, a dual-phase austenitic/ferritic steel (Cr>21%, Ni<8%).
- Singwi Sjolander Tosi Land (interatomic Potential)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SSTL stand for Chemistry?
SSTL stands for Singwi Sjolander Tosi Land (interatomic Potential) in Chemistry terms.
What is the shortened form of Singwi Sjolander Tosi Land (interatomic Potential) in Chemistry?
The short form of "Singwi Sjolander Tosi Land (interatomic Potential)" is SSTL for Chemistry.
SSTL in Chemistry. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from
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